I don't own anything.

Chapter One: Setting the Stage

Project Rebirth, at the secret military base located in the United States, Dr. Aaron had finally deciphered the Intel he found from Japan. His eyes where wide and he immediately yelled for his superior.

"General Hodge!" Aaron yelled.

"Report." Hodge said calmly.

"Sir you need see this now!" Aaron said frantically.

Hodge then read the printed intelligence Aaron found and his jaw dropped and said "Dear Mary of God...Get Agent Venom to briefing now!"

In the personal quarters, Flash Thompson was still thinking on what happened in the last week. He practically save humanity from the villainous Queen from converting humanity into her personal army of spider mutants. He can't believe that went from crippled veteran to a hero. He stopped a mutated Captain America from spreading the Queen's virus, helped deliver the cure who was the former Venom and now Anti-Venom Eddie Brock, and participated in the final battle against a monstrous Queen along with other heroes including Spider-Man himself. However, during the battles, his father succumbed to years of alcohol poisoning and died.

Just as Flash was about to leave for New York, he was approached by Hodge's secretary Katherine.

"Katherine?" Flash asked.

"Boss needs you in briefing now." Katherine said sternly.

Minutes later, Flash entered briefing as Hodge stood in front of a screen along with Aaron. The slideshow then began showing an island base-like structure as Hodge began to speak.

"Thirty minutes ago, we found Intel on this facility known as the Diclonius Research Facility."

Flash the asked his superior "Sir, what's a Diclonius?"

The slide then shifted to the image of an x-ray human skull with cat-like growths as Dr. Aaron began to say his part.

"As said in the intel, a Diclonius is a genetic mutation in humanity that include the following: horn-like growths on their head, pale skin, hair color that range from deep red to light pink, red eyes, and this form of telekinesis that's apparently classified. It also states they have a hive-mind like social structure that has the workers known as Silpelets who are infertile and a queen whose purpose is to bear children."

Flash the asks "Has this 'queen' been identified?"

The slide then changed to what appears to be a mug shot of a college age girl with deep red eyes, cherry red hair, the signature horns, and pale skin.

"That's her. Real name: Unknown, Alias: Lucy, Danger Level: High. This girl has been mentioned over six hundred times in the Intel and could be the center of this madness. So far she is connected to over three hundred deaths that include highly trained soldiers."

"What do you want me to do sir?" Flash asked

"Simple, suit up and find out what the hell is going on in Japan. There's already a firestorm in the UN on why was the world informed about this mutation and this facility. Apparently this place is built like a prison that a medical research facility and if that's obviously isn't suspicious than the fact they have private army just to hunt down this "Lucy" is a good reason to be suspicion." Hodge told Thompson.

Thompson then saluted Hodge and entered the chamber that contained the Venom Symbiote. He then went to a separate chamber that allowed the suit to bond to him without the risk of it escaping. Once it bonded to him, it first recreated his lost legs, then flowed unto his and took the form of what can be described as a military version of the black suit Spider-Man.

He then grabbed his weapons and gear and left to the hanger. Once there, he saw Katherine waiting for him next to the stealth helicopter.

"So what's your plan?" Katherine asked Venom.

As he entered the chopper, he turned to Katherine and said "Isn't it obvious? I'm going to find Lucy."

At a park in Kamakura, Japan, there sat a nineteen year old girl who is simply looking at the sunset thinking. Her name has been all but forgotten, she has only been referred to as either Lucy or Nyu. She appears human except for almost albino skin, long cherry pink hair, and red eyes. She was wearing a simple gray t-shirt and jean pants with a blue beanie that hid her striking feature, her horns.

It had been six long months since she faced the SAT soldiers and returned to the Maple Inn. When she came back, she had her horns broken off, was covered in gunshot wounds, and was on the verge of death. Her only motives were to see her true love Kohta before she died.

But she was saved by the combined efforts of Kohta, Yuka, Mayu, and fellow Diclonius Nana. And in a week's time, she completely healed due to her Diclonius healing factor. However, she left the next night, leaving a letter saying:

"I know you want me to stay, but how I can face the man who I love is also the man whose life I ruined. But I promise you I won't take the lives of others anymore and I will visit you every month. And please, take care of Nana."

And she has kept her promise of not killing anymore people and has been visiting the residents of the Maple Inn for the last six months. And during that time she noticed both her mind and body has changed.

After her horns where first shot off, her vectors had significantly diminished in strength. They now have the properties of her physical limbs that are no longer effective at killing, but perfect for melee combat. And best of all, her murderous instincts have been permanently silence even when her horns grew back.

Mentally, she changed for the best. Ever since her return to the inn, she had a change in her personality. Combining her Lucy and Nyu personas, she has reverted to her true personality. She is calm, shy, and reclusive and won't kill, but willing to fight if necessary. She thought she would never see the day where she would be, quite literally, back to her old self.

But currently, she had plans to meet a certain pair of teens. Suddenly the yelling of young voices caught her attention.

"Lucy!" Mayu and Nana call yelling in union. Mayu had a Tupperware bowl and had the leash of her loyal dog Wanta. Nana had several pairs of clothes with her and had ribbons on her horns to hide them like how Lucy hid her horns under her beanie.

"Hey there!" Lucy said with a smile. Mayu and Nana had been visiting her since she left the inn. She was especially surprised that Nana is helps her out and appears to no longer hold a grudge against her. It could be due to Lucy having saved her for the DRI scientist who also killed her adopted father and sister. Lucy still holds guilt for amputating her limb from limb and having them replaced with artificial limbs.

"We got you some fresh soumen noodles, new clean clothes, and another letter from Kohta." Mayu said to Lucy. For the last months, Kohta always write letters to Lucy, always asking her to not be afraid and come home.

"Oh Kohta, why do you want the woman who killed your family to live with you." Lucy thought the said to the two teens "Thanks, tell Kohta I'll come over this weekend, I promise."

"Okay we'll tell him, it's getting late anyway." Mayu said handing Lucy her necessities.

"Okay well be careful you two." Lucy said as she put her items in a backpack Mayu gave her the week before. She then began to leave the park when a black helicopter flew above her. She knew it wasn't SAT affiliated but she sensed something off, almost alien in the chopper. She but the thought aside as she left the park.

At the very same helicopter, Venom prepared to drop the the forest near the park when Katherine handed him a small packet of needles and she explained their purpose.

"Those are filled with phenethylamine, a chemical the Symbiote feeds on to stay calm. One does last up to seventy two hours. And something needs to really piss you off in order for it to take over." Katherine said.

"Thanks and wish me luck..." Venom said as he jumped out the chopper and descended to the forest below.

Once he landed, Venom readied himself immediately. He first loads his SGMs, injects himself with a dose of phenethylamine, and finally checks his surroundings for any threat. Once the coast was clear, he began web slinging across the forest and thinks to himself "Just faced on queen only to find another. This will be interesting."

To be continued.