Author's Note: My laptop has finally been fixed, so I can post this chapter now! Yay!

Thanks so much for the support of this somewhat crazy fic. I had no idea that people would take so well to the idea of Rachel playing a furry beaver during the summer and Finn being a platypus. I'm glad that you all enjoyed it! This take place during the following summer.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

"I can't believe that this is your last year at McKinley!"

Finn chuckled as he finished placing his belongings in his locker. He shut it and turned to face his girlfriend before he reached out and pulled her against him. Dropping a kiss to her lips, he said, "It's not like you still won't see me, baby. After all, we do live together."

Rachel beamed at the mention of her new living arrangements. She and Finn had just moved into their new apartment together. Finn had graduated from NYU and Rachel still had another year to go, but neither had wanted to wait. After being in a relationship for the past year, each knew that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

"Very true," Rachel agreed. She ran her hands down his chest, fingering the McKinley Amusement Park logo on his polo shirt. "But I'm still going to miss seeing you here. I'll have this job next summer, too."

"And I'll probably be teaching summer school," Finn said. After he graduated, he had procured a job as the elementary-level music teacher at the private school where he had done his student teaching. He would be starting in the fall, and Rachel couldn't be more proud of him.

"Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll have my first starring role," Rachel mused.

Finn kissed her again. "I have no doubt that you will, baby." He looked over at Rachel's locker, which was now situated next to his but no longer held the Betty Beaver costume. "I will miss working with you every day, though."

"You'll still see me. I'm in charge of all of your performances now." Instead of returning as the character of Betty Beaver, Rachel was now the coordinator the musical performances in the amusement park. That meant that all of the characters—mermaids included—now fell under her management.

Finn pressed Rachel against the lockers. "So what do I have to do to get on the boss's good side?"

"Hmmm…" Rachel linked her fingers behind Finn's neck and pulled his mouth down to hers. "I can think of a few things."

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Finn smirked as his hands settled on her hips and he kissed her deeply. His hands slid under her thighs and he lifted Rachel up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She moaned and tangled her fingers in his hair when he moved his lips down to her neck.

"Finn," she gasped out. "We can't do this right now. Or here, for that matter." But she didn't push him away; in fact, she pulled Finn even closer.

Finn smirked against the skin of her neck before he gently bit down on her pulse point. Rachel moaned again and his tongue soothed over the mark. His hips bucked against hers, and Rachel writhed underneath him.

"Who says that we can't?" he murmured. "We're here two hours early because you insisted that we needed to get the best lockers. No one will even be here." He pulled back just enough to look in Rachel's eyes, and he winked. "We can even revisit the lagoon, if you want."

Rachel combed her fingers through his thick hair and pressed another kiss to his lips. "We're saving the lagoon for another night." She licked her lips and rolled her hips against Finn's, pressing closer to him. "But you may have convinced me to do this now."

With a triumphant grin, Finn lifted Rachel and took her into the showers. She giggled the entire time, keeping her arms wrapped tightly around him as she pressed kisses to his neck.

Rachel waited as all of the workers filed into the meeting room. She couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared on her face when she saw the mermaids enter in their matching red warm up suits. Rachel was in charge of them now. It was funny how the tables had turned—now Rachel knew better. Being a mermaid wasn't all that after all. She had a blast as Betty Beaver, and now she was the event coordinator.

"Oh, look who it is. It's the big boss Rachel Berry!"

Rachel rolled her eyes when Santana's voice reached her. Clipboard in hand, Rachel turned to face Santana and Kurt and did her best to keep a straight face. "You were almost late," she says teasingly.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Just because you're the boss now doesn't mean that you get to tell us what to do."

Finn came up behind Rachel then. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her face. "Actually, that's exactly what it means," Finn said.

Kurt made a face at his brother. "You know what I mean."

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and leaned back in Finn's arms. "It's not my fault that you decided to go back to your job as Alan Alligator. I always knew that you secretly enjoyed playing that character."

Kurt made an annoyed noise before he threw his hands up in the air and stalked over to his seat. Finn called after him, "Just think about how much fun you'll have this summer with the zoo crew!"

