*AN* Sorry for the hiatus peoples…really I am…figured id give another go at this story...

Stiles awoke, sweaty, relived, hard, and sticky. His sheets were soaked and he was panting. "That was probably the best dream I've ever had!" he exclaimed to himself. He stood up and walked out of his room silently and into the bathroom. His alarm clock read 3:17AM; good thing tomorrow (today) was Saturday. Once he was in the restroom he turned on the dimmer of the two lights and glanced in the mirror. His face was red and warm, and his hands were shaky. He splashed some cold water on his face and looked down. Stiles was in nothing except a pair of grey boxer briefs. He was rock solid and his briefs were stained. And soaked. All over the front. He looked back up into the mirror and reminisced about his dream. His dream seemed so real and seemed like it had lasted forever! He was only disappointed that it never actually happened.

His disappointment lay mainly in the fact that he could never tell Chris how he truly felt. He had been in close contact with Chris before but that was for a whole other reason. This, Stiles wanted to be intimate. He had dreamt that he had met Chris in a tent and that they had had sex. And then two days later, he found Chris in his bed and he awoke him with a blowjob. And then afterwards more things proceeded to happen and Stiles awoke just after Chris had told him he loved him.

Stiles would pray to any entity that there is to make this real. He would probably even sell his soul to Satan just to make this real. Stiles longed so much for a relationship with Chris Argent. He knew Chris had to at least be bisexual. Stiles knows (from Allison)that his wife was a raging bitch, and he saw Chris, one night, with another guy in Chris's car parked at a gas station. No one would have seen them unless they were a man and they needed to use the restroom. And Stiles fit that stereotype perfectly. He was walking back to the rest room when the car he walked by began to shake. He cautiously looked in through the window, and with curious eyes he clearly saw Chris having relations with another man. He knew it was Chris for sure when he saw that the license plate said "ARGENT" on it.

Stiles had not found the courage to ask Chris about any of this yet. Stiles wondered now, "Why was my dream set so far back? Scott and I were still searching for the Kanima then. That was nearly two years ago." There were so many different problems going on back then. As of right now there were a pack of alphas in town. One of which, was blind. He knew Chris would have his hands full…but he made a solemn promise to himself that he would tell Chris within the next week.

Stiles returned to his room where his laptop lay on his desk. He snatched up the laptop and sat down on his bed. He pulled the covers up to his waist and slipped out of his boxers. He was still hard, and his cock shot straight up, being relieved of its confinements. He set the laptop on his thighs and proceeded to enter Facebook. He Searched for Chris and went into the pictures on his profile. Stiles had never done anything like this before. He opened Chris's "summer '13 album," and scrolled. He finally found a picture, of what must have been Chris at a family gathering, beer in hand, and shirt off. He was wearing some Darker blue swimming trunks and he had the largest smile on his face. Stiles knew, in his head, that Chris was smiling at him. Stiles brushed a thumb over the part of the screen that was Chris's face. He thought that he could almost feel the stubbly cheek under his fingertips. His right hand grasped himself and began to pump at a decent pace. His eyes closed as they began to roll back into his head in sweet ecstasy. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm…" moaned Stiles. He had never done this before and it proved to be a whole lot better than his imagination. Stiles continued, and eventually had to close the laptop and set it on the floor. He sunk lower in the bed and spread his legs further. Pumping harder, he groaned to himself in pleasure. His breathing became more rapid and soon he was ready for release.

Stiles's back arched and his abdomen was clear off the bed. The only parts of him touching the bed were his toes, which were curled hard, and from the top of his shoulders up to the top of his head.

The orgasm was so moving. It not only brought Stiles off of the bed, but it also made him cry out Chris's name. Stiles collapsed onto the bed, his breathing even more rugged. His chest was spotted with smut. He observed his chest with uncertainty. He had done it in his dream, but didn't know if he could do it in real life. At once, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and used his first two fingers to swipe a few spots of the smut off of his chest. He brought them to his nose and inhaled.

