Well, I think its time for me to try to write a little short story. Perhaps it would gain attention, perhaps it would not. No matter, I have a plan to use this story no matter the results from fans.

It will allow me to take my own look at the Jurassic Park dinosaurs, and try to throw something new onto the field. I've seen the movies and read the books, and read the excellent Jurassic Park: The Legacy of Site B, and feel as though I can do something with this little plot bunny I have

This verse will take elements from the book and the film as I see fit. For example, Isla Nublar will be more like the Book version while Hammond will take more after his movie counterpart.

But enough of this, to the story, or at least the prologue.

In the 1970's, an eccentric old man named John Hammond formed a little company called Ingen. It started as a company that focused on the basic little quirks of genetic engineering: better crops and more environmentally friendly pesticides, but its goals had always been, bigger.

In the very early 1980's, after an experiment with a piece of amber by recently appointed head scientist Doctor Henry Wu,who had taken over after his professor's untimely death, extracted the DNA of a prehistoric creature from the DNA, later identified as a Hypsilophodon.

This discovery made Hammond have a grand idea. Build a park to showcase these creatures to the world. He had originally planned to do it in San Diego, but after having a nightmare when a tore the city apart, he decided some...isolation was best.

He purchased two islands from the Costa Rican Government. The first, Isla Nublar, was to be made into the park, while the second, Isla Sorna, was to be used to breed and field test them.

Over the proceeding decade, Ingen bought up massive stocks of pre existing amber. While only 1 percent of the amber would have the mosquito or other blood sucking insect they needed, they bought so much amber that it was not all that much of an issue.

After Ingen managed to obtain several Amber Mines, they no longer needed to buy up such a large percentage of the world's amber, though they retained several staff who'd go around and buy any individual amber pieces they could that contained insects.

Excess amber would then be sold to help fund the Jurassic Park project.

As the species available to them began to increase, they began to increase their methods for breeding and rearing them. Species whose behavior seemed to be similar to what the creatures were presumed to possess, such as Cows for Hadrosaurs and Secretary Birds for large Therapods, were brought in to teach them behavior. Some creatures were not able to find a parent, such as one of their last creations, the Velociraptors.

No matter what, they would never be authentic dinosaurs, pulled from 65 million years ago. They would be genetically made dependent on Lysine, had DNA gaps filled with a mixture of frog DNA's (Chosen because some member of the Board of Directors decided it was cheaper), kept only female, and genetically engineered to require less food than normal.

Over time, over two hundred different species of Dinosaur, as well as a few members of the families of the Pterosaurs, and even the DNA of a sea dwelling Mosaur, were found. So many famous species DNA were found that Hammond started to believe God was on his side.

Others, just thought that the Hammond family, who had made their millions with stock markets and some bootleging, were just blessed with the luck of the devil.

With the original Jurassic Park, it was decided to focus on the most famous of dinosaurs, such as Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Tyranosaurus Rex and Maisaurus, as well as their first Dinosaur they had gotten DNA from and cloned: Hypsilophodon. They also brought some less species that were determined to exist peacefully with these creatures, such as Compsognathus, Othneila, Microceratops and Gallimimus.

Many species only existed on Sorna, many of whom were not famous enough to exist on the park and didn't really coexist well enough with more famous creatures to be worth it. Some, such as Anklosaurus and Pachycephlosaurus, were still being bred and raised. A few their paleontologists on staff couldn't recognize, and were probably new species. Once the park was open, they'd announce their discovery, and the world would know species like Muldoonraptor (A larger, more anti social version of the Velociraptor) and Nedrysaur (Perhaps the most hideous and laziest dinosaur in existence)

In a decision game warden Robert Muldoon would later refer to as 'the greatest idiodic choice ever made by man', well aside for naming a creature he loathed after him, some creatures who Hammond called 'interesting' were also brought to the park. The poison spitting Dilophosaurus, and the rather vicious, intelligent and vaguely disturbed Velocirpator.

Amazingly, Hammond actually later agreed with Muldoon, and while he would not budge on the Dilo's, he began considering what to do with the really expensive, and utterly dangerous Velociraptors.

Then, came that night in 1993.

After a Velocirpator Homicide, a trio of experts were sent to the park to tour it and give it a thumbs up. These three: Chaos Mathematician Ian Malcolm, Paleontologist Alan Grant and Paleobotanist Ellen Sattler, joined by the grandchildren of Hammond, toured the island and, aside for Malcolm, who didn't like the idea of the park and probably never would, seemed to be in the midst of agreeing with it.

Then Nedry betrayed them as a storm hit the island.

Having been bought by controversial Biosyn, he attempted to steal some the embryos kept on Isla Nublar, done so as a precaution in case of disaster on Isla Sorna. He caused the computer systems to shut down, including the fences, and tried to escape.

He was eaten for his efforts.

