"JOHN!" said came a roaring yell from the kitchen of 221B, "JOOOOOOHN!"

The ex-army doctor sighed, "I'm coimng! I'm coming!" John said as he nearly flew down the stairs from his bedroom. "What is it now Sherlock?" John said fixing his bathrobe as he stood in the frame between the kitchen and the living room. "Where is it? What did you do with it?"

"What did I do with what?" John said yawning, "My experiment! You didn't throw it out...Did you?" he said getting up right in John's face.

"I haven't throw out any of your stuff since...Tuesday, you know I don't touch any of your stuff unless it has mold on it or it smells unbearable."

"No, this was a liquid, a warm, brownish liquid."

"No Sherlock I haven't seen any- oh..."


John stopped and his eyes grew wide, "Sherlock, what was it?"

"A shrinking formula, why?"

John's face turned pale as he stepped back into the living room and plopped down on his chair. "Sherlock,"

Sherlock suddenly understood his flatmate's grieve mistake. "Now don't worry John, it wasn't complete yet, and from previous tests it won't take effect for a couple of hours IF it does take any effects at all!"

John covered his face with hands, "Effects? As in more than one effect!?"

Sherlock was already busy mixing chemicals when he answered but, "Well, during previous tests some of the effect included Shrinking, pealing of the skin, hair loss, symptoms that match those of the flu, memory loss and weakness in the muscles."

John was ready to strangle Sherlock, Sherlock took notice of his friends frustrations. "it's your own fault you know."

"My own fault!? Sherlock why on earth would you leave a liquid out that looks, and in my defense, smells like tea!"

"Well of course it smelt like tea! It tasted horrible some I mixed some in it, by the way, how do you feel? Did taste alright? How much did you drink? If it did taste horrible, did you pour any out? How much? Did you-"

"Slow down Sherlock! You said I still have a couple of hours till...whatever starts happening, now I'm going back to bed, and in the meantime, you're going to try and make some kind of cure."
John said as he push Sherlock back into the kitchen and went back to bed.

"JOOOOOOHN!" Came Sherlock's voice booming through the flat. John yawned as he stretched waking up from his nap. "I'm coming!" He yelled from his bed, John couldn't put his finger on it, but something felt, wrong.

"John! I think I'm onto something! I was looking through my notes when I came across-"

Sherlock threw John's door open and was ready to drag John out of bed and downstairs when he stopped dead in his tracks. "What are you yelling about now Sher-"

John looked up and stared at Sherlock, Sherlock stared back. There was complete silence for about 2 minutes as the two tried too wrap their heads around what had just happened.

"Three hours..."

"Whats?" John said yelling at Sherlock at the top of his lungs.

"1) Don't yell, I can hear you perfectly, 2) It took three hours to shrink you down to...I'd say three inches."

John was standing from the inside of his clothes, when he looked over to a large mirror hanging on his closet door, that he show his size.

Sherlock walked over and examined his short friend. "We're going to have to get you new clothes." John only nodded, "And we'll have to tell Mrs. Hudson something," John nodded again.

Sherlock thought for a moment and stared blankly at his friend, then sighed.

"I suppose he'll have to knew..." Sherlock muttered as he left the room.

"Hey wait! Don't leave me up here!" John yelled, but Sherlock already running downstairs and out of hearing range.

As John sat on his clothes he began to think over how things were going to be different. He would have to depend on Sherlock a lot more, (God help him!) Sherlock would have to remember too feed him, help him from one place to another, and he would have to call saying John could not be able to make in for work.

"Sherlock!" John tried calling again, "Sherlock!", nothing, "SHERLOCK!" nothing, "SHERLOOOOOCK!" John finally gave up, and plopped back down.

***30 Minutes later***

John listened as he heard unfamiliar voices coming from the downstairs. "Here are things you wanted Mr. Holmes," no response from Sherlock. "My boss says he'll be com'in round later." All that came from Sherlock was an annoyed sigh.

About 5 minutes later Sherlock came flying up the stairs.

"John! I have somethings for you!" John sat up, he had been lying inside his clothes to keep warm. "who was that? I heard some voices and something about someone's boss coming over."

"Yes, that was one of Mycroft's minions, they said he should be coming around later. I had him get some stuff that will help make things easier while you're small...er"

Sherlock had a john brown bag in his hand and began to pull some small pieces of clothing our from it.