Disclaimer: I own nothing.

I know I'm on hiatus but I just couldn't let this one go.

Set after 10x19 "Squall"

Ziva felt badly for her friend and coworker. He had just found out that his father was dying. Everyone on Team Gibbs knew what it was like to lose a parent and soon Tim would be no different. As she was putting her things away to leave for the day she saw that McGee hadn't really moved to pack up. She waited until Gibbs and Tony disappeared to walk over to the other agent's desk.


"Huh? Oh, hey Ziva, anything I can help you with?"

"Yes actually, I was just wondering how you were doing? You have received quite a shock today."

McGee scoffed before grimacing and apologizing.

"You least of all have a reason to apologize Tim. You are the bigger man and I for one am proud of you for that. I know that it is not easy, I couldn't do it."

"What do you mean?" McGee asked, confused.

Ziva paused for a moment before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"When my father came to America to celebrate Shabbat, I was angry. He asked me to see past his transgressions and eat one last meal with him and then he would leave me alone and I could barely do that. Eli had been a wonderful father to me in the beginning but, after my mother died, he could barely look at me."

"Ziva I-."

"No Tim, you had the opportunity to set things right with your father and you did, I was selfish and could not see past my own hurt and pain and now I will never be able to reconcile with my father. I am proud of you and I just want you to know that I am always here should you need to talk."

Tim smiled up at his coworker before replying.

"That offer goes both ways Ziva, if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Losing your entire family can't be easy and I know you say that you're fine, but no one is just fine after that, not even you, no matter how many years pass between deaths. So, my door is always open."

Ziva smile before bidding him goodnight and walking to the elevator thinking that Tim would be just fine.