I do not own glee nor the characters.

AU: Finn is a nice but not popular. He is focused on school and doesn't really have friends. The new school year has started and he gets to hear with who he has to do a project which they have to work on the whole year. But his partner isn't really the kind of person he wanted and expected.

Finn sat on his chair nervously. Today was the day he would hear who his project partner would be. He knew his class was with an odd number, so he hoped he had to do it alone. He didn't have friends and he actually didn't really mind. School comes first and there was nothing with could distract him from that.

He lived with his mother Carol, his little sister Marley, her new husband Burt, and his son Kurt. Him and Kurt got along pretty well. Kurt and his boyfriend Blaine were actually his only friends.

''Finn, nice to see you again.'' Mr. Schuester said when he entered the classroom.

''Hi Mr. Shue.'' Finn greeted him excitedly. ''Do you know the partners for the project yet? I don't mind being alone, I actually rather do this on my own.''

''I don't think you will be alone this year, Finn. We have a new student from New York who will be your partner.''

Finn frowned. He had to be partners with some new guy from New York? It wasn't what he wanted. But, the guy didn't know him. He was new so he didn't know that Finn was one of the biggest losers of school. Maybe this wouldn't be that bad. Maybe he'll even become good friends.

''Alright. Where is he?'' Finn asked.

''He? No Finn. It's a girl..oh, there she is.'' Mr Schue said, pointing towards the door.

Finn looked around and saw a absolutely not tall girl entering the classroom. She had black hair and her eyes were dark but amazingly covered with make-up. She was wearing short black jeans, a black tight shirt and some high black heels. Everything was just very…black. Finn just stared at her with wide eyes. She was actually really hot but he already knew that she was way out of his league.

''Uh..hi I'm Finn Hudson.'' Finn said as he extended his hand to her.

''Hi, I'm Rachel.'' The girl said, totally ignoring his hand.

Finn took his hand back and cleared his throat. ''Well, nice to meet you Rachel.''

Rachel nodded uninterested and chewed on her gum. ''Yeah sure.''

''Finn, can you lead her around the school? Thank you.'' And with that, Mr. Schue was gone.

''What a shitty town is this.'' Rachel mumbled, now for the first time looking at Finn.

''Yeah, it's pretty small. Especially compared to New York.''

Rachel didn't pay attention anymore. She was looking up and down at him while she looked disgusted.

''What the hell are you wearing?'' She said.

Finn looked down to his clothes. He was wearing some sneakers, some jeans and a striped polo. ''Clothes.'' He said goofily.

''Yeah duhh!'' Rachel sighed. ''You should wear some cool clothes! You're pretty hot but those clothes.''

Hot? Did she just call him hot?

''Anyway, are you gonna give me a tour or something?''

Finn nodded. He didn't know how to act around her. He didn't know how to act around a girl at all actually.

He showed her the whole school. Rachel seemed to be kind of interested at some points. But she acted she didn't care. Unfortunately for him, some football players were standing at the end of the hallway where he and Rachel were walking.

''Uh, let's go that way.'' Finn said, trying to get away from there.

''Why?'' Rachel looked around. ''Oh I see. You're afraid of those guys there!'' She laughed loudly and the guys noticed them.

''You don't understand.'' Finn hissed.

''Hudson.'' Patrick, the quarterback, yelled. ''Why are you walking in our hallway? You know the rules.''

Finn nodded. ''I-I'm sorry. We'll go.'' He grabbed Rachel's wrist and wanted to pull her with him, but she didn't move a muscle.

''Your hallway?'' She laughed. ''That's ridiculous.''

''Yeah hot new girl.'' Patrick smirked. ''Our hallway. And, you better not hang out with that guy. He's a nerd.''

''Who cares.'' She said, to Finn's surprise. ''It isn't your hallway and we are walking here. If you like it or not.''

She gently pushed Patrick aside and grabbed Finn's hand. ''Come on Finny. Let's go.'' She said. She pulled him with her and when they were out of sight, they stopped.

''What the hell? Do you want to make my life miserable!?'' Finn said angrily.

''What life? Listening to what other people say? Hah, no way. That's not me.'' Rachel laughed. ''I gotta go to my class now. See you later, Finny.'' She waved and walked away. Leaving a absolutely stunned Finn behind.

Did she just call him Finny? He didn't know how this girl was or anything, but he actually kind of liked her.

''I'm home!'' Finn yelled as he entered the house.

''Hi honey! I just made some coffee. Do you want a cup?'' His mother, Carol, asked.

''Yeah sure.'' Finn took off his jacket and walked to the living room where everyone was already sitting on the couch. Finn himself sat down on the chair. ''Hi.'' He greeted the rest.

''Finny!'' His little sister from 4 years old, Marley, yelled. She threw herself in Finn's arms.

Finny? He thought of Rachel who called him that today. He still didn't understand.

''Hey Marley.'' He greeted his little sister, wrapping his arms around her.

''I missed you.'' She giggled.

''I missed you too, sweetie. But I have to go to school again.''

''Will you take me to the mall next week?''

''Of course.''

Marley hooted and went back to her Barbie house.

''Here you go.'' Carol said as she handed Finn a cup of coffee. ''How was your day? Who's your project partner?''

''Great. Her name is Rachel. She's from New York.'' Finn answered, sipping his coffee.

''Rachel?'' Kurt questioned. ''That new girl?''

''Yeah, indeed.''

Kurt frowned but didn't ask anything else. Finn knew he had seen Rachel. He must have. He also already knew what he thought about her. But he didn't care. He kind of liked Rachel and she wasn't that mean to him. Besides, he had to spend a lot of time with her this year and he was looking forwards to it.

A/N: Just some idea what came into my mind. What did you think of it? Should I continue? Let me know if I should or not. xoxo