Dun duuuunnnn… Dun duuuuuunnnn… DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN! *Jaws music* Here I am! I was listening to music on my phone, and then my mind wandered, like it always does, and I was hit in the face with an idea for a new story! I mean, I already have two going, but one is about to be finished anyway, so I figured I'd go ahead and start another! I wanted to write a story with more of the characters. Many of you asked me in my other fics about France, Germany, China, Italy, Russia, Japan, so on and so forth. Well, they're all going to be in this one! Contain your excitement, please! This isn't really going to be a happy story. As a matter of fact, it's not really going to be happy at all. I love Hetalia. I really do. I love the comedic aspects of it, but I'm doing this more realistically. This will be about WWII, and that war wasn't anything funny at all. (Though the show makes it so much better, haha.) So once again, we're gonna get all dramatic here! Let's get started!

Disclaimer: UGH. I don't own the characters. I really don't. They came here of their own will though, so I feel that should entitle me to something. But you know, whatever. On with the story!

The Sun

Germany sighed as he stared over the farmland of his beloved country. He had known it would be inevitable, but still, he had hoped things would turn out differently.

His faith had told him the people would prevail, but his instincts knew there was worse yet to come. The injustices done to him and his people after the Great War were great, and there was no way the terms of The treaty of Versailles could be met. How were they to pay any money they did not have? Yes, it seemed France and Great Britain had thought this through, and simply wanted to humiliate he and his people, kick Germany while he was down, and hold him down.

But Germany was never one to give up so easily.

No, things were about to change. And they were going to change quickly. A man named Adolf Hitler had come to power, and he was promising a quick fix to all of Germany's problems. Of course that's what everyone wanted to hear, and any idea of another way was welcomed. Still, he wished it hadn't led to war. The people were all calling for a revolution, screaming about France, about the Jews, and about inflation. They wanted everything to change, but they wanted instant gratification. Instead of talking things out, they wanted to make waves.

And Hitler was the one splashing the most.

The Nazi's had overthrown the German army, and the war had been started long ago. Germany was at war with half the world, it seemed, and things were only going to get worse before they got better.

But he had to be strong for his people, as every nation had to, and he knew this war would change everything. He forced himself to believe their great nation was moving in the right direction, and the Nazi party would restore their reputation, while striking fear in the hearts of those around them. Yes, things could only get better.

And now that Japan had provoked America into the war as well, things would get more interesting too, Germany decided as he signed the declaration of war against America. The sun was painting the sky almost every color found on an artist's pallet, and he longingly watched the peaceful scenery outside, before he turned his sights back to the task at hand. Interesting was a good thing, right?

After all, if things were going to change, it would be better to be entertained.

Sachi: Shortest. Intro. EVER. Okay, my dears, here's a basic rundown. Every chapter we will be flip-flopping between Axis and Allied powers. I've never done this in a FF before, so we'll see how it turns out, but I think it'll be okay.

Germany: Oh mein Gott. I'm in one of your stories.

Italy: Me toooooooooo~~!

Japan: Mmm.

Sachi: This is an Axis chapter, even if it was only Germany. So, welcome to the new story! Next chapter will add dialogue, so bear with me.