"Speaking of the zoo crew and people who secretly enjoyed playing characters…" Rachel turned to Santana, who was simply inspecting her nails. "Are you ready for your first orientation as part of the McKinley Amusement Park crew?"

Santana pointed a threatening finger at Rachel. "Don't say anything. You don't get to say anything."

Rachel couldn't keep the smirk off her face. "Oh, but I do get to say something. I'm the reason that you even discovered this job in the first place."

Santana poked Rachel in the shoulder. "Fine. Just go ahead. I know that you're not going to listen to me anyway, so you might as well go ahead and start with the jokes now."

Rachel promptly exclaimed, "I can't believe that you're going to be Betty Beaver this summer!"

"Ugh!" Santana pulled a Kurt and threw her hands up in the air and she stomped away from Finn and Rachel.

Finn chuckled and kissed Rachel's cheek again. "You're the best event coordinator ever."

Rachel turned in his arms and wrapped her own around his neck. "You know, sucking up won't get you any sort of special treatment."

"That's not what you were saying earlier." Finn pressed a kiss to Rachel's neck, and she could feel him smirking against her skin. "You know, when we were in the shower…"

Rachel gasped playfully and pushed on Finn's chest. "You're lucky I love you," she said as she swatted at his shoulder.

Finn kissed her quickly. "I love you, too," he said with a grin before he went to take his seat. Rachel could only laugh and shake her head as she took her spot at the front of the room. She flipped through the papers on her clipboard that detailed the itinerary for the summer.

She caught Finn's eye before she started speaking. Like the dork that he ways, he gave her a thumbs up. Rachel giggled and blew him a kiss. Even thought things were going to be different this summer, Rachel had a feeling that this one was going to be just as good as the last.

"Here we are." Finn unlocked the door to their apartment and pushed it open. He stood aside to allow Rachel to peer in, and she smiled brightly.

It was small—only one bedroom with one bathroom and the dining room was a part of the kitchen and it was still filled with all of the boxes that they had to unpack—but it was theirs. Rachel stood on her tiptoes to kiss Finn's cheek.

"Home sweet home," she said.

Finn grinned before he bent and suddenly swept Rachel into his arms. She let out a shriek of surprise and threw her arms around Finn's neck. "What are you doing?" she exclaimed.

Finn's eyes twinkled as he kissed Rachel gently. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm carrying my girlfriend over the threshold."

Rachel tilted her head thoughtfully as Finn moved into the apartment and kicked the door shut behind him. "I'm pretty sure that's reserved for the wife, actually." As the words left Rachel's mouth, a nervous flutter started in her stomach. But it wasn't a bad one; despite the fact that she hadn't finished college yet, Rachel could see herself being married to Finn a few years down the line. The thought made a smile come to her face.

Finn shrugged his shoulders, but the smile remained on his face. "So I'm a few steps early, then." It seemed as if Finn was having the same ideas she was. He didn't seem at all bothered by it, either. In fact, Finn could see the exact future that Rachel was seeing.

She locked her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down to hers so that she could kiss him. As their lips moved together, Rachel could feel Finn moving. She felt him set her down on the mattress—the only thing that they had managed to set up when they moved in.

"You know, we really should start unpacking," Rachel murmured. She let out a moan when Finn's lips trailed down from her jaw to her neck. He bit down on the soft skin and then soothed the mark over with his tongue.

"I'm tired from work," Finn mumbled against her skin. He pulled the straps of her tank top down and kissed across her shoulders.

"Really?" Rachel ground her hips down against the hardness she could feel against her thigh. Finn groaned and bit down on her shoulder, his hips bucking against hers. "It doesn't seem like you're very tired."

Finn lifted his head and smirked down at her. "I'm not that tired." His fingers slipped past her shorts and panties, and Rachel moaned and clutched at his shoulders.

"We can unpack later," Rachel breathed as her hips rolled against his hand.

Finn chuckled and pulled her shorts and panties off completely. "Rach, baby?"

Rachel cried out as his fingers hit that spot inside of her. She couldn't wait until he was actually buried inside of her. "Yes?"

"Stop talking." And then Finn kissed her. Rachel certainly didn't have a problem following that request.

