A/n I'm back! Sorry that I kinda gave up on it! I'm not promising a lot of updates but I will try my best to keep this going! My life has gotten 10 times crazier but I felt bad that you guys liked this story so much but couldn't read it! Ok so I am now in 9th grade. I am also going to be in my schools spring musical! So my life will definitely busier! Anyway this chapter will be short but it's something!

I woke up sweating. Oh it was just a dream!


I looked down at a text I got from Jacob. The text said:

Hey, we need to talk. Meet me at the cafe in Port Angeles in 10 minutes.

I ran up to my room throwing my phone on the couch on the way up and locking my door and throwing myself on the bed and falling asleep.

Flashback over:

I didn't see Jacob I didn't tell him my BIGGEST SECRET EVER! I didn't find out what he really was!

It was only a dream. It was only a dream. I said over and over in my head until I drifted off in to a dreamless sleep. It was only a dream.

A/n So what do you think? Any comments? Concerns? Errors in my writing? Well you know the drill!