It smelled like the pure essence of human. He liked the smell, and he thought how much he would like the smell of Chris's. It smelled like the individual specifically, no one would have the same scent. Stiles thought this to be unique as he mustered up all of his courage and slipped the two smut covered fingers into his mouth. It tasted better than it smelled. The texture was different, but not too bad. He rolled it around in his mouth, tasting himself, and wondering what Chris would taste like.

At this moment, Stiles came up with an idea. It probably wasn't the best idea that he ever had but he considered it to be higher up on his list. He was going to go visit Mr. Argent.

Stiles slipped quickly into a pair of sweats and a tight fitting long sleeve shirt. He didn't bother with a new pair of boxers. It was early March and it wasn't too cold anymore. He slipped out his bedroom window and onto the driveway below. He didn't know why he slipped out his window, for his dad was working the night shift at the station, again. He walked over to his jeep and hopped in. After turning the key in his ignition he sped off quietly.

Stiles arrived a block away from the argents house when he parked his car and shut it off. With strong intentions in his mind, stiles hopped out of the jeep and began to journey toward the Argent home. As he reached the driveway, he slowed down and walked more stealth like. Just as he was about to peer around the corner a car sped out of the driveway! He was nearly grazed by the side of the vehicle. He saw, when he turned around, that it was Chris. He had left and was probably out to do some hunting. Not for deer, either. Stiles groaned, realizing that he had to walk a whole block back to his car.

Stiles glanced back at the house and could barely see the second story windows because of the shrubbery in his way. He did, though, see a brief view of Allison hopping out of her window and leaving her property on foot. She followed the opposite path, away from her father. Stiles silently walked back to his jeep, somewhat let down that he wouldn't get to see Chris tonight. Or would he?

An idea formed in Stiles's head faster than the first. He hopped in his jeep and followed Chris's path. Stopping when he saw Chris's SUV haphazardly stashed in the ditch by the woods. After stashing his Jeep about 15 yards away from Chris's truck, Stiles made his way out of the car and peeked in the truck. No one was in there, but he saw that the doors were unlocked. "BBBBZZZZZZZZTT BBBBZZZZZZZZTT!" screamed Chris's phone as it rattled against the dash. It nearly scared Stiles to death. Stiles grabbed the phone in an attempt to silence it. He looked at the phone screen and it read "One new message from Allison." The message read: "Hey, Daddy. I love you. Going to bed now. Good night. :)" "Liar." Stiles smirked. He didn't know where she was headed off to, but he sure as hell knew that that wasn't her bed she was going to.

Stiles searched through Chris's phone with ease. He checked this date on the calendar to see what Chris had planned. March 4, 2014 read: "Camping: East woods. ALONE." So Chris was planning on spending the night. Stiles set off into the woods excitedly after placing the phone back and quietly shutting the door. It didn't take long to find Chris's tent. The only patch of dim light in the woods that was the complete opposite color of the moonlight wasn't at all hard to spot. He was maybe 10 feet away from the tent when the Zipper was yanked down suddenly and all Stiles could see was a crossbow aimed directly for his head.

"Stiles?!" said Chris, clearly surprised. "What're you doing here?" Stiles shifted his weight from one foot to the other and shrugged his shoulders. Stiles looked down at the ground somewhat embarrassed that none of this had gone according to plan. Chris had put the crossbow down and was walking over to stiles now. "Are you alone?" Sounded Chris's voice, extremely close to him now. Stiles only nodded, too embarrassed to look up. "Good." Chris said. "I like you, and I do somewhat like Scott, but you don't become a monster every full moon so I'm easier going around you." Stiles continued to gaze at the ground in mortification until Chris put a hand on Stiles's shoulder. "What's the matter, Stiles? You seem down. Is there something you wanted to talk about?" In this moment, Stiles looked up, and into Chris's eyes. They were dark because of the night, but every time he shifted, he caught the glimpse of blue in the moonlight.

"Well?" Chris said. He seemed impatient, like he was doing something that he wanted to get back to. Stiles blinked once as he confidently looked into Chris's eyes and simply said, "I know." Chris's eyes went wide for a split second and then shifted back to normal as he tried to hide his emotions. Within seconds, Chris had dragged Stiles into the tent without a second word.

AHHHH NO SEX IN THIS CHAPTER...HOW ODD oh well...if im feeling creative there will be more to come. :)