A few hours later, after they were spent, Rachel was splayed out on Finn's chest. His calloused fingers traced patterns up and down her back as he hummed a song from Journey. Rachel closed her eyes and listened to the comforting sound of his heart thumping under her ear.

"I kind of miss it, you know," Rachel admitted quietly.

"Miss what?" Finn asked. His fingers traced lower on her back, tracing down to just above her behind before they swept back up. A shiver ran down Rachel's spine and she let out a little noise of appreciation at his actions.

Rachel tilted her face to look up at her boyfriend. "I miss being Betty Beaver."

Finn smirked and tried very hard not to laugh. "Oh yeah?"

"Shut up." She pushed on his chest and propped herself up on her elbows so she could look at him more fully. She tugged the sheet up around her body, and a small smile formed on her lips when Finn pouted. "Being Betty Beaver was where it all started, you know? It was Betty Beaver and PJ Platypus against the world. Or, more specifically, McKinley Amusement Park."

"Rach." Finn sat up as well and took Rachel's hand. "Come on. Even though you're the event coordinator now, you'll always be Betty Beaver to me."

"Oh, that's cute," Rachel said with a laugh. "You'll always remember me as the girl in the furry beaver costume."

"No, I'll remember you as the hot, sexy, beautiful, amazing girl in the beaver costume." Finn bushed her hair back and kissed her gently. "Do you remember the day you bumped into the lockers and I caught you?"

"Of course I do." Rachel's cheeks flushed at the memory. "That was the first day I actually tried wearing the Betty Beaver costume. I couldn't see out of it!"

"And then I swept in and rescued you like a knight in shining armor!" Finn said dramatically.

Rachel giggled. "More like my platypus in shining armor. You're such a cheese ball."

"Okay, that's fair." Finn pulled Rachel into his lap and settled his hands on her waist, squeezing affectionately. "But anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I'll probably always be PJ Platypus to you, just like you'll always be Betty Beaver to me." He carefully tugged the sheet away from her body, and Rachel let out a quiet moan as one hand stroked up to her breasts and the other slipped between her legs.

"Oooh, Finn," she breathed out as she rolled her hips against his. Hot desire burned in her belly as she gripped his shoulders. Finn's lips moved to her neck, and she could feel him smirk against her skin as his fingers moved slowly against her core. "Stop teasing."

Finn flipped Rachel underneath him, and all thoughts left her mind after that.

"I don't even know if I can zip myself into this thing."

Rachel laughed and shrugged her shoulders as she watched Santana try to struggle into the costume. "You're the one who wanted the job as Betty Beaver. You knew the first time you tried that costume on that it would bind in the bust."

"Whatever." Santana managed to get into the costume and successfully zippered it up. She put her hands on her hips. "So how do I look?"

Remembering how Santana had made fun of her last year, Rachel responded, "Like a furry beaver."

"Shut up. I look hot. Now where is that boyfriend of yours? He's supposed to be Betty Beaver's best friend or something, right?"

Right on time, Finn entered the locker room. He was already dressed in his platypus costume. He pulled the head of the costume off and leaned over to greet Rachel with a kiss. When he pulled away, he said, "Relax, Santana. I'm pretty sure you're the one that's late right now."

"Shut it, Frankenteen. I have to go and be nice to children in this amusement park for the entire day. No one should do anything to piss me off," Santana snapped.

Finn just chuckled and shook her head as Rachel rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to Santana," Rachel advised her boyfriend. "She actually loves this. Otherwise, she wouldn't have applied for the job."

Grumbling under her breath, Santana snatched up the beaver head and stalked out of the locker room. Finn and Rachel could hear her muttering about annoying couples who are overly-cute. Rachel laughed and turned to face Finn, stretching up on her tip toes to kiss him again.

"Have fun with that," she said.

Finn laughed. "Thanks for the sympathy, baby."

Rachel patted his chest. "Santana secretly considers you to be her friend, anyway. I wouldn't worry about it too much."

Finn smirked in victory. "I can't wait to hold that over her. And maybe I could talk her into playing some pranks on Kurt today. I still can't believe that he's playing Alan Alligator. Did he even try to get the event coordinator job?"

