
Hey guys! I feel bad for posting this! I should've done Haytar96's first but… I had this idea and I had to post this! Sorry for the wait for my other stories! But I'm getting there I promise! It's just that I typed this on my phone as I was waiting for our car to be fixed… so sorry for the mistakes!

Disclaimer: I don't own a darn thing…

"Isn't it just perfect outside?" Tony glanced up at Pepper. She had her arms out and her head was held high. He looked at her and smiled.

"If you really think so..." Pepper's arms plopped to her side. Turning on her heels she pouted. "What?"

"You are just so impossible you know that Tony? It's always on that dang little pod!" Pepper marched forward and with one quick swipe, the pod was in her hands. Tony glanced at his empty hands and looked up surprised.

"HEY! Give that back!" He cried. Tony sprang off the crate and chased after her on the roof. She would occasionally squeal when Tony found her, but most of the time she was the better runner.

Finally Pepper waved her white handkerchief in the air where she was hiding. "I surrender... I... Surrender." In defeat she held out her hands. The pod gently sat on her flushed palms. Tony, too, was exhausted. He hasn't expected a chase like that but at the same time he didn't expect her to give up so easily.

Smiling, he boldly walked up to her and snatched the pod out of her hands. "And I... Win." Pepper glanced up at him with a smirk. She suddenly kicked his legs. With a yelp Tony fell to the ground.

"I... Win." Tony pulled her as well, so she was on top of him. They were laughing. Suddenly Pepper was looking at Tony and he was doing the same. There was complete silence. That or the two err engulfed in each other's eyes. As the two leaned forward a sudden gust of wind stopped them.

A small black helicopter hovered over them. The sheer air of the chopper blew their hair back and the quickly got off each other.

"Pepper stay behind me." Tony said. His eyes were stone cold and he held an arm out as if he was blocking anything from hitting Pepper.

"Tony I'll be fine. Just..." Tony glared at her.

"Pepper. Stay. Behind. Me." She obliged with fear. This must be serious if he was acting like this. Tony only did this when he was talking to or about Obadiah.

The chopper wasn't doing anything. It was just hovering over them blasting its powerful air. Tony stood his ground, his hands clenched into fists, face determined, and head held high. Pepper did stay behind Tony but she wasn't sure what the reason was. It was probably a news helicopter... Those people are everywhere after all. But they usually aren't in those small 2-seated ones, nor does one of them hold out a gun pointed at a civilian. It was really serious. A gun was serious.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Tony shouted up at the man. That's when the tiny chopper slowed down and came to land on top of Tomorrow Academy's roof. After the blades stopped rotating the man dropped in all black stepped out. How classic.

He was not short but he wasn't tall. He was an average height a female would be, 5'8". Tony was taller than that man by a couple of inches. He was, as said before, covered in black. His jeans were dark black and were shining. His black pointed shoes shined with every step he took. It wasn't his body that scared Pepper, it was his hands.

They were dark and calloused as if he spent his whole life in a welding armory. Pepper flinched away and lightly placed her hands on Tony's shoulder, hoping that the man wouldn't look at her with his dead black eyes.

"Who are you?" Tony repeated. But his voice was dulled, he was scared.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." The man stopped about 3 feet from Tony and crossed his arms across his buff chest.

"What do you want?" Tony tried. The man chuckled, as if he was amused with the fear irradiating from Tony and Pepper.


"What? What do you mean?"

"My boss wants me to get you. He says that you're important and that he wants to talk to you." Tony stood stunned, but he slowly shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't like being used. That and I'm not a fan of going with strangers. My mom always told me this: stranger danger." The man sighed, shaking his head with frustration.

"Look kid, either you come with me the easy way or the hard way." But Tony didn't budge. "Alright then. The hard way it is." The man quickly pulled out a tazer.

"Oh poop." Tony fell to the ground unconscious. Pepper yelped and stood still. As the man approached Tony, he glanced at her and then at his tazer.

"I don't need to use this on you a presume?" She nodded. Nodding quickly the kidnapper threw Tony over his shoulder and walked towards the helicopter.

"You follow us somehow or tell anyone, he's going to die." Suddenly the roof door opened. Rhodey was reading a book as he slurped his soda.

"I really hope when I look up you two aren't having a love feast." He teased. When Rhodey looked up however, both the book and soda spilled onto the floor. "What the? Pepper? Tony? Wait... TONY!" As the Pepper was distracted the man had already hopped into the helicopter and was taking off.

"TONY!" Rhodey cried. He ran towards the helicopter. But it was too late. Tony was too far to reach.

