So I got this great idea for a new story from a dream I had. Lol. Anyway….

Until time runs out


Annabeth is an American tourist visiting her wealthy grandmother on the Greek island of Corfu during the summer. There she meets Perseus Jackson, an adventurous, handsome, and fun-spirited local. 80 days of summer and a deep love that sprouts between the two. But a disapproving grandmother and time running short may just stand in their way. What will they do when time runs out? Rated T.

It sounds decent to me. Tell me what you think.

Ok this is slightly altered then the first time I wrote it… before Percy's friends were non characters and now they're characters from the books…

June 5, 2012

Looking down on the beach of Sidari, nothing looked out of the ordinary on this fine hot day. The sun was beaming down on the many locals and tourists that crowded the sandy paradise. Umbrellas and sun beds crowded together, waiters running around taking orders, children splashing in the water. Amongst it all was a small, simple white sun umbrella. Underneath a young woman, around the age of nineteen was stretched out on a long towel that read "Sans Francisco" in large noticeable font. The women however, blended in with the many locals, all not amused by the high tides, or para gliders. She wore what seemed to be a simple green bikini under a flowy grey sundress. He blonde curls that usually cascaded her face were hidden by a large floppy sunhat. Her story grey eyes tamed by the pair of simple Ray Ban glasses. No one paid her much attention, everyone assuming she was another local with her tanned skin and simple attire. She had arrived on the island a mere two days ago by plane, all the way from Sans Francisco, USA. She loved Greece and had spent every summer there. This summer she had looked forward to spending three months touring the country with her three closest friends; Thalia, Piper, and Hazel. But her plans were crushed when she received a call from her parents while she was back at The University of Sans Francisco saying that her filthy rich grandmother had requested that she come and stay with her for the ENTIRE summer. Annabeth tried to convince her brothers to go instead but her grandmother insisted.

Now Annabeth laid in the baking sun over looking one of the most beautiful beaches she had ever seen. But of course, being Annabeth, she was too absorbed in her book to even notice. She was so absorbed that she almost didn't notice the beach ball that was flying toward her.

"προσέχω!" she heard someone yell. No paying it any attention, she continued to read, stopping only to adjust her hat. As she lifted her hat she could see the ball flying at her. She, being the very athletic Annabeth, caught it graciously half a meter away from her face. As she looked up she could see a tall, tanned man jogging toward her. He wore a simple pair of beige shorts and was shirtless. He glistened in the sun light and his wet jet-black hair swayed messily in the wind.

"Κορίτσι, μπορείτε να ακούσετε?" he asked looking down at her.

"I'm sorry?" she said taking off her glasses. Only when she removed them could she see how dulling they were. The guy's muscular figure looked at least ten times weaker through the glasses and his shorts were actually a light brown. But his eyes. They were this vibrant green so full of life with a hint of mischief. She could see a trouble maker with a good happy heart staring down at her. They were so mesmerizing, it was as if…

"Hello? Lady?" he said, getting more and more amused. "I said, can you hear?"

Annabeth woke from her daydream.

"Sorry, I got lost their for a second." She replied sheepishly.

He smirked at her. "Don't worry you're not the only one" he said slyly.

Annabeth threw the ball at him. "I never said it was you!" she said smiling, but she could feel her cheeks heating up. She hoped it wasn't so noticeable under the umbrella.

"Περσέας βιάσου!"(Perceus hurry up!) she heard someone yell from behind them.

"Δώσε μου ένα λεπτό!" (Give me a minute!) he yelled back.

"So," he started. "How would my secret admirer like to play a game of beach ball? I promise I'll try not to kick your ass" he asked, his accent weaving its way through her brain, making her blush more.

He chuckled. "I know, I know," he started. "Percy is irresistible" he said beaming.

Annabeth rolled her eyes before standing up. "Well Annabeth, is amazing at Beach Ball, so I wouldn't hold you're breath."

Percy gasped sarcastically. "Well I guess I'll just have to woo you with my good looks and charm."

Annabeth had to restrain herself from snickering at him. Who does this guy think he is?

He led her over to a group of about five other people who had been in front of her this whole time.

"Ποιος είναι ο Barbie?" (Who's the Barbie?) One of them asked Percy.

"This, everyone, is Annabeth. She doesn't speak much Greek. She's from god knows where and finds me irresistible.

"HA! In your dreams!" Annabeth said turning to Percy. "And I'm from Sans Francisco, here visiting my grandmother."

