Hey everyone...long time no write...well that's about to start again because Spring quarter is about to start actually it already started...yesterday. So before i get overworked with writing essays...and whatever else. I figured I should finish this...It's been sitting in my journal since October, and I finally took the time to copy it on to my computer. I hate doing that. Scribing is something I just don't like doing it.
It's AU because apparently Derek is in High School...I like putting him there it seems. It's pretty simple only three chapters, and it's lovely romance, what's not to love about that? Hope you enjoy it because it more or less turned out the way i excepted it, and that is shocking enough.

now please read, review, and enjoy.


Lessons in Love

Chapter One

To put it simply Derek Hale was a god among men. He was the good student, always getting straight A's, the star swimmer and fastest on the swim team and also broke nearly all the records. So, to top of his god like status he was also dating like the most popular girl in school Kate Argent.

Stiles Stilinski was the exact opposite. He was barely pulling his grades above average, even though he could do better, he just wasn't applying himself. He tried out for the lacrosse team, but in the end couldn't even make it onto the second string. And to top it all off he was hopelessly and tragically single.

"After practice I think we should have a study group." Scott said as he closed the door to his locker and looked over Stiles, who was absently scrapping his feet upon the dingy gray tile floor.

"Sure," Stiles mumbled as he looked from what he was doing and over at Scott, "what do you need to study?"

"Everything. I'm nearly failing everything and I would study with Allison, but whenever we study we always seem to get distracted." Scott mumbled sounding perplexed, which only made Stiles roll his eyes.

"Sure, how about we start with Chemistry, since we have a test in that this coming Monday?" Stiles suggested.

Scott's chocolate brown eyes grow wide in shock, and Stiles raised an eyebrow.

"We have a test in Chemistry next week?" Scott squeaked frantically and Stiles just nodded his head.

How could Scott not know? Mr. Harris announced that they were having the test like four times. What could have possibly distracted him….Stiles groaned as he realized he had just asked himself the stupidest question. Allison of course.

"Yeah, he told us about last week, and then a couple of times today." Stiles replied and Scott groaned.

"Crap! Okay, after practice I'll meet you in the library and we can study there." Scott said and Stiles nodded. Scott gave him a big grin before he turned on his heels and headed for the locker room.

He had an hour and half to kill waiting for Scott to get done. In the end he figured that he could just head the library and do a little reading or he could take a nap. That's of course if he didn't snore too loudly.

He trudged towards from his locker to the library, but stopped when he heard someone shout from a nearby classroom. Quickly he slunk over towards the door and peeked in through the small window, and his eyes went wide in shock as he spotted Mr. Perfect, Derek Hale, standing in the middle of the deserted classroom, with his body tense and his fists clenched.

Standing in from of Mr. Perfect was his also perfect girl friend Kate Argent.

"I told you that I didn't want anything serious Derek, I mean you've had great meaningless sex, but that's about all there is to this relationship." Kate said with a shrug and Derek's fist clenched and unclenched in anger.

"So you're saying that all of this, and all of what we had meant nothing?" Derek growled in a low voice and Kate just rolled her eyes.

"Don't say it like that because you know as well as I do that you were just in it for the great sex too." Kate sighed, sounding bored with the conversation, which just seemed to make Derek more agitated.

"I told you I loved you." Derek hissed and Kate just rolled her eyes again, and shook her head.

"You don't love me Derek, and you never have loved me. In fact, I'm positive that you know nothing of love. So, when you do learn a thing about love then come back and tell me you love me because then and only then will I actually believe it." Kate said sternly as she turned her attention over to the door.

Stiles squeaked in surprise as his eyes locked with hers and slumped down onto the floor, out of site.

"Hey, cutie. Enjoying the show?" Kate said as she opened the door, causing Stiles to fall backwards in surprise.

Stiles felt his cheeks grow red hot as he gazed up at Kate as he began to try and deny it, "I didn't mean to spy. I just heard shouting…" Stiles stammered as he scrambled to get back on his feet.

Kate smiled at him and gently cupped his cheeks in her hands.

