"Jade what the FUCK are you doing?" Karkat was yelling at his friend. The new session was supposed to be when everything was better. But Jade was flipping her shit, trying to kill them or capture them or something. Karkat hid behind one of the weird rock structures to catch his breath. Something's wrong with her. She wouldn't be acting like this normally, Karkat thought. But what's going on?!

BARK! Oh shit, oh shit, here she comes. Turning his head, he came face to face with Jade. Only… she was different. Her skin was dark grey; she had fangs and a scowl. She never acted like this. What the fuck happened to her?! Karkat thought But before he could run, she grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.

"JADE!" he shouted through a lump that had formed in his throat. "Jade, listen to me! It's Karkat! I know you'd never act like this in your goddamn life! I know you and I know that this isn't you! I don't care how many sweeps it's been, this isn't the real Jade so stop fucking around!

She cocked her head to the side, like she was trying to listen better. "I… I helped you in the game! I've seen everything you've been through! You've never been like this, not even when you fucking died! Please, just listen and find the part of you that hasn't gone batshit insane! I know the real Jade is there!"

Suddenly, Jade dropped him. She fell to the ground and onto her knees. "No," she growled. "I won't listen anymore!" She grabbed her arms and hugged them to her body, while Karkat slowly stood and ran over to her side. "Come on, Jade. You can fight this!" he whispered through the red tears stinging his eyes. The grey began fading from her skin, only to come back a few seconds later. "I… will… not… hurt my friends!" Jade began shouting, fighting with herself, trying to gain control. "Karkat!" she yelled.

"What? What the fuck is going on?!" he shouted urgently.

"Karkat, I- I can't fight her for much longer! I need you to promise me you'll help, do whatever I need you to do!"

"Fuck this, fine, I swear, what do I do?"

"I need you to kill me," Jade said.

"What? No! No way in HELL! I can't kill you!"

"Karkat, it's the only way! She'll keep controlling me; she'll make me hurt all of you! Please, do this for me!" She pleaded with you, with tears streaming down her face, to kill her. How could he kill her? Wipe out the most radiant and best thing to happen since the whole fucked up game happened. The girl you were… flushed for. "No!" he shouted. "I can't! I could never hurt you!"

"But if you don't, everyone else will die! Because of me! I can't fight her, she's too strong. Kill me now!"

"No! I'm going to find her and I'm going to free you." Karkat said, standing up and wiping his eyes. "I'm not going to let her get away with this. Now I have a bigger score to settle." He gripped her hand quickly before letting go. "And I'm not going to stop trying. Ever. I'll stop her. Promise me you won't give up! Swear that you'll keep even a little part of you okay, a tiny part that's still the Jade I'm fl-that i know. Just promise that."

Jade looked up at him, her green eyes shimmering, but determined and resolved to at least try. "I promise. I swear! But you... you're coming back, right? You'll come back soon. I don't want to stay tike this."

"Don't even fucking consider that. I'll get you out of this shitstorm of a situation as fast as I can. okay? You'll be free and flying around in absolutely no time."

He turned and let the tears flow freely. He ran as fast as he could to the ship. He could still hear her shouting in the distance, to stay strong, to trust herself, to survive. But before the door closed, he heard her say something through the noise. I won't give in! Then the door closed fully and the ship took off.

"I know you won't, Jade. I'll fix this. I'm not letting another friend die. Especially someone like you."


yeah, i rewrote this again. i like the idea, but i'm not so into my writing.