Bella's POV

Edward Left Four months ago a small part of my is glad but a much bigger part of me is depressed and desperate for that kind of relationship again. I have slowly come to accept that he won't be back after months of sleeping with my window open or staring out at the yard waiting for hi to just appear at the tree line. Todayis the day that it is all going to change today is the day I will let go of him, I've never real put muchn stock in love or anything like that but i guess that is expected after living between people that have split and no longer talk my entire life.

As my alarm rand that morning a bubble of excitment formed in my gut something was going to change today I don't no what or if it a good thing either way I knew I would have to get out of my bed and find out. Slowly I climbed out of my bed and slid my legs into a pair of tight fitting blue jeans the kind that maden my butt look great, I walked into my closet and grabbed the closest shirt a long sleeve tight white shirt that showed quite alot of cleavage. It wasn't somethig I would normally wear but today was a day for change.

I trotted down stairs with an unusual amount of grace I found Charlie in the kitchen reading a newspaper and drinking a coffee, he glanced up as I all but skipped into the kitchen he raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He was curious as to my change in mood but didn't want to push the issue in fear of another down fall.

"Good morning daddy" I called in a singsong voice as I poured my own cup of coffee. I turned to look at Charlie when I didn't get a responce, one look at him and I burst out laughing his eyes were almost popping out of his head and his eyebrows had shot well into his hair line. Once I startede laughing Charlie got this goofy looking grin on his face and twinkly of mischeif in his eye, I could tell he was cooking up something to get me back for laughing at him. I raised one eyebrow and put a cocky smirk on my face and said "I wouldn't even try it Dad.".

I skipped out of the kitchen leaving a very shocked Charlie in my wake I called over my shoulder that I was going to go see Jake a childhood friend that I my dad secretly wants me to marry although it's not that secret I figured his agenda out a long time ago. I jump in my old beat up truck feeling like a new person and drummed my hands on the stearing wheel humming out loud the whole way to the La Pushn res. It seemed like only minutes later that I pulled up out side the little red cottage that the Black's have owed for as long as I can remember. I hoped out of the truck and jogged up the little rocky path to the front door suprising myself when I didn't trip or stumble on that path. I knoked on the door and waited for it to open, Billy suddenly ripped the door open and peered up at my wearily,"Hi Bella. What can I do for you?" Billy asked.

"I'm Just after Jake I thought we could hang out today?" I replied

"Jake's not in but I'll get him to call you." he said closing the door as he spoke.

There was something about the way he spoke to me like he was dismissing me as if I was some stranger and not someone he has know for a long time.

"Ok I'll wait here for him then." I replied not letting it go because I could tell by the weriness that he was showing that something has changed drasticly in theast couple weeks. I guess this was what the feeling I was having this morning.

Billy stuttered a bit before responding "I don't no how long he will be so you should probably head home."

I narrowed my eyes suspisionsly at him before I caught something out of the corner of my eye, I turned my head ever so slightly to see what it was. What I saw suprised my and devistated me more then I thought possible.