The resulting chaos resulted in multiple fatalities, forcing the island to shut down.

There was talk about restarting the project, after the lawsuits were settled (They were able to prove Nedry had caused the situation to mitigate the financial repercussions, via a data track the deceased Ray Arnold had given to the surviving John Hammond, but still had to pay a few million a piece), having obtained several new DNA strands to test and having just bred. But then a Hurricane hit, and the Dinosaurs were not expected to have survived both the storm and the resulting Lysine problem. Hammond was forced by his company to forget about Site B, and focused on Amber mine profits, along with genetically altered plants.

Then a family of obnoxious British people landed on the island and had their daughter mauled by Compys.

This news greatly surprised the company, and using infrared satellite tracking, found that their were many species still left on the Island, over 50% of them. Over time, they had found their own niches on the island: in the dry fern forests and grasslands of the southern or the lust rainforests of the Northern parts of the island, divided by the dormant volcano which produced the islands power supply, and still possibly doing so.

The New CEO of Ingen, Peter Ludlow, decided to take Dinosaurs from Sorna to fill the nearly complete but desolate San Diego complex. After all, they were owned by Ingen.

Hammond, who was no longer in charge, disagreed on a moral point, and under the understanding that after last time, his creations should be left alone, on an island too far for them to escape.

Each side sent two teams: one to capture and the other to document them to get public opinion on Hammonds' side. Resulting complications caused a majority of Ludlow's minions to be eaten. Then, Ludlow proved himself to truly be Hammond's kin by the utterly stupid decision to bring a Tyranosaurus to San Diego.

The resulting incident revealed Isla Sorna's existence to the world, killed hundreds of people including Ludlow, caused millions of dollars in property damage, and had the U.N form a international task force to blockade the island in an attempt to keep people from going in, or anything from going out.

On the positive side, Malcolm, who had led Hammond's team just to get his girlfriend off the death trap, married her and they have stayed together ever since.

The arrival to the island had revealed several, interesting realities about the island, mostly found by Sarah Malcolm, then Harding. The Frog DNA, which had caused the Dinosaurs to be able to change gender and breed, had also altered each individual enough to create genetic diversity. Though there were just simply not enough of most large Theropod predators to sustain them after a few generations, bar the Tyranosaurus Rex's, which were found early and were popular enough to warrant a few dozen.

Second, the animals had survived because there were large sources of Lysine sources available to them. Lysine rich plants, such as soy and lima beans, and feral, lysine rich livestock, such as the herds of cows, schools of native Catfish and flocks of chickens that had been kept on the island to feed the dinosaurs, had gone feral and ran wild across the island.

Particularly the cows helped to keep the grass from getting so high, as grass was inedible by dinosaurs. In addition, the plants the Dinosaurs could eat, such as the Ferns and the Beans, were all genetically altered Ingen versions, which grew much more rapidly and bred faster, feeding the large masses of herbivores better than what nature intended.

Third, a majority of the Carnivores nested in the interior of the island, while most of the Herbivores and Omnivores roamed around the island at will. This seemed to be a result of territory and protection for their young.

Fourth, much of the native environment had remained in tact. While not all represented, many species of fish, bird, reptile and mammal from the mainland were found on the island. Caimans, Pelicans, Sea Gulls, Sea Turtles, Coatis, Armadillos, Mice, Rats, Opossums Milk Snakes, White Haired Capuchin Monkeys Kinkajous, Bats and Rabbits, existed on the island, either taking advantage of the isolation to breed peacefully or filling niches of animalTs who had not been cloned, such as that of Mezoic mammals, crocodilians and birds.

The Dinosaurs, on the other hand, filled in positions of other members of their food chain, such as Jaguars.

Fifth, Malcolm's team photographer Nick Van Owen had taken a photo of a supposedly extinct Golden Toad, a Costa Rican species that had suddenly went extinct in the 80's. As they were not native the islands, or even the nearby coast, a Ingen Scientist had probably obtained DNA from them and cloned a new population in the Sorna mountains. Attempts by Amphibian enthusiasts to get permission to photograph and study this new population were repeatedly rebutted.

They were left alone for four more years without known contact with the outside world.

Then, after an incident when a illegal para sailing group got attacked by creatures unknown and several people died trying to get the survivor off the Island, international groups set up funds for a team to fully monitor Site B and it's wildlife.

This group, headed by the Malcom family (well, really Sarah, but Ian was there to, to try and keep her from building a cabin there for summer getaways to real life monster island), did the impossible and had a fatality free incursion to the island to place several a thousand, long lasting video cameras on the island, even in areas that were rather...dangerous.

But, perhaps the Raptors enjoyed becoming part of Animal Planet's biggest TV show, who payed for the rights to use the video for a program by funding the Isa Sorna observation commission, as the Raptors left it alone.