Soon enough the helicopter was out of their sights too.

That was it. He was gone. Rhodey spun on his heels and grabbed Pepper's shoulders. He gave her a good shake, getting her back down to Earth.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" He yelled. Pepper closed her eyes and shook her head.

"We were just playing around with Tony's pod. Then we..." She remembered how they were on the floor. Blushing brightly, she cleared her throat. "We just were talking about life and then the helicopter showed up! And then that guy tazed Tony! And... And... Now he's gone..."


"AH!" Tony woke up suddenly. His eyes scanned the room. It was bleached white room. Everything was white. The table, the bed, the sheets, the counter, everything. In fact, Tony was the only that was colorful in the room. A click indicated that a door had opened. But where the door was a mystery.

The "invisible" door opened and 3 people stepped in. A man in all white, how ironic, and two other men in black. Bodyguards.

"Hello Tony Stark. Welcome to my dwelling. Well, actually we won't keep you long. I just want to talk." Tony stood up suddenly. As the blood rushed out of his head, Tony stumbled to hold the bed frame from falling over.

"Oh! Do be careful! Please." The man snapped his fingers and the bodyguards rushed forward. They took Tony's arms and carefully led him to the white table and white chairs.

"Who are you?" Tony asked groggily. Oh he hated tazer. They messed with his head and heart monitor. He was only tazed once when he was kidnapped for the first time. That was when he was about 15 years old. The tazer sunk into his skin, metaphorically, and literally took the life out of him. He was out cold for more than 2 days.

"I'm Stinger. My real name is Samuel, but I rather go by Stinger. If you'd like, call me Sam." Tony just gave him a dead look.

"Why am I here?" Sam chuckled.

"You must find this cheesy but, well, you are the chosen one." Tony did find it cheesy. In fact, it was so funny that he burst out laughing.

"The chosen one?! Me?!" He continued laughing. When he looked at Sam, he had to stop. He wasn't kidding; Tony was the "chosen one."

"Yes. The chosen one. I don't see why it was of great humor to you. Only one every hundred years is chosen for this. You should not take this lightly. In fact, you don't have a choice Tony."

"The cops could arrest you for this you know." Tony replied. His knuckles had turned completely white, from gripping the chair. This was weird. He didn't know the man, he didn't know why he was here, and he didn't even know what was going on!

"No one knows about us Tony." Sam got up. He was had such straight posture, position, it was as if he was a king.

Sam got behind Tony, and put his hands on his shoulder. Tony tensed up. What was Sam doing? It was as if he was: massaging his shoulders?! Strangely it felt very good. Instantly, Tony was at ease.

"There isn't a reason for you to be here Tony. I'm your master now. You come here everyday. You'll know where to find us, I know you know where we are too. Now relax. I'll show you what will happen everyday that you're here." Tony did what his "master" said. He relaxed and let Sam do what he had to do. He felt a hand slither under his shirt. A firm palm was placed on the center of his back.

"Close your eyes Tony." Tony didn't want to. He was freaking out... But for some strange reason his body wasn't coping with his fear. Tony was officially under Sam's control. He closes his eyes.

Instantly a bright light covered his eyelids. Tony gasped but heard Sam muttering never to open his eyes until he said so.

As the light grew Tony was suddenly placed in a meadow field. It was absolutely beautiful. Mountains surrounded the center of the long, silky, grassy field. The sun shined right above his head; it was the perfect amount of heat. Tony felt extremely happy. It swelled in his chest so much that he screamed out it delight. He took off into the field and let his hands run across the soft blades of grass. This was heaven, it was perfect.

Suddenly the light disappeared. Tony heard a voice telling him to open his eyes. As Tony did, he remembered everything that happened and even where he was. "What just happened?" He heard a chuckle.

"This is what will happen everyday you come here. Remember you don't have a choice, you have to come here and the moment you don't." Tony yelped. A needle was stuck into his neck. He felt a burning liquid enter his system and then it was simply gone.

Tony reared up on the guy. He jumped off the chair and towered over Sam. "What did you give me?!" Sam held his hands up in defense.

"I merely gave you a motivation. Any day you don't show up, or anytime you are late... Lets just say it won't be pleasant. Now show up here tomorrow at 7:00 pm." Sam turned around. He put his hands in his pockets. As he headed out the door he said, "Don't be late."

The two bodyguards took his arms and led Tony to another door. "You're lucky punk." One said. "Don't disappoint the boss." And with that they shoved him into the deep, cold, dark ocean water.