Ok so I thought my break from writing was going to be longer, but I this little plot bunny just wouldn't leave my head. I know there's similar stories (i.e. other game show stories) out there, but I don't remember ever reading anything like this, so hopefully I'm bringing something fresh and new for Bade. No copyright infringement is intended, so my sincerest apologies to anyone who feels I've borrowed anything from another story.

Speaking of copyright, don't know if it's still necessary since new episodes are no longer on the air, but just in case...I do not, nor will I ever, own Victorious, nor do I own anything else you might recognize in this story.

Now that that's out of the way, let's move on. This story is dedicated to one of my favorite reviewers xFabinao (Grace) who inspired and encouraged me so much during my first story. I promised I'd dedicate a story to her, so I hope this doesn't disappoint. :)

Story note: Beck, Jade, and Andre all go to Hollywood Arts. Tori, Cat, and Robbie go to a different performing arts school, and nobody from either group knows anyone from the other, but Cat and Tori both know that each other is on the game show.

One more note before I'm done...CONGRATS to the cast of Victorious for the KCA for Favorite TV show for the second year in a row! To paraphrase Liz from the backstage interview, they may have not gotten a finale, but winning that award was a great way to end it!

Ok, now enough talking...enjoy the show!

"Dude, I can't believe I let you talk me into coming here today." Beck rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"Aw come on Beck. I promise it won't be that bad. Besides, you and Jade broke up almost a year ago. It's way past time that you moved on."

The two were currently sitting in Andre's car outside a television studio. Andre was trying to convince Beck to stay and be on a dating game show, but so far wasn't having much success.

"It's only been 9 months, and I have moved on. I've been out with other girls since the break up. We even doubled a few times, so you know for a fact that I have."

"Yeah you've been out with other girls, but you've never gone on more than one date with any of them! I'm just trying to help you out man. I mean no offense, but your choice in dates hasn't exactly been stellar lately." Andre gave his friend a look saying 'you know what I'm talking about, so don't even try and tell me otherwise.'

Heaving a sigh of defeat, especially knowing that he couldn't contradict any of Andre's words, Beck resigned himself to his fate, got out of the car, and let Andre lead him into the building.


The two hadn't taken more than 3 steps into the building when they were greeted by a man with perfectly coifed hair, and a face that begged to be seen by millions around the world (think Ryan Seacrest). As the man opened his mouth to speak, Beck was nearly blinded by the whiteness of the guy's teeth.

"Andre! It's good to see you again buddy!" Turning to Beck, he offered a handshake, but still spoke to Andre, "And who's this? The friend you were telling me about?"

Beck shook the man's hand while Andre answered the question. "Yeah this is Beck. Beck this is Brennan Young. He's the host of the show." Beck didn't really know what to say, so he simply nodded his head in greeting then waited to see what would happen next.

"Ok, here's how things are going to go down. Based on what Andre's told us about you Beck, we've picked three girls for you to meet and ask some questions. There's just two conditions. One, you will not be able to see any of them, you have to base your decision on their answers, and two, we're going to disguise everyone's voices, including your own, so they won't influence anything either. Now there will be four cubicles, one for each girl, and one for yourself. This way not only will you not be able to see the girls, they also won't be able to see each other. I will explain the rules for the show in further detail when we're actually on the air." Brennan paused to glance at his watch, then continued. "It's noon now, and I need to go meet the girls. Why don't you guys grab some lunch, and my assistant Katelyn will come find you to bring you to the stage when it's time. We're starting the show at 2, so I'll see you both right before then." With another disarming smile, Brennan nodded goodbye, and left the two boys alone once again.

"Wow, that was quite interesting huh?" Andre saw the look of shock and borderline terror that had taken residence on Beck's face, and decided that he needed to get his friend some lunch before the fluffy-haired boy bolted for the nearest exit. "Come on dude. Let's go do as Brennan said, and get some lunch before the show starts. Don't want you passing out on that stage because that definitely wouldn't win you any points with the ladies...haha."

Beck, still in too much of a stupor to even form a coherent thought, let alone acknowledge his friends words, let Andre take him by the arm and lead him to the food tables.



