And this is the end...I'm crying as I'm writing this!...well I'm not crying but I am sad it's over! Anyways, lovelies I love you all. Thank you so much to those who stuck with this story. And thank you to the potential future readers! There mere fact there are people out there who enjoy my work is enough encouragement. also, thank you to LingLing. You're an awesome best friend and you continuously threatened my life to finish this story.

Epilogue...Several Years Later

"For once, I'm glad you and Blair are dressing me up," Maka admitted as we continued putting make up on her.

"Meow!" Was Blair's response while I only smiled.

"I'm so nervous..." Maka whispered. "What if he-?"

"If you ask if he'll runaway one more time I am going to sew your mouth shut," I threatened.

Maka flinched. "But...!"

The door to the room burst open, a cheery little boy running in to hug me. He wrapped his arms around my legs and looked up at me. "Mama, I'm bored!" He complained.

I smiled at my three year old son. "Blair, finish up Maka's make up, would you?"


My little boy laughed. He loved Blair. Even called her auntie Kitty. "Mama can I dissect something?"

I gently flicked his forehead. "Natsu, I said to wait until after the wedding."

He frowned. "But I have nothing to do until then! And daddy is busy keeping uncle Soul from leaving!"

Maka's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Shut up, Maka. Okay, I have a job for you," I said. "Go and move things around in the chapel. Mess with your uncle Kidd. Okay?"

He smiled. "Okay! Can I hit him too?"

I ruffled his silver hair. "Of course. Just don't ruin his suit. I paid good money for that thing."

Natsu ran off to the chapel, intent of causing destruction for Kidd.

A few minutes later, we heard a familiar voice yell, "GARBAGE! I am assymetrical GARBAGE!" And a fit of crying followed by what sounded like Natsu and Patty's laughter.


"And does anybody object to these two people being together?"

"MAAAAAKAAAA!" Spirit cried into Stein's shoulder, who simply pushed him off and he continued crying into the floor.

Maka's eye twitched, but she shook her head and motioned for the priest to continue.

"Do you, Maka Albarn, take Soul Eater Evans, to be your husband?"

"I do." Maka smiled.

"And do you, Soul Eater Evans, take Maka Albarn, to be your wife?" The priest asked.

Soul nervously grinned. "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Soul grabbed Maka by the elbows and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Everyone awed except for Spirit, who only continued bawling into the carpet.

About ten minutes later, everyone was gathered in the reception part of the building. Maka and Soul were inseperable.

After they cut the cake, BlackStar attacked. "YAHOO! Cake!" and he started inhaling.

Tsubaki was trying to pull him off while Patty joined in attacking the cake with Liz trying to pull her off. Kidd was crying about the room being no long symmetrical and Crona was smiling and talking to Maka and Soul.

I watched it all. From the people dancing to the ones eating, to Spirit still crying.

Feeling arms wrap around my waist from behind, I smiled. "Don't they remind you of us?"

"Indeed they do," Franky agreed with me. I turned around, not having to get on my toes thanks to the heels as I kissed him. "You look beautiful," he whisperd.

My smile widened. "Why thank you." I twirled in the bright red dress that all the brides maids had been wearing.

"Mama can I dissect something now?" Natsu appeared out of no where.

I sighed. "Fine." He ran off. "Hey!" I yelled. "Don't you dare get that suit of yours dirty!"

"Yes, mama!" He yelled back.

I sighed again. "He has my mentality yet your love for experimentation. How is that going to work for him?"

Stein grabbed my hand and smiled. "I don't know. Guess we'll have to wait and see."

I looked down at my feet. I didn't want my little boy to grow up. I just didn't. He was mine. But he would grow up eventually. Like I did. And I would do everything in my power to keep him from experiencing anything like what I was put through. I can promise that much...