"I do not doubt it. Now, tell me what do you know about love?" Kate asked, the smirk on her face growing wider as Stiles face flushed an even darker shade of crimson.

Stiles gawked at her for a moment, completely unsure what he should be saying, "I…don't…know anything about love. I mean, other than your heart races, your pupils dilate, your palms sweat, you have a hard time forming words, so just forget about forming sentences, your thought always drift back to them, you're constantly worried about the little things they say, and even if you don't believe in god you pray to him with the greatest of hopes that they will love for exactly who you are because you can't help but love them for exactly who they are."

Kate laughed a soft laugh and leaned forward and gently kissed Stiles on the cheeks, which caused Stiles to squeak in surprise and back a way, tripping over his own feet in his hasty retreat.

"This boy knows about love. You Derek could learn a thing or two from him." Kate smirked as she looked over at Derek, who glared at both of them. Kate continued to smirk as she turned away from Stiles and sauntered over to Derek. His eyes followed Kate's movements, until they stopped in front of him. She patted him rather condescendingly on the cheek, before she turned away and walked out of the classroom.

Stiles let out a shaky breath and was about to turn and leave as well, only to be interrupted by Derek, "Wait." Derek said softly and Stiles stopped abruptly and turned his attention to Derek, feeling very confused as to why Derek would still want to speak with him because as far as Stiles knew Derek didn't even know his name.

"So what do you want to kill me now?" Stiles retorted, and Derek's eye brows shut up in confusion as she slowly shook his head.

"No, though not going to lie, the thought of killing did pass through my mind, when Kate kissed you." Derek mumbled, rather offhandedly and Stiles frowned in response.

"That's not really helping your case, with you wanting me to stay."

"But yet you are still here aren't you?" Derek said as he gestured around the empty classroom they were standing in

"Well…Yeah, but I was just about to leave." Stiles shot his answer back at Derek because he didn't really have a good answer as to why he was still standing in the deserted classroom with Mr. Perfect, Derek Hale.

"But you still haven't left. Your sick curiosity that got you into this mess to begin with, deep down you want to know what I want you to wait for."

Stiles eyebrows arched, before he slowly nodded his head up and down in agreement. He couldn't argue with Derek because what he had said was the truth.

"Fine, you're right! Now tell me why did you exactly want me to wait?" Stiles asked and then watched Derek bite his lower lip.

"I need you." Derek muttered in a low voice, and Stiles just blinked at him in shock.

"You need me?" Stiles stammered in disbelief, which just caused Derek to look away, clearly embarrassed by his statement and Stiles questioning response.

"I need you to teach me about love." Derek finally continued in a low voice, but all Stiles could do was gape at him.

Stiles couldn't believe it. Derek wanted him to do what, "You seriously want me to teach you about love?" Stiles stammered in disbelief, "Are you crazy? I've never even kissed anyone before and the only person who has ever wanted to hold my hand was my mom." Stiles began to babble on, which caused Derek to roll his eyes.

"Shut up! I don't care about experience; I just want you to teach me what you know about love because Kate seemed really impressed with what you told her about love." Derek insisted and it caused Stiles to frown.

"Well, I guess I know a few things about it, but I find it odd that you want my help." Stiles muttered sounding confused.

"You were here and I heard what you said and I figured if it would be good enough." Derek said sternly and Stiles wasn't sure if he felt insulted by Derek's words or not.

"So I seem good enough to teach you about love? Who'd actually believe that, even if I told them?" Stiles chuckled, still barely believing what was actually going on.

"You're not to tell anyone. I don't need anyone finding out I'm seeking love advice from you." Derek said sternly and Stiles's face became pensive because once again he wasn't sure if he should feel insulted by Derek's want to hide him. Though, he couldn't see any reason to go bragging to people about this kind of situation because all it would do was to make both Derek and himself look terribly pathetic.

"Sure that sounds fine." Stiles paused and looked down at the watch on his wrist and gasped, "Shit! I need to get to the library. So, is there anything else that you are dying to tell me?" Stiles asked sarcastically as Derek shook his head, and their eyes locking for a brief moment before Derek breaks the gaze and stares down at the floor.

