IMN: Hi everyone and welcome to my first ever Pokémon fanfiction story! YAAAAAAAAAAY! XD

Keith: What the hell?! Who are you?!

Kate: Keith, she's the author of this story which sadly involves us.

IMN: Yep! That is 100%... WHAT YOU MEAN 'SADLY'?!

Rythmi: All right, what's going on? What did you two do this time?

Kate and Keith: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!


Isaac: I have a feeling that this will not end well for us. -_-"

IMN: Oh hush and let's get on with the story! Kate would you do the honors?

Kate: Infusion Masters Nightmare does not own Pokémon or it's characters.

IMN: If I did Kate and Keith would be married by now and have kids! ^_^

Kate and Keith: *blushing* WHAT?!

Rythmi: I like this person already!

IMN: Also Rythmi and Isaac would be married aswell! Start the story before Rythmi KILLS ME!

Chapter 1: The beginning

Normal Pov

"CAPTURE ON!" shouted a girl before a disc followed by a trail of white light was shot out of the device in her hand. The disc then circled around the yellow mouse that is called pikachu several times before the pokémon glowed white and the disc went back into the girl's device, signaling the girl that she successfully captured the pikachu. The pikachu then went to the back of the dark room where a man with a blue cap and overalls stood with an evil smirk.

"He he heh! Well done, you've passed the exam with flying colours! That device is called a styler which is a sign that you are a student here. Welcome to the school of evil spies and together, we shall take over the world! MUHAHAHA!" said the man in the blue cap. Any other person would be scared, shocked or ask themselves 'What the hell did I get myself into?!' but the strange thing was that the girl standing before him did none of those things. Instead she just stood there with a blank face doing nothing. NOTHING!

"What the? Aren't you scared?" asked the man with the blue cap but the girl just shakes her head as a sign of saying 'No'. "Aren't you shocked?" again the girl shakes her head saying 'no'. "You're not even asking 'what the hell did I get myself into'?!" asked the man and once again the girl shakes her head.

"What the hell? Am I losing my touch? Why isn't she scared?!" the man asked himself out loud but before he could ask the girl anymore questions the door opened with a 'BANG'!

"MR. KAPLAN, HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU TO NOT SCARE THE NEW STUDENTS?!" shouted a woman but the light behind her was so bright in the dark room that they couldn't see the woman's face. The woman then turned on the light that was next to the door to reveal her face and the fearless new student.

The girl with the device was wearing a green jacket with a blue collared short sleeved shirt underneath. She also wore denim shorts, which is the same colour as the shirt that reaches mid-thigh, fingerless gloves, a small yellow tie and brown mid-calf boots. She also has unusual spiky brown hair in pig tails and calm icy blue eyes.

The woman looks to be around late twenties to early thirties. She has long red hair that is let down to reach the middle of her back. She wears a sleeveless green blouse that makes her green eyes stand out. She wears a white pencil knee lenght skirt and white four inch heels.

The man wearing the blue cap, which we now know as Mr. Kaplan, was shaking in fear as the woman with red hair was giving him a glare that could make anyone quiver in fear except for the girl wearing pig tails.

"Mr. Kaplan I expected better from you after our last talk. I can't believe you had done the 'evil school trying to take over the world' act AGAIN! What do you have to say for yourself?" said the woman to Mr. Kaplan with a tone that sounds like a mother scolding a child for doing something bad.

"B-But I didn't do it this time!" shouted Mr. Kaplan who earned a look from the woman that says 'I-don't-believe-you-for-a-second-so-start-talking'.

"Okay. Maybe I did switch off the lights so I could give a spooky, evil atmosphere. Maybe I did the evil face to give the kid goosebumps. Maybe I did the speech about the 'evil school trying to take over the world' to the kid. B-B-But it didn't scare her, she just stood there! You have to believe me Ms. April!" wailed Mr. Kaplan on his knees begging for the woman, now known as Ms. April, for forgiveness.