After a round of introductions, Annabeth met Silena, a tall, slim, tanned girl with dark blue eyes and black hair and a long, flowy floral dress overtop of her bathing suit. Next was Katie, a shorter, lighter girl with long straight black hair, which she wore in a high ponytail. Her chocolate brown eyes glistened in the sunlight. The next three were three guys; Travis and Conner, both tall and skinny with mops of curly brown hair that hangs in their bright blue eyes. They both had upturned eyebrows, and sarcastic smiles. Travis was a bit taller the Conner; it was the only way Annabeth could tell them a part. Lastly there was Charles, or Charlie as Silena, who Annabeth later found out was his girl friend, called him. He was a huge, very built and tall African guy who reminded her much of a pro football player. He had short curly black hair and dark brown eyes.

For the next hour they passed the ball around, played in teams, and even had a boy's verses girl's game, which the other girls found unfair as there was one more boy then girl. Annabeth didn't find it a problem, all she wanted to do was beat Percy. He found this very intriguing. Annabeth was so different then other girls he knew. She was smart, very VERY smart, and carefree. She didn't wear makeup to the beach like every other girl there. Her hair was blowing around, all tangled in the wind. And her outfit simple. But Percy, found her absolutely gorgeous.

Soon he realized that he was finding her, irresistible, and his little daydream caused him to miss yet another one of her fierce shots. He chuckled as he picked up the ball, claiming that he purposely missed it to give her the satisfaction of winning.

Slowly their little group shrunk as the others headed home and soon it was just the two of them. They waved good-bye to Travis and Katie as they walked away hand in hand.

"Let's go swimming," Percy suggested turning back to Annabeth.

"What! No, are you crazy! It's eight o'clock!" she protested.

"Its fine, the water never cools down here." Percy said, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the water.

"What if I don't want to?" She asked trying to pull her hand away.

"Well… you don't have a choice!" he said smiling, picking her up bridal style.

"NO! Percy, put me down!" She screamed laughing as he running with her into the water.

"WAIT! At least let me take off my dress!" she said pushing herself out of his strong arms. With in a second she started to sprint across the sand to her spot and pulled off her dress.

She ran back to the shore line and let the water wash over her toes that were peacefully sinking into the dark sand. As she looked out she could see the sun setting peacefully over the darkening water.

Percy wouldn't help but stare. Annabeth had the best body he had ever seen on a girl. Her muscles toned, her skin tanned.

"Well I guess I'm the irresistible one now," she said laughing, when she saw him staring.

"Sorry, but no, that's still me." He replied pulling her into the water.

They laughed as they ran around in the warm water splashing each other and tossing the ball around.


"We should do this again," Percy said as they walked down the beach.

"Ya, it's good to get away from my grandmother." Annabeth saying shaking her head.

"Why what's wrong with her?" he asked

"Well she's the reason I'm stuck here. I was supposed to go on a trip with my friends. But no, she wanted me here. She's this filthy rich old lady who lives right on the beach but has never seen the water. She gets whatever she wants in that house and now she thinks that she can control me. She thinks that if I agree to spend the summer with her I'll think that she'll make me the inhairatant of her money. I don't want her money, and to be honest I don't think she even really wants me here."

"Well, secret admirer," Percy said putting his arm around her shoulders. "I want you here. I had fun today."

Annabeth smiled. "Thanks."

They continued to walk down the beach in silence, Percy's arm still draped around Annabeth. They walked just until they reached a massive stone villa that sat above the beach. A large gate surrounded the outside and stairs lead up to a large pair of wooden doors.

"Well, I guess this is good-bye," Annabeth said stepping out of his arms.

"Wait we should do this again. How about tomorrow I pick you up and take you to my favourite beach?" Percy asked before Annabeth could walk away.

"Sure, that sounds nice."

"Pass me your phone," he said as she dug in her bag for her keys. Smiling she pulled out an iphone 4s she had gotten for her birthday.

"Fancy," A smiling Percy said taking it from her hands.

"It was a gift," Annabeth replied still searching for her keys. She finally dragged them out before taking her phone back from a very happy Percy.

"Well it was nice to meet you, secret admirer." He said shaking her hand.

"You're gonna had to think of a better name then that," she said slyly.

"Fine. What about WiseGirl, cause you're such a smart ass."

"Fine, then you're Seaweed Brain, cause you're head is clearly filled with kelp." She replied opening the gate.

"What I like the beach!" he said surrendering.

"HA! I'll be surprised if I don't wake up tomorrow and see you sleeping in the sand." She said closing the gate.

"I'm flattered that I'm the first thing you'll think of in the morning." He replied slyly.

Annabeth laughed and stuck out her tongue before running up the stairs, her cheeks flaring.

"γεια, WiseGirl,"

Annabeth turned around dramatically blowing him a kiss.

And with that she unlocked the door and run up to her room.


How was it? Good, bad, awful? Hope it wasn't awful, but please be honest.


Tell me there's someone out there reading :D

Happy Easter!

Open to suggestions and ideas!