"Ugh, there you are! I've been trying to get up from the couch since you left but... little madam over here is making that ridiculously difficult." Penny groaned, before giving Leonard her best puppy dog eyes as he shut the front door behind him. "Can you help me up?"

Putting down the shopping bag that Penny apparently hadn't noticed, Leonard went over to help his wife off the couch, her protruding stomach meaning this was more of an effort than it would have normally been. "Sure!" Once up, she gave him a quick kiss and walked over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Where have you been?" She asked. "I woke up and you were gone! I had to make my own stupid decaf tea!" Penny pouted again for effect. "It's much tastier when you make it for me."

Grinning, Leonard picked the shopping bag back up. "I went to the mall." He admitted.

"You went shopping!" Penny gasped. "Without me! I know I'm pregnant and slow, but you know how much I love shopping!"

"Technically, I didn't go shopping. I had this ordered so I went to collect it. You know how much I hate shopping." Leonard winked, bringing the bag over to Penny. "I got you a little gift."

Eyes going wide, Penny's jaw dropped. "That is a shoe store bag. My favorite shoe store bag! Leonard, what did you do?"

"I told you... I got you a little gift." Leonard chuckled.

"But... why?" Penny asked, suddenly panicking that she'd forgotten an anniversary or something.

"Just because." He handed her the bag. "Open it."

For a moment, all Penny could do was look at Leonard with adoration. It was her final stretch of pregnancy and Leonard had been incredibly amazing the whole time; it was little things like this that were the icing on the cake. When he could see that Penny was not accepting the bag, he placed it on the table and nudged it towards her, which seemed to bring her focus back to the current situation. Finally opening the bag, Penny's eyes widened dramatically and she let out an excited squeal as she saw the designers name on the box. She searched Leonard's face for an explanation, but he offered none. Instead he just nodded to the box. Carefully, she set it on the counter and removed the lid. If her jaw hadn't been on the floor earlier, it certainly was now.

Penny pulled out a pair of stunning black sandal heels with a glittery bow on the front that reminded her of a dress she had in her closet. They were elegant, classy, and most of all - they had glitter on them!

"I saw them in the window of the store the other week when we went to buy more clothes for the baby. They reminded me of that dress you wore when we went out for dinner to celebrate you getting pregnant - the dress with the glittery neckline. I remember you said you didn't care if you were too dressed up because you wouldn't be able to wear a dress like that for nine months." Leonard explained with a smile on his face. "Then when I saw them in the store I thought, you could wear these heels once our baby is here. I know you miss wearing heels, so I thought you should have a special pair for the occasion."

Overwhelmed, all Penny could think of to say was "I really do miss wearing heels." She was holding both heels protectively to her chest.

"I know. But you've not got long to go now."

"Oh my God," Penny breathed, her eyes filled with tears. "Leonard, these are amazing. You are amazing. I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"It's okay." Leonard smiled gently. "You deserve them."

The next thing he knew, Penny had flung herself at him in a full embrace - or as full an embrace as they could get with the baby bump in the way. She still held a heel in each hand; her arms had come to link behind his neck and he could feel the straps tickling the back of his head but he didn't care.

"I love you so much." Penny said quietly, resting her forehead on his for a moment.

"I love you too, Penny."

After a while she finally leaned back and put the shoes on the counter so she could admire them. "God, those must have cost you a fortune."

"Kinda, but it's worth it."

"But they're Isabel Marant!" Penny exclaimed joyfully, her gaze torn between the shoes and Leonard. "I've only wanted a pair of her shoes since, like, forever!"

"Yeah, you told me that once. It was a long time ago but I always remembered the name."

Twisting her lips, Penny looked thoughtfully at Leonard. "You know, on my list of potential baby names I had Isabella. Like the character in Measure for Measure - Mom made me read that, and I actually really liked it. She said she saw it at the theatre once, and Meryl Streep played Isabella, which is pretty cool. But what if we went with... Isabel? No -la on the end."

"You read Shakespeare?" Leonard raised a brow.

"Yes, but that's not the point."

"Right, right." Leonard nodded. "Sorry."

"It's okay, I'd be surprised too. But what do you think? It would stand for... everything you've done for me, including these heels."

"Isabel Hofstadter..." Leonard mused. He took a step towards Penny, wrapping his arms around her waist so her stomach touched his. As he gave her a soft kiss, they felt the baby flutter. "I love it."

A/N - And that is the story of how Isabel Hofstadter's name came into existence. I always knew why she was named that, but the full story came to me the other day and hokie was curious!