Thanks for sticking with me through this long break. Here is one of eight one-shots that I wrote; these will be the last of my writing except for my collab with Frankielynn (which is still in the works and will take awhile to get out).

Thank you to the wonderful twilightladies1 and coloradoperson, who preread this for me, and the amazing idealskeptic, who beta'd.


The first time, you said it was a huge mistake. You didn't mean for it to happen. You would never let it happen again.

The second time, you stood in front of me and asked, "what else was I to do?"

Bastard! You aren't supposed to have sex with your fifteen-years-younger assistant even if she does proposition you!

When you started a relationship with her, I turned a blind eye, stupidly hoping you'd come back to me.

After a month, I couldn't deny it anymore. I packed my bags and left the house.

"You can stay here as long as you need to, Bella."

I turned to look at my best friend and co-worker, Emmett. He was always there for me. He was the only one I told about you cheating on me.

"Edward doesn't deserve you, babe. Don't get yourself down."

I let him comfort me as only he knew how and we grew even closer.

When you started coming around for me again, I thought it was a joke. Or at least that you were a joke.

When your friend told me that you were still seeing Charlotte as well, I laughed. I had apparently become the other woman, to the woman who had been that to me. If I had been serious about you this time, anyway.

Emmett and I laughed at your attempts. We would read your letters, emails, and texts, listen to your phone messages begging for me to come back to you. You never realized that it would never happen.

The day you came to the door begging was the same day Emmett proposed. The rumor had become that you were leaving Charlotte for me. You had come to get me back, while I had promised to be Emmett's forever.

Well, let me start a new rumor. He's the one I'm leaving you for.

Goodbye, Edward.



I checked the envelope to see if she had sent me anything else, finding only a picture. Written on the back in Bella's handwriting were the words 'With love, Emmett and Bella'.

I flipped the picture over and almost dropped it. In the picture a shirtless Emmett was kissing an equally shirtless Bella, only a black lace bra covering her top. They were lying on a rumpled bed with legs tangled, left hands threaded behind her back with wedding rings gleaming.

I placed the picture face down on the counter and looked around the house Bella and I once shared. It wasn't the same without her, it was missing something.

Charlotte waltzed through the kitchen in front on me, demanding I take her shopping. My regret consumed me once again.

What have I done?