Twilight Military School for Boys

Disclaimer: don't own anything.

Bella's Pov

I've been here for almost a month and had 2 months left before school ended and I could go back home.

The bad news is that Tanya got suspended for 2 days and will be here with us for those two days…along with her friends.

And for those two days we didn't have to wear uniform and I was taking advantage of it but I was lazy and was starting to have cramps; I wore my hair in a bun right above my head.

Some black tights, converse, a blue tank top and a sweatshirt that was cut and placed it around my shoulders so it looked like a shirt. I wore no makeup; not giving a fuck about anything today.

"Don't day anything" I told Seth/Leah, she just smiled at me, "at least someone can pull it off" she complimented.

"Let's go" I grabbed my bag and we headed to breakfast.

"Heard your sister is coming" Jake told me I rolled my eyes, "yeah I know and FYI she's not my sister" I said rudely and walked away and sat down with Leah/Seth.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Seth asked me as he ate toast.

"T.O.M" I whispered and grabbed some juice, which I then spit out, "what's in this Shit" I whined and it was only the beginning.

"Doesn't someone look like crap today" Tanya's nasty voice came into our conversation me and Seth were having.

"Fuck off" I warned her not looking at her and grabbed Seth's hand and led her into our first period English class. On the way to our seat I bumped into Jasper, "can't everyone just leave me alone!" I screamed I got looks from everyone and jasper turned bright red, "im sorry" he stuttered and hurried to his seat.

Seth/ Leah laughed, "shut up now I feel bad….I think im gonna cry" I had tears welding up in my eyes.

"Don't…don't I might be a girl but I cannot handle a weeping women" I laughed at Seth/Leah's dramatic speech.

I saw Edward in second period which was French and had to sit next to him since I was late checking if I had blood on my ass…didn't thank god.

But anyway Edward looked fucking sexy in Black jeans and a white t-shirt that showed off his muscles and oh my god his hair was perfect.

"Heard you cussed out Jasper" Edward whispered to me; I felt Goosebumps and turned to look at him, I shrugged it off with a grin on my face.

Before Mr. Kelso could start the class Tanya and her posse came in and asked if they could join the class; they sat behind us, I rolled my eyes "this is gonna be a long period" I heard Edward whispered to himself. I let out a little laugh and he looked at me with adoring.

And like he said it was a long period, "Sister from another bitch" Tanya said to me as I was leaving French, I stopped and turned to look at her slowly, and "just walks away" I warned her.

She laughed at me; I decided to ignore her, "what no comeback" she did her baby voice.

Seth had to pull me away before I could beat the shit out of her, "just like you pathetic mother weak and useless" she said to her friends.

"hold this" I gave Seth/ Leah my things into her chest,"hey Slutty bitch" I called out to Tanya.

And like she was she turned around at the call of her name, and I punched her; bitch fell to the ground on her ass holding her cheek and her eyes were watery.

"You could say anything about me…but say something about my momma, no honey, you fucking passed the line" I screamed in her face as Seth pulled me back.

We caused a commotion and people were staring at us, I didn't care,

I just walked away like a boss.

Hope you like this chapter. Had some good reviews and on what I could put for the chapters. So keep it up.

Have a beautiful day and be safe out there.