"Okay I believe you." said Ms. April, which made him give a sigh of relief because he didn't appear to be in trouble for now. "However, that does not mean you get off the hook for trying to scare the new student. You're lucky that I have to take her to her class now or you would be in BIG trouble! I'll make sure that Ms. Claire will give you your punishment!" said Ms. April and Mr. Kaplan went to a random corner of the room and saying 'I'm going to die'.

Ms April then calmly walked to the girl with a smile on her face as if she never gotten mad at Mr. Kaplan thirty seconds ago. "I'm sorry about Mr. Kaplan's behaviour. He has a habit of messing with the students with the 'evil school' act. I'm Ms. April and I'll be your teacher for the year. Come with me and I'll show you your class." said Ms April calmly but in her mind she is mentally shouted, 'Arceus if you can hear me, PLEASE don't let Keith destroy the classroom and scaring away the new student! I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE GET HIM TO BEHAVE FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE!'


Meanwhile in Ms. April's class room








"Ahhhhh! You're so frustrating at times!" shouted a girl wearing the same outfit as the girl in the beginning but has emerald green eyes and blond shoulder lenght hair that poofs up and out at the bottom.

"Rythmi, please calm down. You know that he's a heavy sleeper. Not even a Exploud at a close distance can wake him up." said a boy wearing the same outfit as the girl but he's wearing trousers that go into his boots instead of shorts and has blonde mushroom like hair and blue eyes. It's seems obvious that the similar outfits are the uniforms for Ranger School.

"Isaac, I have been trying to wake him up for the last half an hour! He's lucky that Ms. April gave us a free study session or she'll have his hide!" the girl named Rythmi said to the boy named Isaac.

"I have to say that I'm surprised that he still sleeps in class even thou what happened last time Ms. April caught him sleeping during her lessons." said Isaac looking at Keith. He wears the same uniform as Issac but it was more messy, like he slept in his clothes for a week. Keith also has wild, spiky red hair that goes all over the place and chocolate brown eyes but were now covered by his eye lids.

"I know but Ms. April could be back at any second with the new student and she told Keith to behave when she gets here. If she finds him asleep again, he'll have detention with Kincaid." said Rythmi and said the last word with a disgusted tone of voice before shivering.

"Mr. Kincaid is not that bad. True he wears too much hair spray for a normal human being and hates Keith the most... Okay, now I see your problem." said Isaac. Mr. Kincaid is the other teacher at the Ranger School. With the amount of hair spray he uses that it's a surprise his students can survive a class with him from the whiff coming off his head. He also hates Keith ever since he came to the school. One time he gave Keith a 6-weeks worth of detention because Keith was running in the hallways for 6 seconds! He has a soft spot for Isaac so he lets Isaac go to the library instead of class.

"Think Isaac! What does Keith love MORE than being a ranger... FOOD!" said Rythmi to Isaac before going next to the snoring ranger-to-be. She leans down next to his ears and smirks about the idea she had thought up.

"Keeeeeeithhhhh~. Janice just made a HUGE batch of her famous chocolate-chip pokémon cookies~. They have oran berry favoured icing and she also made a 10 layered cake just for yoooooooouuuuuuu~. You have to hurry or else Ponte will eat all the cookies and cake and there will be none left for yooooooouuuuuu~." whispered Rythmi before taking a step back to where Isaac is.

"Rythmi, you can't honestly believe that it would work so easily-" "PONTE STAY AWAY FROM THE COOKIES AND CAKE! THEY'RE MINE!" "-on Keith." said Isaac but was interrupted by Keith who is now fully awake and standing on his desk where he was sleeping on over 30 minutes ago.

SLAP "OW! What was that for Ryth?!" shouted Keith as he was nursing his now sore head from Rythmi's slap.

