Chapter 20 The End…?

Sayu's PoV********************************************************************

Sayu pretended to sit numbly in the back of an ambulance as the police car holding her brother drove away. I can hear him screaming, she thought and pulled the shock blanket closer to herself. Light was going to spend a long time in prison. Nearly 70 years, if he's not executed with the Death Note.

She felt…almost melancholy. It wasn't right, she should be happy, but… Sayu shook her head. It doesn't matter now.

L sat next to her. "You've done a good thing by stopping your brother, Sugar-chan."

He said the damning words quietly, ensuring that no one would overhear. Sayu smiled thinly. "How long have you known?"

"I've suspected ever since Spice-chan's comment about siblings, but you just confirmed it."

"It could just be the shock. Look, I've got a blanket and everything," she said, laughing. Her face soon grew wistful. "So…here I am. Go on, arrest me. You've been waiting a year and a half to do so."

The world's greatest detective did something unexpected and sighed. "No…I'm afraid arresting you is impossible."


"There's no real proof other than your confession. Sugar is a dangerous criminal. For all I know, the real Sugar could have put sweet, innocent Sayu up to this."

It was a weak excuse and they both knew it. Sayu, a walking contradiction, a criminal desiring imprisonment and freedom at the same time, could never be called sweet or innocent. But it was a nice sentiment anyway. She leaned and pressed a kiss to L's cheek. "Thank you, L."

"No need for thanks, Sayu-chan," L said as he rubbed the area where she kissed him. "After all, until we catch the real Sugar, you are still our number one suspect and will have to stay in the custody of Watari and myself."

Sayu stared wide-eyed at the detective. He continued. "This could take several months, or even years. You will, of course, be allowed to visit your parents, however, most of the time you will be helping me solve cases."

The idea was…appealing. Sayu had never truly considered being right with the law, but… "That sounds fun," she mused. "L, this seems to be the start of a beautiful relationship."

Her eyes darted over to a nearby roof top where 2 figures were watching them talk. She smirked. Very beautiful indeed.


A/N: I'd like to thank all the poor souls who have watched me blunder through this story. There is no need to follow me if you are hoping for sequel; I'll post any announcements on here. Also, please check out my two-shot for this story, Spice of your Life, and check out my other Death Note stories.