Then again, these Raptors looked rather different, and had feathers. The old, scaly kind seemed to have vanished. The other raptors were less...mindlessly violent.

Over a period of a few years, observation of the island revealed what extinct species of Ingen's make existed on the island at the present time, not counting the Ingen exclusive.

The Theropod and Dromeasaur predators . Existing in small, unsustainable numbers from the Ingen list were a small pack of frog DNA lacking Allosaurus in the South, a breeding pair of Metriacanthosaurus in the North, a similar pair of Yangchuanosaurus in the south and asingle Gigantosaurus in the North, . The sustainable apex predator Tyranosaurus Rex would see the future with smaller predatory Therapods like the poisonous Dilophosaurus, fish eating Baronyx and Suchomimus, the new, feathered Velociraptors (no sign of the old ones), egg stealing and small predatory raptors Oritholestes, Oviraptor and Troodon, scavenging Compsognathus, camouflaging Carnotaurs, and mid class predator Ceratosaurus. Early bird relatives Microraptor and Archaeopteryx existed in small numbers in the Northern forests. Therapod omnivores herbivores on the island includes Gallimimus in the South and Ornithomimus in the North. A similar species, Thescelosaurus, was presumed extinct on the island, as well as other missing species of carnivore such as Albertasaurus, Herrasaurus, Proceratosaurus, Seigasaurus and Utahraptor.

Theropod like Herbivores, Dryosaurs and other smaller herbivores did not hold as well. While Pachycephlosaurus and Hypsilophodonts were common in the south, Dryosaurs were rare in the Northern part of the island, Othniela only had one small family group in the south that lived around a Hypsilophodont herd, the huge clawed Therizinosaurus existed in a small herd in the Island's north, Incisivosaurus only inhabited the island's northern peninsula, and a scant few Homalacephale lived around the Pachycephlosaurus . Many of the other species did not survive the 8 years of equilibrium, such as Microceratops, Gravitholus and Callvosaurus.

Hadrosaurs bred well, and this helped them survive their frequent predation well. Ingen bred nine species, and six could be found in the island, grazing in large herds like modern Serengeti zebra, gazelle, antelope and other mixed species. Saurolophus, Maisaurus, Edmontosaurus, Lambeosaurus Corythousaurus and Parasaurolophus moved around the island in huge herds, eating and nesting together while grazing their individual niches in the plants. Hadrosaurs, Brachylophosaurus, and Hypocrosaurus were not seen and were presumed extinct.

Iguanadonts had had about four of its genus living on the island when Igen had been there. However, only the originally described genus of Iguanadon,Muttuburasaurus and Ouranosaurus still roamed the island, as the genus Altirhinus was not to be found.

Ceratopsians had a few lasting genuses. Triceratops were found across the island, though mostly in the south. Styracosaurus and Chasmosaurus existed in smaller numbers in the south, while Protoceratops had populations in the north, where the cows were less plentiful to compete with them. Torosaurus, Leptoceratops, and Centrosaurus herds were no longer seen.

Sauropod were well represented with several herds of Apatasaurus, Diplodocus, Camarasaurus, Brachiosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, and Titanosaur roaming the island. Earlier Plateosaurus had not been located.

Stegosauria had not faired well, with only the famous Stegosaurus remaining. Kentosaurus, Yingshansaurus and Wuerosaurus were extinct once again.

Anklysaurid had all three species present: with Ankylosaurus living on its own while smaller Polecanthus andEuoplocephalus existing alongside Iguanadon and Hadrosaur herds for mutual protection.

Few Pterosaur species remained, due to competition from birds. Those that remained were large species, such as the Pterodon and Quetzalcoatlus.

A single super sized Mezoic crocodile species, Deinosuchus, was seen on the island.

Finally, Ingen's only sea reptile species, Tylosaurus, was seen around the reefs of coral that existed off the island.

The last four caused quite the large amount of concern, even after it was revealed that the species seemed to stay within a sizable distance of the island, or in the case of the Deinosuchus, mainly inhabited the rivers and lakes of Sorna.

While Henry Wu revealed that they had placed on their power grid the equivilant of a electric fence tied to the older generation of animals via chips, and while the older animals were still affected, younger animals probably just didn't leave due to a lack of sizable food for them outside the occasional whale, the navies were still given a shoot on sight order for any of them.

And they still kept finding out new species were still alive, as they only first spotted Homalacephele a month ago.

They even caught sight of the island's sole Spinosaurus, a creature that Ingen did not have on its official list, killed by a herd of Triceratops on the island's Northern Coast during broadcast year 2.

The group managed to obtain the carcass via the aid of marines, which revealed something disturbing.

The creature had no Lysine Deficiency, and had had been created only three years prior to the incident involving Alan Grant being duped to return to the most dangerous place on earth.

Several years after Ingen left the island.