Bella and Chance

Chapter: 1

By: Marbearis

Note: Hey every one! Well on my last story "My Gardevoir Bella" I hit a writer's block. It was my own fault because I wrote the story right into a corner, but now im back! With a complete re-write and I think you will all enjoy this more than the last!




"Other person"

*inner thoughts*


Chance's room 7:59 AM


*I don't want to wake up*


*Five more minutes…*

"Chance, are you up yet?!"

*Fuck…really mom?*

^Yea, I am awake!^

"Okay, breakfast is ready!"

^Be there in a bit!^

*(Sight) Up I go!*

I raised my upper body unaware of my position on the bed.


*Down I go ;-;*

"Are you okay!"

^yup I'm just great.^

"Hurry the food is getting cold!"

*soooo tired -_-*

I crawled around on my bedroom floor gathering up some clothes to put on. Little did I know I ended up grabbing my signature outfit blue pants, A black Pikas rule T-shirt, and my forest green jacket. As I stretched out my limbs my bones popped and crackled.


In the moment I took another look at my room to see if I forgot anything.

*nope I got it all!*

My senses started to go crazy as the sweet smell of waffles flowed through the house. The scent seemed to carry me straight to the kitchen. I was snapped out of my little trance by moms naggy voice.

"Hey son, your food is on the table."

I examined the kitchen to find a plate of waffles on the oak wood table. The waffles were covered in syrup, and there was bacon on the side.

*ohoh almost worth the nagging…almost.*

I walked to the table and sat. My mom seemed to be in a bit of a hurry. She was scrambling around the house stuffing things into a travel bag. My curiosity was a bit over whelmed.

^what are you doing?^

"You don't remember?"

^Remember what?^

"Ugh I have a conference to go to in solace town, Remember? We talked about this last night. You know the one hosted by Devon corp?"

*I have no idea…*

^Yea I remember now.^

"Oh yea and you probably forgot, but you have to go into town in 30 minutes."


"Today is the day you get your starter pokemon. Havn't you been freaking out over this for like 6 years now?"

^Oh yea haha I can't believe I forgot. I just talked to professor Folin last night to.^

"…I worry about you. how do you plan to adventure the world when you can't even remember tomorrow?"

^Because I live for today.^

"smart ass."

^haha spawn of one at least.^

(Honk honk.)

"Oh that's the cab! Remember 30 minutes! I love you and be careful!"

^yea okay I will bye!^

*love you to mom…*

She ran through the front door and waved at me from the cab. I waved back and she entered the yellow car. It backed out of the gravel driveway and onto the road, and it didn't take long for it to leave my sight.

*(Sigh)…Today's the day…*

I munched on my waffles until there was nothing left. But the bacon was just plain devoured. After wiping off the table I placed my dirty dishes in the sink.

*I will wash those later…*

I stared out of the window and into the forest then a day dream came on.

*Starter Pokemon… this year the starters are Charmander the fire type, squirtle the water type, and Bulbasaur the grass type. They are all very strong, but I can only pick one. Who to choose…*

I got so into the day dream that my surroundings sound was amplified tenfold. The clock sounded like a blacksmith pounding an anvil, the fridge sounded as if a herd of Rapidashs were stampeding through the kitchen, and the wind was the song of a siren calling me deeper and deeper into a trance. My head slowly began to shake as my conscious made an attempt to bring me back to reality. The tunnel vision faded and I had my grasp on the world back.

^Woah that was crazy…oh no the time!^

I sprinted out the front door and ran down the driveway to the road.

*if I don't get there now I won't have any to choose from!*

I picked up the pace on the road to terano. I got so fast to the point that I was passing up cyclist. They had a dumbfounded look as I sprinted at full speed past them. The town sign came into view.

^Terano! Almost there!^

I looked down at my watch.

^Oh crap! I'm 30 minutes late! Oh no oh no!^

I was just taking my vision off the watch when I stubbed my toe on a rock. The pain shot through my shoe and strait up my leg forcing me to crumble to the ground and slid about 20 feet. After my body finished tumbling I regained my ground and started the mad dash again. Every muscle in my body burned as I pushed it as hard as possible. My clothes had a few new holes but I didn't care. My skin burned from road rash and yet this had chance of stopping me. Finally the lab came into sight. There was no crowd outside so they must have already left.

*Come on please be one more! Just one!*

I ran into the glass doors and fell back on my rump. The doors slid open and I crawled through then stood up. Professor Folin had been looking through a microscope but he somehow noticed me.

"Ah Chance…glad to see you could make it. Looks like I'm gona have to have Maria clean the door again."

*I didn't hit the door that hard…*

I turned and looked at the door. There was some blood and a few dirt smudges.

^Sorry about that…^

"No matter…you are here for your starter I presume?"


"Well…I know you have been looking forward to this day for some time now, but Chance I'm afraid you are too late."

My outlook on life broke at that moment… the room grew shades of black and I fell to my knees.