"You're lucky that Ms. April went to get the new student or else you'll be in big trouble again! I been trying to wake you up for over the past 30 minutes but you were impossible to wake up! Not to mention that you were snoring louder than a Snorlax and Exploud COMBINED! Keith Dazzle Adams, what do you have to say for yourself?!" shouted Rythmi to Keith while Isaac was trying to calm down the blond haired operator-to-be.

"Yeah, I have something to say! How dare you lie about Janice making me free food! I knew you're the Wicked Witch of Hoenn!" shouted Keith and pointing at Rythmi as he shouted the last sentence. That made Rythmi finally snap.

"I'LL KILL YOU AND WHEN I KILL YOU ARCEUS WILL FORGIVE ME FOR IT BECAUSE YOUR THE BIGGEST PAIN EVER KNOWN TO MAN AND POKÉMON! LET ME AT HIM ISAAC!" shouted Rythmi ready to hit him but was held back by the boy genius with the mushroom hair cut, Isaac.

"CALM DOWN RYTHMI! HE'S JUST AN IDIOT! HE DOESN'T KNOW BETTER!" shouted the panicing genius while holding the female back as she was about to maul Keith, who was making fun of her. This made the operator-to-be even more determined to kill him and struggling more, much to Issac's dismay.

They didn't realise that Ms. April just entered the classroom seeing the other students placing bets on who will win, Keith on his desk making fun of one of her top students and Rythmi in a rage but was held back by a panicing Isaac.

"QUUUUUIEEEEEEETTTTTT!" shouted the enraged teacher making everyone stop what they were doing. Keith, Isaac and Rythmi just stared in shock and fear as the scariest teacher on campus was glareing at the three of them.

"Everyone into your seats! Isaac get back into your classroom! Rythmi calm down and get into your seat! Keith get off your desk and BEHAVE LIKE A NORMAL STUDENT!" shouted the strict teacher. Everyone did as they were told, not wanting to face her wrath or in some cases make their punishments even worse. With a tired sigh and rubbing her head, Ms. April was happy and calm again. Ready to tell the news.

"Okay everyone, today is the day we meet our new student! I like you to be very nice and well behaved." said Ms. April and glared at a certain trouble maker while saying the last sentence to make sure he gets the message. With that the classroom erupted in chaos with people asking what the student was like, what gender he/she was and does the new student look like a celebrity? They then became quiet when Ms. April clapped her hands.

"How about you ask her yourselves? You can come in now!" shouted Ms. April. The door opened to show a girl wearing the female uniform. She has short spiky brown hair in two pig tails and had big, icy blue eyes. The girl stood next to Ms. April infront of the class.

"Would you like to introuced yourself to your new classmates?" asked Ms. April to the new student. The girl nodded her head and took a step forward.

She took a deep breath, smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Kate Icecia and I'm from Fall City, Fiore. It's very nice to meet you!"

That was the day that Kate, Keith, Rythmi and Isaac's life changed forever...


IMN: That is the first chapter finished! YAAAAAAAY! XD

Keith: Okay, three questions. 1: What is a 'Mewman'? 2: What was with the last sentence? And 3: WHY DID YOU MAKE ME RYTHMI'S PERSONAL PUNCH BAG?!

IMN: 1: You'll find out in future chapters. 2: I felt like putting in sometime mysterious. And 3: REVENGE FOR STEALING MY COOKIE!

Keith: You're not still mad about that are you?! Rythmi, tell her that me taking one little cookie doesn't give her the right to make me a punch bag!

Rythmi: I'm not complaining because it's fun! ^_^

Isaac: She is the author, so it gives her the right to do whatever she wants to us in the story.

Keith: TRAITORS! *Points at Rythmi and Isaac*

Kate: Keith, calm down. Your going to lose this fight either way...

IMN: Thank you Kate! ((((Hugs Kate)))) I will update as soon as I can so please READ AND REVIEW!

Keith: *Keith sits in corner all gloomy* I'M SURROUNDED BY TRAITORS! TT_TT