"Awesome." Stiles mumbled feeling slightly hurt by Derek's sudden evasion, especially after everything that had already happened, "I'm going to go now." Stiles then added and turned and hurried out of the empty classroom, not daring to look back to see if Derek was watching him or not.

He let out a long shaky breath as he headed towards the library, only to stop in beside an open locker, with someone's head buried deep within it.

"How's your search going?" Stiles asked as he banged his fist on the locker's neighbor.

Suddenly a head emerged from behind the locker door, and a hand shut it with a swift slam. The locker's own let out a long sigh and slumped against it, her arms filled to the book. All the books that Stiles could see were about Wicca and magic.

"Horrible," She groaned as she shoved a couple of the books in that were in her arms towards Stiles, who took one open and thumbed through it. After a few minutes of looking for it he burst up laughing and passed the book back to her.

"It seriously wants you to do that. Even I have to admit that that was a weird idea. You're not actually going to try and do it, are you?" Stiles asked skeptically as a wave of worried washed over him as he gave his friend a look of concern.

"No, of course not, but I still have to believe that there is some truth behind the spell. This just seems to be the price of being normal." She sighed as she gave Stiles a playful smile.

Stiles laughed he couldn't help it really. He thought she brought light into his life and he really loved her. And maybe things could have been more serious between them if she didn't bat. Stiles knew that falling in love with would have been pointless, but what would he know about pointless love because here he was head over heels for Derek.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to continue to eat lunch with me and Scott, Stella because we are so terribly abnormal, we need you there to balance us out."

Stella chuckled and brushed one of her short auburn hair back behind her ear, even though it was too short to actually fall in her face and both of her ears had about a half dozen piercings in each. She was anything but normal, at least in appearance anyways. Yet, unlike Stiles, Stella was popular with everyone, well except for a few select people, but Stiles wasn't going to worry about that.

"I figured it would just be you and me, especially now that Scott has hooked up with Allison, who by the way would be much happy with me." Stella added and her grin widened as Stiles just rolled his eyes.

Stella, like Danny had long left the closet and they more or less are accepted for who they are. In fact before either of them came out they generally went out with each other, almost as if they knew it could never get past the first step. And even now when they didn't have partners of their own to go with they went with one another. Stiles always felt a little jealous, but Stiles also understood. Since he was a switch hitter, it would be easy for him to fall in love.

"I should dare say I agree, and one can only hope that Scott's not standing behind me as I say it. Anyways, are you going out later? I need a good distraction." Stiles asked and Stella shrugged.

"Why, in need of the distraction?" She teased as she nudged her shoulder into Stiles's.

"I just want to clear my head. Something really crazy happened to me and I just need to unwind, mostly because I still can't believe it happened." Stiles sighed and slouched on the lockers beside Stella.

"What happened?" Stella asked, but Stiles just shook his head.

"I really don't want to talk about it. So, are you going to be going out or not?"

"I don't know yet, but I'll text you when I know for sure." Stella pulled herself out of her lean and gave Stiles a quick wink, right before, sauntered off.

Stiles watched her go, and he couldn't help but remember. He had meet Stella in elementary school, when Stella had beaten up the bully that had been tormenting both him and Scott. Even to this day Stiles couldn't think of a better moment, then when Stella had made that bully cry. After that day the three of them had become best friends.

But now since Scott had found Allison…The trio had become more of duo and though Stiles liked Stella, he couldn't help but miss Scott.

Stiles pulled up out of his lean and continued on his way to the library, but before he got there his phone vibrated. He struggled to pull it out of his pocket, but when he finally did he stared down at the message, feeling very confused.

"Under the Bleachers." It read, and Stiles read and reread it trying to completely understand it, not to mention, who the hell sent it. And before Stiles could response another message followed.

"Come now!"

"What the makes you believe that I'll come to the bleachers? I don't even know who you are!" Stiles growled at his phone like that was the way to pass the message to the mysterious sender.

After that Stiles shoved his phone back into his pocket and continued on his way to the library because he knew Scott would be there waiting for him because practice ended a like ten minutes ago.