General authors note I wanted to put out:

I made this account a few years ago and greatly enjoyed posting here until the students at my school found my account. Now in college I am rewriting and finishing most of my stories and adding some new ones. I have missed you all please enjoy my writing!

The two dark haired boys sat in homeroom, desks turned to face one another. Misaki glanced down from his phone and noticed the other's notebook. He set down his phone with a sigh.

"Hearts and his name again?"

"I'm just trying to psych myself up. I told you, I'm going to confess to him today on our way out of school! He and his friends hang out if the court yard for a while before they head home. That's when I'll capture him! He can't say no!" Shinobu exclaimed, with an inexplicable gusto.

"Capture? He's not an animal. Besides, I still think this is a bad idea," Misaki rubbed his forehead. "Even if it was safe in this school, I mean did you see what happened to the last kid that came out? He had to transfer, Miyagi is a senior, we're freshmen. He's not going to go for it. At worst, he'll think you're a stalker."

"Who knows? Maybe he's noticed me too. Maybe he just didn't know how to make the first move!"

I doubt it, Misaki thought to himself.

The two walked into the lunchroom, and Shinobu's eyes immediately locked on the older student. The boy turned to Misaki.

"Come with me!"

"No way! I don't even think you should do it! I don't want to help you do this to yourself." Misaki shook his head, waving his arms in front of him.

Shinobu, however didn't listen and grabbed his friend by the arm, dragging him over to the table where three seniors were engaged in some complex looking game of three way chess. Misaki immediately noticed a pair of silver eyes studying him.

"Um, excuse me, Miyagi senpai," Shinobu began much to his friend's dismay. "I'm Shiabu. We've never really met, but I always see you around school, and I was wondering, if you would like to go out this weekend? I thought, maybe we could go to the movies or something like that."

"Liste, kid. I don't know you and you don't know me. If you did, you would know I like girls, so get lost." He turned his attention back to the game.

While Shinobu attempted to protest his rejection, One of the other students opted to speak to MIsaki.

"Hello, I'm Usami Akihiko, and you are?"

"M-me? I'm Misaki Takahashi," he stammered, not expecting, nor originally wanting to be acknowledged.

"You're a freshmen,like your friend, right?"

Misaki nodded.

"I know Mr. Lorenzo, the geometry teacher is a killer, and a lot of people struggle in first year English, and I would be more than happy to tutor you," Akihiko purred.

"That's so kind of you!"Misaki blushed slightly.

"Great, let me see your hand," he said, pulling out a pen.

Misaki hesitantly placed his small hand in Akihiko's large cool ones, the older quickly wrote something on Misaki's arm.

"That's my cell phone number. Call or text me whenever," Akihiko said with a wink.

"T-thanks. D-do you want my number too?"" Misaki stammered.

"That'd be great," Akihiko handed him the pen, and offered him his arm. Misaki paused then wrote his number on the back of Akihiko's hand.

"Cool," Akihiko said. "I'll call you later on tonight. But feel free to call or text me before then, if you have any questions, or just want to talk."

That some moment, Shinobu realized his confession to Miyagi had fallen on deaf ears. He turned to his friend, fire and determination still gleaming in his eyes. "Come on Misaki, let's leave these jerks alone," without waiting, Shinobu spun on his heels and stomped away.

Misaki glanced at Akihiko, looking torn.

"You don't have to follow him. There's plenty of room at our table. If you want I can walk you home. We could even stop for dinner on the way."

"I wish I could," the boy smiled. "But I'm afraid I have to get home and cook dinner."

"Oh, maybe some other time then?"

"Of course!" then Misaki paused. "Only I usually cook dinner every night."

"Alright then," he said, visibly disappointed, "But my offer still stands. You have my number if you ever change your mind."

"Maybe you could come over some time," MIsaki blurted out, without even thinking. Immediately, he turned cherry red. "S-sorry. You don't have to you if you don't want to. I know it's hardly anyone's idea of a fun evening."

"Actually, that sounds great."

"Misaki!" Shinobu snapped. "I said we're leaving!"

He gave Akihiko one last look then ran to catch up with his friend. "I-I'll call you tonight," Misaki called over his shoulder.

When they were well out of earshot, Hiroki spoke. "Why did you humor that freshman like that, Akihiko?"

"Who said I was humoring him? If I recall correctly, I made the first move." the man replied with a devilish grin. He returned his attention to their game. "I believe it is your move."

"You can't seriously be interested in a brat like that?"

"I won't know until I get to know him, besides, he's cute and he seems nice."

"His friend seems a bit obsessive though," miyagi pointed out. "So I'd be careful, even if he really is nice, his friend might be up to something."

"Like what? Don't tell me you're afraid of some little freshmen." He laughed.

"I'm not afraid. He just doesn't come across as very friendly."

"Well, if you were afraid, you're the one who turned him down, miyagi, so you're the one he's going to be mad at."

"Give me a break, Akihiko. I couldn't date him for… obvious reasons."

"Miyagi is right, Akihiko. That boy's a freshmen! You're a senior! He's lucky if he's fifteen! You're almost eighteen!" Hiroki criticised.

Akihiko rolled his eyes. "Takano's nineteen, and Ritsu just turned fifteen."

"But shouldn't you date another senior? Hiroki said, desperately.

"Not interested in anybody in our grade."

"Why not?"

"I'm just not. In fact, this is the first time anyone's caught my eye since Takahiro dropped out two years ago," Akihiko smiled. "I can't wait to call him tonight."

"Whatever. Enjoy your new boy toy. Let's just play."