Hi guys! Sorry for not updating 'Nine lives, remember?', I didn't really have inspiration. So I decided to write a little oneshot. I hope you guys like it, I certainly had fun writing it!

"Okay. Ya know what to do, right?" Daryl asked, as they heard someone or something rumble in the bushes. Carol nodded and raised her gun. It was the first time he took her hunting with him, so she didn't want to screw this up. After a few seconds sounded loud moans.

"Fuck," Daryl sighed. "Ya think ya can do this?"

She looked at him for a second, and saw the trust in his eyes. He knew she could handle it. She shifted her feet a little, and looked back at him. "Yes."

They expected a walker to stumble towards them any second now, but suddenly the rumbling stopped. They waited a few moments before exchanging a confused look. Then, out of nowhere, a gunshot sounded and a loud scream followed almost immediately. Before she even knew what was going on, Daryl had pushed her onto the ground, keeping his body between her and the bushes.

"Jesus Christ!" he hissed to nobody in particular. Then he turned to look at Carol. "Ya alright?"

"I am," she whispered, hoping no one would hear them.

"Good. Stay here. I'm gonna check it out," he said.

"What? Why?"

"'Cause I want to know what the hell that was," he shrugged before getting up and slowly making his way towards the shrubs. She knew that trying to convince him it was a bad idea would only annoy him, so she let out a deep sigh and raised her gun at the bushes, waiting for what might come.

When he almost got there, something flew out of the bushes right towards him and when he jumped back, he tripped over something and fell down to the ground. At the same time, Carol let out a scream and shot at the thing flying over Daryl's head, who rolled over before getting back up. "What the fuck?!" He screamed, before running after the grey.. something that disappeared between some trees.

Then, it stayed quiet for a while. But after a few moments, just when she was about to go look where he was, another gunshot sounded. "Oh Jesus," she mumbled as tears sprang to her eyes. She hurried to where she thought it came from, and slowly, quietly looked around a large tree, expecting the worst.

There he was, alone, safe, with his back turned to her.

"Yeah, yer' a little cutie aren't ya, huh? Yes you are, yes you are," she heard him coo.

"Daryl?" She frowned, and he snapped around immediately.

"Look what I found!" He said with a smile. "It's an African Grey! I've always wanted one of those when I was little."

Then she saw what he was talking about. He held his hand in mid-air, with a large, grey parrot sitting on top of it.

"You hit her, though. But barely, the bullet only grazed her wing. I bet Hershel can patch her up in no-time."

Carol chuckled. "Her?"

"Ya see a wiener hangin' there?"

"Daryl, I don't think birds have.. wieners."

He shrugged. "Still. It's a girl. Right honey? Right? Oh yer' such a pretty little girl," he cooed at the animal which was cleaning its feathers, not paying attention to them.

Suddenly, it let out a blood-curdling scream, which made her jump. Daryl smiled. "Pretty cool, huh?"

It stayed quiet for a while, and he gently stroked the back of the parrot. Then Carol broke the silence.

"So you're keeping her?" Carol asked, raising an eyebrow. "We're not going to eat it?"

"Ssh, she understands everything ya say," he whispered.

She stared back at him, waiting for a smirk to play around his lips, but he appeared to be serious.

"Have you been drinking?" She asked cautiously.

Finally, a smile appeared on his face, as he chuckled.

"No. I'm serious. I think I'm gonna call her Carol."