
"Stein," she breathed, barely above a whisper. That whisper contained so many things. Desire, passion, love, excitement...madness.

"Evelyn," Stein whispered her true name in return, pinning her arms to her sides as he pressed her against the wall, intent on not letting her escape.

Their breath was hot and heavy, mouths just inches away from each other. The pause was so beautiful. It increased the level of growing passion and desire, each second without action pouring more and more ecstasy into their souls.

Stein pressed his whole body even harder against Evelyn's, a groan of pleasure escaping from her throat. Moving just an inch closer to Stein, she whispered, "I...I love you."

Before she could say anything else, he finally molded his lips against her's. He didn't hold back and he didn't start off slow. Stein immediately pressed his mouth fully against her's, his tongue playing with her lips, demanding entrance.

They both tasted good. Evelyn of honey and Stein of warm metal, like blood, and smoke from his cigarettes. It was delicious. The intensity and desire between them only grew, dancing within the heavy air around them.

After a while, they pulled away from each other for air, neither one ever once leaving the other's eyes. Stein managed to whisper, "I love you too." While they continued staring at one another, Evelyn took it a step further. She freed her arms from Stein's iron grip and started taking off his long lab coat, sliding it off his arms, and throwing it to the floor.

After this, he quickly ripped open her own shirt, not caring that he had torn half the buttons off. Quickly taking the rest of their clothing off, they soon were on the floor, naked and in the position.

Just one swift movement and it would be done. Their eyes continued burning into each others until finally the desire was too much to bear. He entered her, waves of pleasure coursing through both of them immediately.

The rest of their night was laced in blood, sweat, and ecstasy, fulfilling one another's desires, be they sweet or sadistic. Not an inch of skin untouched, by the end of the night they knew each other's bodies like their own. By the end of the night...they knew for sure...they were deeply, madly in love.