Hey guys! So here's a little Seddie story that I made today. There's going to be more, but first I want to know what you guys think of it. Feed back! I need feed back! Tell me what you thought! Good? Bad? Tell me! P.S: it going to be short! Just to let you know!

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly. If I did I would have a house of gold!

Sam Benson snuggled into the side of her husband, Freddie Benson. Her life was finally starting to fall together. Her life was perfect. She had finally married the man of her life and she was finally going to have a beautiful family. Her dream was interrupted by a small cry coming from the other room. She got up, stumbling out the door and down the hall to the infants room.

She reached the crib and leaned against it, as she peeked in. "Hey there, pretty girl."She said, brushing her hand over the baby's brown hair. "You look just like you daddy. You know that? I'm sorry he can't be here with you."She picks up the baby and walks over to the rocking chair. "It's his fault he couldn't be here. It was his decision."

She begins to rock slowly in the chair, hushing the little girl's cry. The cry soon begins to go down to a whine, and then to a small whimper.

"You miss daddy, don't you?" She looks into her deep brown eyes. "You and me, both. But he wanted to leave. He wanted to leave us." She feels the tears start to wield up in her eyes. Then they start to fall. Freddie left a few months before little Anabelle was born to fight for his county. "I'm proud of him. Without him, I wouldn't have you. I'm so thankful for you and him."

The infant's whimper was soon silent. Sam looked down to see that the little brown eyes being slowly covered by her eyelids. She softly chuckles and gets up to put her back into the crib. She goes out the room and comes back to the warm empty bed that she left. She flops down and wraps the heavy blanket around her a drifts off asleep.

She wakes up once again to her alarm clock ringing off into the distance. She reaches her hand out and smacks it with a small "SMACK" She groans as her head hits the pillow. After a moment of silent, the alarm goes off again. She hits again and turns it off. A few inches away sat a picture of Freddie, Carly, and herself in iCarly studio after their last show.

"I miss you guys." She said, softly. It was Saturday morning and today it was her lazy day. It had been 15 years since they had broken up the show. Carly went to go live with her dad, Spencer had finally gotten his life back together and married Gibby's mother (After he had finally gotten over the fact that it was his mother) and they now have baby number one on the way, And Sam and Freddie? Well, Sam was here and Freddie was off fighting his country.

Sure she missed him, but she was proud of him and what he had become. The two of them had gotten together after Carly left and started dating. They graduated together, after high school; they settled down and had Anabelle. Freddie was soon called off to Afghanistan after the news that they were pregnant. After he left Sam fell into a deep depression, she felt like she couldn't do anything without him.

And with that she was already six months along. Three more months, then their little angel would be into the world. But all of it changed when he said he had to leave. But he would be back a few months after that. It wasn't true. There's was a small knock at the door. She got up out of bed to answer it, to only find that it was the man that was in her dreams every night. The man who left to fight for their county.

Tell me what you thought! Feed back! Thanks you guys!