So… after many, many words and a great amount of time, this is the end. I have a few scenes that might eventually become short-stories, but I am almost certain this is the last novel-length endeavor for these characters in this universe. I hope you've enjoyed the journey as much as I have.

Chapter 23 – You Gave Me Light

"Once there was a darkness, a deep and endless night,

you gave me everything you had and, oh,

you gave me light."

~ Sarah McLachlan

Normally, Tori would have asked Jade for help planning her wedding. In fact, she did. The brunette told her exactly how she felt about weddings and Tori knew immediately that she needed alternative assistance. Ella Oliver was thrilled to be asked. Tori also asked Carly, and after drinking a full glass of wine, she made a phone call and invited Marissa Benson. The woman cried when Tori invited her.

Surprised and confused, Tori started apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry. You don't have to at all – I just thought you might want to be involved. But it's okay if you don't – really," Freddie walked into the kitchen and saw her anxiety rising and realized from her words that it was his mother.

"Hey mom," he said easily, taking the phone from her. He listened as his mother cried. "No, I didn't make her call. I didn't even know she was calling. She wants you to be involved. It's okay. Sure, I'll have Tori email you the dates – I'll send you a ticket." He listened. "No, it's fine. Don't do that – I'll send you a ticket." He laughed at whatever she said after that. "No, I'm sure. I have plenty of money." He paused. "Even with Tori and Lily to support. Yes, mom. Uh-huh. Yep. Okay, I'm going now. I love you too." He hung up the phone and placed it on the counter.

He turned to Tori and made a face. "Why would you invite my mother to help plan the wedding? She's a pain in the – you know what," he said, substituting for the swear word when he saw the dining room door sway; Lily was listening to them.

"I thought maybe she would hate me a little less," Tori said softly.

"She doesn't hate you," Freddie assured her. "She fears all women who might take my attention away from her." He put his arms around Tori and pulled her close. "But it was very nice of you to include her. I think it might help." He thought it over for a minute. "But you need someone else with you – "

"I already asked Ella – and Carly. And I'm sure Jade will come once she finds out who else is involved." Jade might not like weddings, but she also disliked being left out.

They kissed lightly and broke apart just as the door swung open and Violet and Lily appeared. Freddie smiled but realized then that Violet Oliver was teaching Lily things like spying on her parents. The child was precocious and she was making Lily her little protégé. It would have to be watched carefully.

"Hey, girls," Tori said happily. She didn't realize they had been spying. "What's up?"

"Can we watch Frozen?" Lily asked. Tori looked at the clock and then back at her daughter.

"Sure – but then it's time for bed." Freddie followed the two girls into the living room to set up the movie and returned to his fiancée, who was at the table, pouring over books about wedding planning. "You know, we can hire a wedding planner," he told her. "You can still make all the decisions you want – but someone else can made the phone calls and barter over prices."

Tori looked at him thoughtfully. She hadn't considered that route. Growing up, her parents had been fiscally sound, but they hadn't been overly wealthy. They couldn't throw money around to pay other to do what they could do perfectly well themselves. But now – she had more money than she and Lily could spend in a lifetime with their quiet lifestyle. And Freddie – Tori knew he was loaded. He had tried to show her statements but she didn't want to know – it was his money, despite his argument that he wanted to share.

Two weeks later, Carly and Marissa arrived from Seattle and the planning took place over one long weekend. Tori had hired a wedding planner who brought with her books and boxes of samples and ideas. In the end, it was kept fairly simple. Tori had always wanted a wedding, but in her mind it had always been elegant – nothing over the top. They visited churches and venues and sites for photos. They tasted food and cake.

Once the planning was done, there was little to do but grow nervous over it. One month before the wedding, Jade and Beck accosted them with Addie, who was bound and determined to draw up a prenuptial agreement. "I don't want one," Tori insisted.

"You have a lot in the way of assets," Addie told her. "It's really nothing personal against Freddie – or you – but you both of the right to protect what you're taking into the marriage. And it protects Lily."

"How?" Tori asked. Once it was clear that they needed some type of legal document to provide for Lily in case something happened to them, Tori agreed on a will – but no pre-nup. Freddie was willing to sign whatever she was comfortable with.

One week before the wedding, Freddie began sleeping at his apartment again. He needed the time to pack – and he was slightly superstitious. Lily crept into her mother's room a few nights before the wedding, waking Tori. "What's wrong, Lily?" The child said nothing. Tori pulled back the blankets and allowed her to crawl in.

Lily curled up against her and snuggled under the covers. "I don't want Freddie to be my step-dad," she said quietly. Tori's heart began beating faster but she remained calm. She could do that for her daughter, if not always for herself.

