hey! Hope you guys like the cover photo i thought it was a pretty good estimate at what Natasha would look like sorry for the long wait I was on vacation

Monday morning at high school...

"This is the school office where you got your schedule"Caroline explains as we are finished the tour of the school

"Okay"I respond

"And are you interested in trying out for the cheer leading squad"Caroline asks

"Not really sure"I shrug then head off for my first class

history wow this is going to be easy

I get to the class and take a seat wow most of the scooby gangs here

The teacher walks in Alaric

"Hello students we have a new student with us today" He says then motion for me to stand up- I do

"What's your name?" He asks I resist the urge to roll my eyes

"Natasha" I respond

"Where are you from/" He asks

"Spain" I respond

I take a seat and sit threw the most boring hour of my life why did I sign up for this? No okay I'm not giving up I want to try to be normal this is how you do it

"Natasha" Alaric calls out

"What?" I ask

"answer the question'

"Okay what's the questions" I ask I was obviously not listening

"What where the names of the royal family of Spain in 1000 B.C" He asks

This is going to be easy that was when I was the princess

"The parents were Madeline and Nicholas Venus and the kids were Natasha, Savannah,James, and Jason Venus"I respond I missed Silas I know but no one remembers him

"Right not many people know that"Alaric responds slowly

''Now the Venus family had rivals called the Rodriguez family they had a battle and the Venus's "He explains

"How they won will always be the question because they used far less weapons and rumors have it that they won by cutting this mark into the enemies arm"He finishes with showing a drawing of a V with swirls and vines. I used to draw that mark when I was a kid!

I tune out of the class busied in my own thought's about the V but why does that mark matter so much I drew those as a kid I still know how to draw them I mean I was just drawing them yesterday.

The class ends I rush out of class to face the heat yes I'm going to Barcelona to find out what this mark means. I try to hurry out but someone catches my arm

Elena shit

"What class do you have after this?" She asks

"I was just thinking of leaving?"I said

"Oh come on at least stay for the whole day please?" She asks

"Fine" I whine

"I have Italian next"I say responding to her original question

"Me too let's go" she says while pulling on my arm

While I walked to class people gave me weird looks guess not many new people stay here when I took my seat I found Rebekah beside me wow I didn't think she would take Italian probably Spanish or French.

Again for the whole class was boring as hell I already speak Italian so really? Do I have to listen and apparently we have homework since when does Elena have time to do homework?! School is probably the least of her priorities

Anyways the day dragged on to lunch..I didn't eat

"Don't you want to eat anything?" Caroline asks for the fifth while stuffing fries in her mouth

"Fine"I sigh finally giving up and get a bowl of fries I'm not really a big eater when It comes to cafeteria food who is?

"How can you survive 2000 years without blood"Stefen asks

"Call it will power or I just don't like the color of blood"I say honestly

"The reason you don't drink blood id because you don't like the color?"He aks

"Yep"I say popping the P

"valid reason'He says sarcastically

"How bout you"I ask

"You I can't control it"He says

"then how can you control the animal blood?"I ask

"It's different vampires are made to feed off human there scent is stronger more tasty"he explains

"Vampires were made to live forever and drink blood Believe it or not Humans are technically animals so really you could just be fooling yourself"I say then get off my chair and head towards Gym wow this sucks I hate gym or any type of physical activity one of the perks about being a vampire eat lots stay the same Weight loss solution!

I change for gym I really don't like these T-shirts their form fitting and I'm unnaturally skinny so it feels weird now one of the downs of being the princess always be in shape that's not the only reason the corsets I wore back then would squeeze the life out of you especially mine there is a reason to why my waist is so small.

Guess who's in my gym class Bonnie,Matt and Stefen oh great now were playing dodge ball. Sometimes you can't help but be jealous of the kids here there biggest worry is there grades or what people think of them and my biggest worry when I was human was if I would get stabbed today or not. But we have to let go and move on.

We started dodge ball and Stefen and Tyler were both team captains. I know for a fact that Tyler doesn't like me very much probably Klaus's influence or maybe he just doesn't like me who knows?

"Stefen who's your first pick pick?" Coach asks

"Natasha"he says

Really? He does realize that I will not be throwing any balls right? Whatever

I stop swinging in my own thoughts and stand beside Stefen

"Tyler?"Coach asks



"Bonnie" Tyler says hopefully he wasn't expecting Bonnie to do some weird spell to make them win is that even possible?


"Adam"Tyler says. God I hate the name Adam

"Trevor "Stefen says

"Carrie"Tyler says finishing off his team

The game starts...

surprise surprise Tyler throws a ball at me with full force but obviously I dodged it not really hard to do as a vampire

The games really just turned into who could get me out first everyone would chuck balls at me but I would catch them or dodge them because I was so lazy I didn't move people thought I was an easy target so soon enough it was just me and Tyler

He chucked the ball at me it flew past me but still broke my nail

He just broke my nail I really want to kill

I push myself out of my obviously lazy state and pick up a ball and throw it as hard as I can and it pushed Tyler towards the wall and spun in his stomach once then dropped towards the ground long story short I take my nails very seriously so don't mess with them

The whole team cheers for me Yay! I did do more than stand there for the rest of the game.

soon enough the day ended and I went to the football field to watch the cheer leading practice wondering if I should join or not.I sweeped my hair over my left shoulder .Today I reallized that High school isn't that bad really it creates memories you can never forget with your best friends and maybe one day I can move on past Barcelona It's a new life for me now a freshstart

I thought this was a good note to end this Natasha is moving on from the I Hate Barcelona days and hopefully one day she will go to Barcelona but her family is beyond unfix able but she will put the least of effort into it and don't expect her to become the Natasha she once was but it is a working progress