"I can't believe I agreed to do this. Stupid Sikowitz and him constantly volunteering his students to do things for his family and friends. If he wasn't the only teacher I actually tolerated in that whole school I would've had no problem saying no." Jade was currently making her way across the parking lot of the studio, complaining to her best friend Kaley about being there in the first place.

"Oh relax. It won't be that bad. There's going to be two other girls, so it's not like the guy's definitely going to pick you. Besides, I hate to say it Jay, but I think this might actually be a good thing for you." Seeing Jade open her mouth to no doubt say something incredibly rude and unnecessary, Kaley continued quickly. "It's been 9 months since you and Beck broke up. Now contrary to what your mouth has been saying all these months, I know in your heart you still love him and actually want him back."

Feeling the anger deflate from her body like a popped balloon, Jade agreed with her friend. "You're right. I do still love him and want him back, but he's the one that's going to have to come crawling back to me. I groveled once after a break up, but that's because I broke up with him. He broke up with me this time, so he's the one that's got to earn it to get me back. What I'm wondering though, is if I still love Beck and want him back, how is me being on a dating game show trying to find another guy a good thing?"

At this Kaley smiled mischievously. "Remember those couple weeks you dated Ryder Daniels?" Knowing it was a rhetorical question, Kaley didn't wait for an answer before moving on. "Well as your best friend it is my job to pay attention to your ex's reaction to those kinds of things. From what I saw, every time you and Ryder were anywhere near Beck, he'd either look super pissed or incredibly sad, depending on what you and Ryder were doing at the time. I know you may not believe this, but to me I'd say the boy was seriously jealous, and is completely still in love with you too. I think being on this game show and possibly meeting someone new is just the ticket to push Beck over the edge and force him to get down on his hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness until you take him back."

Jade felt the corner of her lips twitch up slightly with her friend's words. "You know, I like the way you think. No wonder I've kept you around all these years." Sharing a laugh, and feeling more assured that it wouldn't be as bad as originally thought, Jade held her head high as she and Kaley made their way into the studio.

Too caught up in their own conversation, neither girl took notice of Andre's car when they passed it.


Upon entering, Jade spotted a man that she recognized from a picture Sikowitz had shown her. Walking right up to the guy she wasted no time with pleasantries. "I'm Jade West and I'm here because your crazy uncle volunteered me for this thing, so just tell me where I need to go and what time I need to be ready." She smiled when she saw that her words made the guy get flustered.

"Uh, w-well we start the show 2, which is about an hour from now, but we're having all the girls wait in separate rooms so no one sees each other before the show, as well as to ensure that our contestant doesn't see any of you either. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet the other girls, but my assistant Katelyn here will show you which room is yours." WIth that said Brennan got out of there as fast as he could, leaving Katelyn alone with Jade and Kaley.

Taking one glance at Katelyn, Jade smirked as she realized she'd have no problems intimidating the mousy-looking older woman into doing whatever she wanted...or so she thought. "Look here Katelyn, my friend and I are not going to just wait around in some room like we're some freaking damsels in distress, so you can just stay here and do whatever else you have to do while we go for a walk and take a look around this place." Jade turned around and started to walk away, but was immediately stopped by Katelyn's voice.

"I don't think so Miss West. Mr. Young has left me in charge to explicitly make sure that no one who will be a part of this show has any contact with anyone else. That being said, you will walk with me, not behind me, so I can ensure that you make it to the correct room. Let's go."

Too stunned by the contradiction that was Katelyn, Jade simply snapped her jaw shut. Then for one of the rare moments in her life, she did as she was told, and joined Kaley as they walked with Katelyn to their holding room.

It didn't take long, and once they were fully ensconced in the room, Katelyn slammed the door shut, and they heard a click as it was locked from the outside.

"You have got to be kidding me! It's almost like they don't trust us!" Jade was angrily pacing back and forth in the small room while Kaley walked around looking at everything the room had to offer.

"Jade chill. You know you wouldn't have stayed here if they didn't lock you in anyway. Now seeing as how we're stuck in here until that chick comes back to get us, why don't we play this video game here?" She popped the disc into the player while holding the box up to show Jade. "You know you love this game. We get to create people and try to make them do all kinds of random crap."

That finally got Jade to stop pacing, and she actually gave a small smile as she saw to which game her friend was referring. Throwing herself down onto one of the couches, she took the proffered controller and proceeded to get lost in a world of her own creation.