^NO! I…I can't wait any longer! Prof. Folin there has to be something! Anything! I would even take a Mudkip!^

"I'm sorry chance, but the only thing available is a Ralts, but she won't show any attention to anyone. She won't even come out of her pokeball."

^I will take it…please….^

"Well she might not like humans anymore…"

^What why?^

"…Her last trainer… was very abusive…"

^Who was it?!^

"No worries Chance…he is gone now, and hopefully for good."

^Maybe I can help her…^

"…I don't know…"

^Prof. Folin…please I will do whatever I can to help her…^

"I know you will, and that's why I am bestowing her to you."

^Really? I mean thank you! I will return her trust in humans I swear!^

"You seem to have forgotten about you ultimate journey to help this Ralts. A Ralts you don't even know… that's why I have more faith in you than I do my own son. Go and become the best Chance, and take good care of Ralts."

*Oh yea I got so caught up in Ralts's distrust in humans that I forgot my own dreams.*

He held out his hand and in it was a premier ball.

"This is her pokeball… good luck chance."

^thank you… professor. Next time you see us we will be on TV so be ready!^

He waved us good bye and we left the lab. Ralts's pokeball was clipped to my pants. It didn't move or wobble, and I don't even know if she is awake.

"Chance wait!"

Professor Folin cam running up to me.

^Did I forget something?^

"No I did haha here."

He handed me a red rectangle. It was slim and light so it must be aluminum.

"That there is the latest model pokedex it is your VIP ticket to all trainer events, and it also acts as an ID."

^Okay thanks!^

"Aright you two take care now."

I gave one last wave goodbye and continued down the road back to my house. Somewhere along the way my excitement settled and my wounds from the previous fall began to sting. I looked at the road rash on my arms, elbows, and knees.

*eh it was all worth it haha I'm a trainer now :D*

My driveway seemed to go on forever, but eventually I made it to the side walk and into my house. I threw myself down on the couch and laid my head on the coffee table.

*hmm what to do… I wonder if Ralts will come out when we are alone…*

I pulled the pokeball from my pants and placed it on the table in front of me.

*I wander if she is sleeping…*

My curiosity boiled over and forced me to try and release her.

*okay I just press the center button twice to release her… easy enough.*

I grabbed the ball and hovered my thumb over the button.






^Nothing? Well I just got her so she probably hates me along with everyone else.^

*(Sigh) how am I supposed to do this if you won't even come out of your ball?*

I rolled the ball back and forth on the coffee table with my finger for an hour or so.

*what to do what to do… I'm kinda hungry…*

^umm…ralts? Ware you hungry?

The bull didn't budge.


I went into the kitchen and opened the freezer.

*mini corndogs…hot pockets…potpies….hot wings…. eh I will go with mini corndogs.*

I grabbed the box then placed it on the counter so I could grab a plate. The box emptied onto the plate with ease, and I placed the contents into the microwave. After 3 minutes the microwave signaled completion. I walked over to it and pulled out the plate. My hand burned under the plate so I threw it on the table when I got close enough.

*Thank the heavens that didn't break…*

I looked at the clock on the wall that now read 5:42 PM.

*man I let time fly…*

My eyes glanced for motion from the pokeball but when I saw nothing I decided to sit and eat. The corndogs disappeared fast but I left about four for later. I stood up and walked over to Ralts's pokeball and re-clipped it to my belt the stumbled to my room. When I got there I placed her pokeball on my nightstand then gathered up my night clothes which consisted of Blastoise fuzzy sweatpants and a rolo Bellsprout T-shirt. I gave one last look at Ralts's pokeball then left the room for a shower.

I sat outside of the shower and waited for the water to warm. It usually takes about one minute so I didn't wait long. When I entered I gripped the side to ensure my balance, and winced as the hot water grazed my road burn. I didn't move as I know the pain will fade as I get used to it, and when it did I stood bare chest to the water allowing it to ease away the stress of the day. because I heard the pitter patter of little footsteps outside then I decided it was just my imagination.

After my cleaning I turned off the water and dried off with a towel from the cabinet under the bathroom sink. My ears twitched as I tried to listen for the sound again but I heard nothing. When I opened the door I peeked out looking for anything, but found nothing so I crept out of the bathroom. The first place I went was the kitchen. My eyes scanned for any changes and I only noticed one.

^My mini corndogs are gone?^

*did Ralts leave her ball?*

I searched the house before returning to my room. The ball was exactly where I had left it.

*had to have been her…*

I laid down in my bed and reached out to grab Ralts's ball. After I got it I rolled over and cradled it with the hope that she knows I care.

^Good night Ralts…^

*my first Pokémon ah I'm so happy right now…She will come out when she is ready.*

My vision faded and the room blurred to darkness. I was no asleep.

Well every one that's the end of part one to chapter one! There will be… however many parts it takes to reach 20,000 words. Witch I am hoping is the overall average of this story.

Till next time :D

oh and one more thing! the cover photo is mine and mine alone I drew it and colored it with Sai. If you wish to ask for the use of this or any of my other photos you must visit me at my deviant art page. just go to Deviant art and type in Marbearis in the search bar.