Yeah, they're still nine, and they're boyfriend and girlfriend. Why? Because it. Is. Adorable. XD I can't be the only one who thinks that. Please tell me I'm not! XD

Disclaimer: I don't own Wreck-It Ralph.

Vanellope and Rancis sat on the branch of a candy cane tree. Rancis was leaning against the tree, his arm around Vanellope. Vanellope rested her head on Rancis's shoulder. They were enjoying each other's company as they watched the sun set and the candy cotton clouds dim.

Vanellope eventually broke the silence, "We need nicknames for each other." she stated simply.

Rancis looked down at his girlfriend, "What?"

The young racer took Rancis's arm off of her shoulder and sat up straight. She then threw one leg over the side so that one leg was on each side of the tree branch. She looked Rancis in the eye, "We need nicknames for each other."

Rancis smiled, "We already have nicknames for each other, especially me."

Vanellope rolled her eyes, "Princess and Fluggerbutt don't count. They have to be cute and sweet."

He nodded his head understandably, "Alright. Then your new nickname will be..." he looked at Vanellope thoughtfully, "...Vanny."

She raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? That's the best you got, Pretty Boy?"

Rancis smiled sheepishly, "How 'bout Pretty Girl?"

"That's the same as Pretty Boy!" she crossed her arms.

"Boy and girl are two very different words, y'know."

"Rancis, you're making this harder than it has to!"

"Alright, sorry, sorry. How about..." he paused, "Vanillasweet?"


"Yeah. Your name starts with 'Vanilla', and you're sweet. So instead of Vanellope, Vanillasweet."

Vanellope smiled and blushed, "It's perfect. Now I need one for you.

Rancis smirked and raised an eyebrow, allowing his girlfriend to think.

"...Don't make the face," Vanellope 'ordered', "I can't think of a nickname when you're looking at me like that."

Rancis pouted, "That was my best pose!"

"That's what you think," she giggled.

After a few seconds of silence, Vanellope exclaimed, "Cuddlebutter!"

Rancis held in a laugh, "C-Cuddlebutter?"

"Mm-hm. Instead of Fluggerbutter, Cuddlebutter. Replace the Flugger with a Cuddle!"

Rancis chucked, "It's perfect, Vanillasweet." he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Vanellope 'glomped' him, "Glad to hear it, Cuddlebutter."

A/N: I know it's awful and corny. . O hope you guys like it though!

Also, feel free to request VanillaButter stories, or stories with Van and Ralph; those are the two WiR FanFics that I'm best at. :D

Hope you guys enjoyed!