"Why not, sweetie?"

"Ginger and Holly have step-fathers," she said, naming two girls in her class. "And they're mean. And – and – h-h-he was Jade's s-s-s-step father," she added, so quietly Tori had to strain to hear her. Definition of the "he" was not necessary. Tori drew her close in an embrace.

"Lily, Freddie is not like him. He's Freddie. Just the way he is now – that's the way he will be when we get married. He'll just live here. And he's not going to be your stepfather. If it's okay with you – he wants to adopt you. Like I did. He will be your dad." Lily knew that plan already – had, in fact, already given her approval. But clearly her mind was worried.

"He'll stay like he is now?" Tori nodded.


"He won't hurt me?"

"No," Tori cried. "No, he won't. Lily – no one is going to hurt you like that again. I promise." They both cried – Tori out of horror that her daughter had been worried and she hadn't realized it. Lily because she was relieved – and still a tiny bit worried. Tori took her to see Dr. Kate a few times that week and after much discussion, Lily was reassured and back on board with the wedding. It was just in time for the arrival of some of her new favorite people. Carly and Sam returned for the wedding, staying again in their house.

After much debate and thought, Tori finally decided that no one was going to walk her down the aisle. There were so many candidates, yet her parents were gone. And in the end, she had to do this on her own. The bridal march began and she stepped into the lace runner, her blue heels contrasting deeply with the white of the fabric. She walked down the aisle, smiling as she took in the perfect picture that met her. Jade and Cat stood on her side of the aisle, Gibby and Spencer beside Freddie. Lily, Coral, and Violet stood in the first pew with Beck and Andre, having already doused the church floor with blue flower petals.

Her sister had surprised her the night before, having taken off from the show she was choreographing in in Canada and showing up at her bedroom door, wanting to talk. Trina had reduced her to tears, telling her how proud she was – how proud their parents would have been – how proud she knew they were from where they watched. She had given Tori her mother's wedding ring – telling her that it was hers. The ring was now in Freddie's pocket – waiting to be slipped onto her finger. Freddie had his father's wedding ring. Marissa had given it to him the night before also. It wasn't an artifact that he actually had known existed. His parents had only been married for a few years when he had died – it was not something they spoke of often.

"Do you, Victoria Vega, take Fredward Benson, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Tori answered, a giggle escaping her lips as Freddie winced at his given name.

"Do you, Fredward Benson, take Victoria Vega, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Freddie responded, so quickly that it caused Tori to giggle again.

The priest tried hard to hide his own smile but it didn't work well. He continued with his spiel. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." They kissed – rather chastely – neither was much for public displays of affection – and grasped hands to start down the aisle. Lily, standing next to Beck, watched them carefully. They stopped at the first row and Freddie took her hand and she joined them walking down the aisle, making the cutest spectacle for the gathered crowd.

The receiving line was insane and Tori had no idea how many people she actually spoke to. She knew Jade was hurrying things along with well-placed glares. Lily stood between them, doing her best to hide behind Tori's skirt as all the strangers walked by.

Taking pictures was a long affair and left them all exhausted and hungry. The reception was fun – but again, Tori was certain she didn't remember most of it. There were certain things she would never forget. Dancing with her sister, for example. Dancing with Freddie for the first dance, having Lily join them for the second. Everyone seemed to have a ball, but Tori was lost in the tumult of the occasion.

Toward the end of the night, they broke the party with the long-and-sometimes annoying money dance. There was no money exchanged. Tori and Freddie had absolutely no use for it, but it was an opportunity for each guest to be greeted one more time – and to say goodnight. The dance had gone through several songs when Tori realized there was only one person left in her line – Jade.

"I take it you actually have no idea that this was a very nice day," Jade told her when they began dancing.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Your eyes have been wilder than a whirling dervish since you woke up this morning," she informed her.

"It's a little overwhelming." She also wasn't sure how many of her anxiety pills she had taken – it may have been too many, she wasn't really sure.

"Agreed. So, there's no present over there from us – "

"You don't need—"

"Don't interrupt," Jade astonished. "Beck and I have talked about it – I've talked to Dr. Brown. Apparently my problems in my pregnancy with Scarlet were a fluke. It's unlikely to happen again. So, if you want it – when you're ready for it - you can have my womb for forty weeks."


"That's your wedding present, that's all you get," Jade said, walking away before Tori could respond. Tori laughed, tears spilling to her eyes, as she chased the brunette and hugged her before she could get away.

"Thank you – for everything."

Well, that's it. A little rushed at the end, but not the worst wrap-up ever. I hope you enjoyed this story and the three before it. I loved writing them. Thank you for your reviews and kind words along the way. Please let me know what you enjoyed