****Denise! Here ya go. To those who enjoy these updates..thank Denise lmao!****

Jake groaned as he gained consciousness. His head hurt so bad, and he wasn't sure where he was or what happened. He went to open his eyes and realized he couldn't see. So he closed his eyes and reopened them, but still nothing.
"Hello?! Where am I?" Jake twisted and turned and noticed the duct tape on his hands. He moved his nose up and down a noticed the blind fold on his face. Jake heard heels clicking in the distance.

"Jake! You are awake. Great, I hope I didn't hurt you in that car accident. But you sir run your mouth a bit too much for my liking." The mysterious woman walked closer to Jake and touched his shoulder. Jake flinched from her touch, it felt familiar but he couldn't pinpoint where he felt it before. Her voice was familiar too. He recognized her European drawl but she also had hint of the Caribbean in her voice as well.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Jake hissed, now he was getting mad. What does this woman want? "Jake, I want you to shut up. You think you trying to play Mellie was going to fly? Olivia does not want you. She is happily married with a brood of children and the power of ruling the world in her hands. You think that if you go and snitch to the woman you are love with that she will magically leave her husband for you?" The mystery woman cackled. Her attitude drove Jake crazy. He needed to know who she was and what she wanted.
"Look, I'm not in the mood to play these games with you. What do you want?" Jake began to fidget in the chair. He was getting tired of playing these games with her.


Olivia was in pain, her contractions were hard and slow and she was in too much pain to yell. So she just sat in her chair, rubbed her belly and tried to breathe. She saw someone walk past the door and let out the loudest moan she could to get their attention. The person doubled back, she knows he is on the media team and knows his name is Fred. "Fred...I'm...in….labor...get..Fitz…..NOW!" She closed her eyes tightly and winced as another contraction rippled through her. Fred, who looked very terrified, ran off to get The President. This birth, Olivia thought, was going to be rough and most definitely her last.


It felt like days have passed but in reality just three hours have passed since Jke regained his consciousness. He still did not know who the mystery kidnapper was but what he did know is that he knew her from somewhere. He just could not pinpoint where exactly he knew her from. Her voice gave off this sultry feel and it was a good feeling. He recalled the time he briefly spent on a secret mission while he was in the military and he remembered a woman he met there. She was a very interesting woman. A spy like himself, she was a contract killer for a secret elite group in Europe called FireStorm. While he was in Europe he worked closely with the agents at FireStorm to gain intel on a terrorist. He had deep feelings for the one and only woman spy on that team. She was top notch, could shoot her gun than any man on that team. She was about five foot five, and had the skin complexion of warm honey. She had a really great smile and that is what drew Jake to her. Her name was Denise, or at least that is what she told him. They had a brief fling before she vanished and he never heard from her again.

That's it! He thought, the woman that kidnapped him...it was Denise. But was she going to kill him? He heard her heels clicking against the floor, and by the smell of the air he figured they were in an abandoned warehouse. He was trying to listen to the outside to hopefully hear any cars riding by. He needed to know if they were by any major roads. If Denise took off his blindfold soon he could plan his escape. He needed to overpower her and get the hell out of dodge and to Olivia fast.
"Denise, I know it's you." Jake spoke with a cracked voice because he hadn't drank anything in hours. "I know it's you so stop playing games and take this blindfold off and face me." He hoped that by challenging her, she would do what he needed her to do. He hoped right because the blindfold was ripped from his face and he had to shut his eyes at the brightness.
"Now that you know it's me Jake. Time to play a game. It's called how fast can we get rid of Mellie before she exposes what we do and a secret Olivia and Fitz can't afford the public to know? I had to kidnap you because if I didn't Mellie was going to kill you. I have been following Mellie since she almost killed me in London. That's why I vanished. She kidnapped me and told me that she wanted me to kill Olivia for taking her family and The White House from her. I thought the chick was nuts and escaped. That's when she found you and told you the plan. Mellie is working for a group in the East to take over The White House. If she would get the presidency they would give her a big payout, but if she went to war with their enemy, she would be a very powerful and dangerous woman. I took you to throw her off, now it's time we finish Mellie off so Olivia and Fitz can be safe."

Jake was shocked, he knew Mellie was up to something but wasn't sure what. Now he knew what had to be done. "Let's do this."

***ok sooooo this story is going to get really wild and the way my mind is working…..the end of this story, which will be soon may not be what you expect. We will see. Denise.. Heyyyyyyyyyy lol!***