This isn't my best work and I am sorry for that but there is a reason. It is because I have been working on this in the living room, on the computer, with people around and normally I write in the solitude of my room so I have been distracted. I really hope my laptop will get fixed soon. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

"A MASKED BALL! Are you kiddin' me?!" Yusuke shouted at the blue haired girl in front of him. "I ain't goin' to no ball, let alone a masked one," he stated with his arms folded stubbornly. Hiei, Kuwabara and Kurama also stood in the room as Boton explained their next mission.

"It's not all that bad Yusuke! And besides you have no choice but to go, after all it's your job. All of you are going by the way," Boton said while pointing to the rest of the group. "Here's the invitations to get in," she said while giving out fancy purple envelopes. "I will meet you all here at four o'clock tomorrow. See you then," she smiled and walked away leaving them in Kuwabara's living room.

Yusuke sighed and flopped down on the chair behind him. "I don't see what you are so frustrated with Yusuke. Balls can be fun," Kurama said trying to cheer his team mate up. That was when Hiei opened the window he was sat on and jumped out of it, into the pouring rain, landing on a building across the street. "Well I guess I'd better get going as well. Thank you for the tea Kuwabara," Kurama gratefully said as he put on his coat and grabbed his umbrella.

"Your welcome Kurama. See you tomorrow," Kuwabara smiled goofily.

"See you Kurama," Yusuke said as Kurama walked out of the apartment. When Kurama got out side of the tower of flats he saw a soaking wet Hiei standing in front of him.

"Took you long enough," Hiei said in his normal cold tone and began to walk ahead.

"It's your own fault for jumping out of the window. You could've walked out with me and said goodbye to our friends," Kurama slightly smiled as he spoke and walked with the short man putting up his umbrella so the fire demon didn't any more wet than he was.

"You mean your friends," Hiei corrected but Kurama knew better. He knew that Hiei did think of them as his friends.

Kurama walked into his house after telling Hiei to meet him at his bedroom window. When he got to the kitchen he found a note from his mother:

Dear Shuichi,

I am going shopping and I wont be back for a few hours. There is an instant meal in the freezer if you want anything to eat while I am gone. I wont be long, only a few hours. See you later.

I love you.

From Mum

'Alone time with Hiei, finally' Kurama thought as he made his way up the stairs to let in the grumpy fire demon.

When Kurama let Hiei in his room he lent Hiei some of his clothes. A black shirt and some jeans but since the jeans didn't fit properly Hiei took them off and just used the black shirt as a nightie. Hiei shivered still and hugged himself to try and warm up faster. Kurama smiled down at his team mate.

"Cold Hiei?" Kurama said in a teasing tone although he tried not to. Hiei glared up at the fox demon.

"So?" the fire demon snapped. But Kurama only snaked his arms around Hiei and pulled him down to the bed. "What are you doing!? You stupid fox," Hiei almost shouted in surprise.

"Holding you," Kurama stated and rubbed his nose into Hiei's chin, giving it a soft kiss. Hiei still tried to get away.

"Why?" Hiei asked simply after calming down into his partner's embrace, realising he didn't want to get away. Kurama twisted his body so they were both facing each other. The red eyes of the fox demon gazed into the other dark orbs. Kurama decided this was the perfect time to tell his most treasured secret.

"Because I love you, Hiei," Kurama said gently, his voice filled with love. Kurama turned his face away ready for the horrible reaction which would tear out his heart and soul. Hiei got up and pulled his fox demons face towards his own.

"Good," Hiei's voice was for once happy. "Because I love you too," Kurama's eyes widened at the words that had just been said but then grinned ear to ear as Hiei pushed his soft lips into his own. Kurama slid his arms around the smaller demons waist as he pulled him closer. "I love you, my Kurama," Hiei said as Kurama deepened the kiss.

"I love you so much, my Hiei," Kurama whispered into Hiei's mouth. After a few minutes they both broke away for air. No more words were needed to be said as they both looked into each others eyes. Both of their hearts pounded rapidly, their heads spun and everything, for once, seemed perfect. They were both thinking the same thing by the end of the kiss, only two words flew through their brains and hearts. 'Your mine'.

I am wondering if I should carry it on or not. What do you think? If not then that's fine. If so, then I will. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading