Greetings readers, I just want you to know that I'm not dead and that I apologize for not updating for about half a year. Classes are such a huge pain for me and I doubt I'll be able to post more chapters soon. Here are two requests that I had in my inbox during my hiatus. One request is from Maelstrom Alert and the other is from Princess harvest, you know, the girl who came up with the fireworks stunt two chapters ago. I decided to put both requests together since both of them involve Denmark, Prussia, and America.

Disclaimer: Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya and Jackass belongs to Dickhouse Productions. I don't own either of them.

The scene opens up in a bar with Denmark, Prussia, and America sitting at a booth; Germany is sitting with them while holding the camera.

"Okay you idiots, what are you doing right now?" Germany asked.

Prussia held up a piece of paper and said, "We got a request from Maelstrom Alert, he wants us three to get drunk and try to hit on France, who happens to be over there trying to make a score." Prussia points over to the bar where France is flirting with a few girls, and so far failing.

America facepalmed, "What the hell is that going to accomplish?"

"I think he wants us to try to creep the hell out of France or something." Denmark said.

"At least we won't remember this tomorrow morning, so start drinking guys." Prussia said holding up his beer glass.

One hour and a lot of rounds later, all three of them are completely hammered. They start making their way towards France who just gotten slapped in the face by another girl.

"Hey France *hic*, how are you- *hic* how are you doing buddy?" Prussia asked with a goofy smile on his face.

France turned to the three drunken nations while rubbing the part of his face where he was slapped. "Bad, I'm afraid I won't make any score tonight."

"Oh I wouldn't say that, you're going to take part in a foursome very soon." Denmark said while smiling.

France became excited at hearing this and asked, "You know three girls who I can hook up with?"

America then replied, "You'll hook up with three, but we didn't say they would be girls."

The smile on France's face disappeared, "What?"

Prussia put his arm around France, "Have we ever told you that your hair stubble on you chin and your mullet makes you look hot."

"Guys," France started to freak out, "It's true that I'm bisexual but I'm only gay when I'm in the mood, and today I'm not in the mood so if you three would please not get any closer…"

"What's wrong France," Denmark asked after getting close to France's face, "afraid that all three of us will top you?"

Seeing where this was going, France did the only thing he could do, run out of the door while screaming like a wimp.

The three drunken nations started to chase him but all of them passed out after a few steps.

Germany was sitting on a stool nearby, filming the entire scene. He facepalmed and then asked the bartender to call a cab for himself and the passed out nations.

Two days later, after Prussia, Denmark, and America recovered from their hangovers, they are seen nearby a tree with what appears to be a beehive attached to its side.

England is holding the camera, "Alright you wankers, what are you doing now?"

America was holding a piece of paper; "we got another request from Princess harvest."

"You mean the same person who came up with the fireworks obstacle course?" England asked.

"Yes, she wants us three to try to gather honey, without wearing protective suits, from this beehive that she had specified in her request, with map and picture provided." Prussia said while holding up the map and the picture of the tree.

"Why the bloody hell is she so insistent on a certain beehive?" England asked, suspicious of this request.

Denmark set up three ladders on the tree, "she probably thinks that the honey from this beehive is the best or something."

America then smiled and said, "Well I think this is a great challenge you guys, and we'll prove that it is possible to gather honey without protective gear."

The three nations got on their respective ladders with Denmark holding a bucket and America turned to the camera, "We're the awesome trio, and this is honey gathering extreme!"

They climbed up to where the beehive is located and America started to cut the beehive open.

But instead of finding honeybees with honeycombs, they found wasps coming out of the hive.

Prussia screamed, "HOLY *BEEP* IT'S A WASP'S NEST!"

The awesome trio immediately dropped down from their ladders and started to run from the attacking wasps that proceeded to sting them while England kept a good distance away from the trio.

All three of them were running around in circles screaming like idiots, Denmark started to take off his clothes because he felt that the wasps were on them.

After a few minutes, the wasps had finally left the trio alone, who were on the ground with sting marks on their bodies; England came up to them trying his best not to laugh.

"Are you three *snicker* all right?" England asked.

"Don't *groan* start with me England." America replied.

"I think I just pissed myself." Denmark said with a small stain on his underwear.

"First the fireworks and now this *groan*, Princess harvest is evil like Belarus." Prussia muttered.

There you go, I hope this was worth the wait. I'll admit I wrote this in about an hour or two, so it might not be that good. That being said, no flames please. Now I have no requests in my inbox, so I'll just wait. Maybe I'll start a new story while I'm waiting, my first South Park fanfic or perhaps my first RWBY fanfic.