She closed the door to the shouts and celebrations from inside of their apartment. Rory would be okay by himself while she cleared her head with a walk. It hadn't been that long ago that the two of them were celebrating the new year in the twenty first century and not the twentieth, like they were now. She closed her jacket tightly around her as she walked into the snow filled Central Park.

She walked along her favorite path that was usually empty hours before now, but because of the holiday she had ran into several people celebrating throughout the park. A cold wind blew against her as she wrapped her scarf around not only her neck but also her ears.

When she came to the fork in the road where she would normally turn right she ran into a couple kissing passionately in the middle of the path. Not wanting to ruin their celebration she deviated from her normal way and turned left to only stop almost immediately.

On the side of the road a little ways down was a dark blue police box. Her heart stopped and her breath caught. Forgetting about the cold she started to run to the box not stopping until she was standing inches from its front door.

Something was off. It wasn't the same police box and she could feel it. It was taller, the emblem on the right door was missing, and it was a darker blue. She knew it wasn't the same box, but that didn't stop her from pushing the door open.

Stepping inside rendered her immovable. It was bigger on the inside. This definitely wasn't the same Tardis that she had known, but it was a Tardis. She gathered herself together and walked into the center of the console room her grin growing more and more.

This inside looked familiar, like the desktop that the Tardis had before the one she knew, but even that was off too. Everything looked warmer, more lived in. Pacing around the console she realized that the room was warmer, compared to the lower temperature the time lord usually kept it on. The smell was also different, which surprised her. It smelled like flowers, flowers and chocolate chip cookies. The Tardis wasn't the one she knew, but it was one that was a home.

She turned as soon as she saw someone coming out of the hallway. They were carrying multiple boxes in front of them, so much that they couldn't see Amy and she couldn't see them. "Doctor, can you help me with all of the Christmas decorations that I took down from the library? I can't carry them all down to storage by myself." She started to walk down the stairs when she tripped and almost dropped the top two boxes on her pile.

Amy rushed over and took them off of her hands, and for the first time the two women were face to face. "Oh, hello," Rose said taking in the beautiful red head that just took the boxes from her. Amy studied Rose back. Her first impressions told her that she was pretty and blond and was traveling with the Doctor. Rose walked over to the seat next to the console and sat the boxes down. "Not to be rude or anything but, uh, what are you doing here?" Rose took the boxes from Amy and sat them next to the others.

"I saw the police box…and…is the Doctor here?"

"You know the Doctor?" Rose said taking Amy's coat and hanging over one of the giant coral columns.

"He's my best friend." Amy felt the shock of the whole situation disappearing and the reality of where she was hit her and she started to silently cry.

"It's okay," Rose walked over to her and gave her a large and warm hug. The girl that Amy had just met was so nice and so friendly to her. Why? All that Amy had done was to break into the Tardis and to start bawling like a little child. "I'm Rose." She said moving away from Amy but she still had her hands on Amy's shoulders supporting her. "The Doctor's my best friend too."

"Is he here? The Doctor?" Amy said wiping away her tears away with her sleeve. Rose looked at the young girl she looked so confused and lost.

"Um, not the Doctor you're looking for. I have no idea where he is. That's why we're here, we came to find him."

"We're?" Amy said as she was finally able to stop herself from crying.

"Yes, um, me and my Doctor, we're looking for him." Rose continued after seeing the confused look she was getting from Amy. "My husband, my Doctor, is a human clone of the real Doctor. You can call him John. I think he'll like it. But we were both stuck in an alternate dimension but for some reason this place and this time let us through. New York, 1941 right?" Amy nodded and Rose continued, "Anyway we came here so that we could find the Doctor. Speaking of which, DOCTOR!" She yelled.

"YEAH ROSE?!" A man's cry came from somewhere close by in the Tardis. Rose she had heard that name before. The Doctor had mentioned her before. This blond girl was Rose, Rose Tyler.

"You're Rose?" Amy said getting a closer look at the girl in front of her. "Rose Tyler?" The Doctor had talked to Amy before about all of his companions. He talked about them all fondly, like Martha Smith the brilliant, Donna Noble the amazing, and Rose Tyler. He couldn't talk about her like her could the others. She knew about all of their adventures, except for Rose's. When she would ask him about Rose the Doctor would grow quiet and his eyes would fill with sorrow. "All you need to know about Rose Tyler is that she was fantastic and brilliant and just amazing," and that is all that he would ever say about her.

"What's wrong Rose…oh." A tall man walked into the room. He was tall, had messy hair, a red t-shirt, a pair of jeans, some white trainers, and his eyes looked just like the Doctors did. "Hello, I'm the Doctor." He flashed he large grin and Amy know that this man was the clone Rose was talking about.

"Your eyes. They're the same as his." And then the full truth of what was happening and where she was truly hit Amy and she fell backwards, her world going dark.