Rachel shook her head. "Surprisingly not. He didn't even apply for the job."

"Probably because he knew that you would be better at it," Finn said as he kissed Rachel's cheek. She let out a laugh and shook her head.

"Don't ever let Kurt hear you say that." Rachel playfully swatted at his butt. "Now get going. The park gates open in five minutes and you have to be out there to dance as PJ Platypus."

Finn wrapped his arms around Rachel's waist and pulled her close. "And then we get to go home."

Rachel beamed. Going home with Finn (despite the fact that they already had more than one argument about her singing early in the morning and him constantly leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor) was one of the best parts of her day. She only knew that it was going to get better each time.

"And then we get to go home," she repeated. Rachel kissed Finn again and they made their way out into the amusement park together. Finn went to his post and Rachel headed towards the concert shell, as she was getting ready for a musical performance.

As she walked, Rachel heard one guy say to his friend, "Is it just me, or is Betty Beaver really hot?" She spent the entirety of her walk laughing, since someone had said the exact same thing during the Fourth of July performance.

"I told you before you started that you shouldn't wear rubber bands in the suit. You've been at this job for over a month now, Santana!"

Santana tugged her fingers through her hair (which was still knotted after Kurt had spent three hours picking out pieces of the melted rubber band) and glared at Rachel. "I didn't have a hair tie and that rubber band was my only option. How was I supposed to know that it was going to melt?"

"Maybe because I told you that it would happen?"

"Yeah, well you can just—"

"Oh my Lord!" Mercedes butted between the arguing friends and shoved cups into their hands. "You two need to knock it off and start drinking. You've been arguing all day long!"

Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "It's not my fault that you didn't listen to me." She took a sip of her drink and smiled when she realized it was the exact same one she had during the last Fourth of July party.

Santana simply chugged her entire drink before she stood up and went into the middle of the dance floor. Kurt, who had been watching the exchange between the two best friends, simply shook his head.

"I'm amazed that she's stuck with the job for this long," he said.

"So am I," Sam said. He got to hear about most of what went on, since Betty Beaver and PJ Platypus typically hung around the pools. "But she's actually really good at it. Hey, Rachel, do you think Finn will let me play PJ for a few days so I can spend some time with Santana and see how she works?"

Puck had his arm slung around Quinn (much to everyone's surprise, Quinn and Puck were still together), and he snorted. "Please. We all know that you have a crush on Lopez. Keep dreaming, because she is way out of your league."

"And besides." Finn appeared next to Rachel and sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. "Like I would let you near my costume anyway. Beiste would kill me if I let you mess with that." He kissed Rachel's temple and peered into the cup she was holding. "What are you drinking?"

"A pink drink," Rachel said as she tilted her cup towards him. Finn wrinkled his nose at it and then smiled at her.

"That's the drink you had last year."

"Yes. And if I remember correctly, I had a little too much and you refused to kiss me because you were too chivalrous." Rachel kissed his cheek and pressed her lips to his ear. "But just so you know, I definitely would have let you have your way with me that night." She nipped at his earlobe and Finn suppressed a groan. He tugged the drink from Rachel's hand and set it aside before he pulled her from his seat and led her away from the party.

Rachel smiled when she realized where he was taking her—to the tree where they had first watched the fireworks together. She rested her back against the tree and Finn leaned over her, propping one hand against it.

"You know," Finn murmured. He bent to press a kiss to her neck before he pulled back. "I knew that I had really liked you before this party. But I think this is where I first realized that I loved you."

Rachel beamed at him and slid her arms around his neck. "I think I knew that I loved you when I woke up in your arms the next morning."

"God, I just really love you," Finn said before he kissed her deeply. Just as his lips touched hers, the fireworks started going off above their heads. Rachel smiled against his lips as she curled her fingers in his shirt and pulled him closer.

It had almost been like some sort of twisted fairy tale. Rachel was the princess in the furry beaver costume and Finn was the platypus that had come to rescue her. As Finn held Rachel close, she knew that she wouldn't want to have it any other way. Betty Beaver had given her this wonderful life, and for that, Rachel would always be grateful.