Chapter 5

The trip to Paris went by quickly for most of the nations. The plane ride was very quick considering how far away some of the nationsw were from France. They headed towards the Eiffel Tower as quick as they could. they only had today to finish the reverse spell and they still couldn't be right about their prediction. Once they reached it, everyone tried to pile into the elevator at once, until France pushed about half of them out.

"What are you trying to do? Break it?" he said. "Come up on the next one."

The ones left behind waited impatiently as they watched the elevator rise. It came back surprisingly quickly considering how tall the building was. They all crowded into the small space and hit the button.

"You're stepping on my foot, bastard!" Romano complained.

"Sorry! It's a small space." America shifted his foot so it wasn't on Romano's.

The elevator came to a stop and the nine of them stepped out to be greeted by a huge flight of stairs.

"Stairs! Are you kidding me!? God damn it!" Prussia complained.

"Oh it's not so bad! Follow me!" America began running enthusiastically up the stairs.

About ten minutes later, America was also complaining about how many stairs they had to climb.

Finally, the second group reached the top of the large tower.

"You're telling me you have time to invent a new type of cheese almost every day but you can't install a new elevator in one of the the largest tourist attractions in the entire world? I'll never understand you." Britain yelled at France.

"Just change us all back already, aru! You can argue then!" China tried to stop the two from fighting.

"I can't because I don't know how and we have to wait for the moon to rise, remember? That's what the message said, at least." Britain said. "All we can do is wait."

Luckily, Austria had a deck of playing cards with him to keep everyone busy. But, no matter what game they played, everyone kept losing to Prussia-which only boosted his ego (if that's even possible).

Britain was busy still trying to uncode the spell, in case there was anything they had missed accidentally. He was worried that they had guessed wrong and would be stuck like this forever! He shuddered at the thought of being French for the rest of his life. None of the others were worried though, so why should he be? He still skeptical that all they had to do was stare at the moon from here and they would magically be returned to their own bodies. Then he realized something. the words of the spell were meaningless! They meant nothing, really. The whole point of the words was to give you the anagram in case you got stuck-right? That meant...Britain's thoughts were cut off.

"Look, there's the moon." Russia pointed to the horizon where a small sliver of the moon could be seen. "Now what?"

"Well, I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work or not." Britain said.

"Try it anyway!" America said impatiently, "I'm done being Japanese."

'And what's so wrong with being Japanese?" Japan asked suspiciously.

"Nothing! It's just, I'm sure you don't want to be American anymore, right? Wait, what am I saying, everyone wants to be American!" America smiled.

Japan shook his head. "Anyway, what's your idea, Britain?"

"Well, all these words used in the spell? they are completely meaningless. they're just syllables put together to make the anagram that tells you to come here. So I thought, maybe if we said them backwards, it would reverse the spell." Britain said.

"That's brilliant! Try it!" Germany said happily.

"Ok, here goes." Britain said the words of the spell. Nothing happened.

"What? I'm still here!" Prussia waved his hands above his head. "What's the deal!"

"If I may say something," Lithuania started. "Maybe because you switched bodies with France, he has magical powers now and you don't. France, you try saying the spell backwards."

"Okay, if you think it would work." France said the words of the spell and a gold light shone from the book. All the nations were blown to the sides of the room.

Italy had hit his head against the wall of the room. He reached up to rub the sore spot and realized he had his hair back!

"Ve! Everybody! Wake up, we're back to normal! It worked! Yay!" Italy went skipping around all the nations.

"Huh? Hey look at that! It worked, Britain!" France said happily.

All the countries started to stand up and were very happy to see that they were in their own bodies again. Even Romano was smiling. Prussia was so happy he started skipping around with Italy until he almost tripped and fell off the Eiffel Tower.

"Well, that was an...interesting experience, wasn't it?" Britain laughed along with everyone else.

"WOOHOO I'M BACK! YEAAHH!" America yelled.

"America, stop being so childish, please." Britain complained.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my revolution!" America laughed.

Britain and America started arguing and wouldn't stop they entire way back to Britain's house.

Britain said they ought to have a proper celebration in honer of figuring out the spell. Everyone was having a good time (except for Russia-Belarus was chasing him around the whole time), when Romania showed up out of the blue.

"What did you think of my little spell, Britain?" he smiled.

"It was you!? This whole time? What the hell did we ever do to you?" Britain asked.

"Nothing. I just thought it would be funny. And I was wrong. It was hilarious! I put a protection around the Nordics 'cause they're pretty cool and I didn't want them to get mixed up forever. It's hard enough to remember who's who anyway."

"Romania, you vampire!" Prussia said angerily.

"If anyone's a vampire, it's you, Mr. Albino!" Romania retorted.

"Guys! Stop fighting!" Italy interjected. "I think Romania was just trying to make us all be friends, right Romania? That was what you wanted! I mean, think how close we all are now that we overcame this together!"

"Yeah, sure. Let's go with that." Romania agreed, nodding his head frantically.

The others thought about it and finally realized that italy was right. As crazy as it seemed, the expirence had brought the nations closer together.

"Aw but I wanted to hit him with my pick axe." Russia said.

"Yeah, no pick axes please!" Romania said.

"Well, I suppose we'll forgive you. If you promise that you'll do anything we ask for an entire month." Britain smiled.

"Seriously? Well, I guess it's better than a pick axe in my skull. Fine." Romania agreed.

And that is how Romania ended up running from nation to nation doing absurd things like changing the television channel or making pasta sauce for a whole month.

The End

A/N So, that's it! I finished! I hope you enjoyed it :) Poor Romania. I thinkhe deserved it though, what if they couldn't figure out the puzzle and were stuck like that forever! Haha.

*trumpet music ends dramatically* :P

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