Prussia's POV

The melody flowed through the hall like blood when it reaches water, spreading out and ballooning until it has reached every place possible. It was one of Mozart's pieces, I'm sure, he was Roderich's favorite composer by far. He probably had practiced this for hours, making sure that every detail was in order, the Austrian was a true perfectionist.

A voice, much louder than the music, shattered the calming effect of the melody. "Oh Roderich! It's beautiful!"

I froze, the familiar voice seemed close. Careful not to make a sound, I looked through the closest door. Elizabeta, clad only in a thin sleeping shift, sat upon the grand piano, her feet inches away from Roderich's graceful fingers.

"I ought to stay, even zough zese people are too unawesome for ze awesome me," I whispered, my eyes never straying from the two.

Without looking up, Roderich smiled. "Well so are you, Ms. Héderváry," he said. His hands moved from the piano and onto her waist. Elizabeta didn't tense when he lifted her up, instead she giggled like a schoolgirl, and when she was sitting on the Austrian's lap her giggles had turned to laughs. "What's so funny?" Roderich asked.

"You always called me 'Ms. Héderváry' even when we were married." She entwined her fingers with his before adding, "And that was back when I was Mrs. Edelstein."

"Would you rather I call you Eliza?" Roderich said, running his fingers though her hair with his free hand.

This sickened me somewhat, since it seemed as though they would kiss soon, and I hadn't even packed my camera! Mentally, I kicked myself for being so unawesome.

"I wouldn't mind," Elizabeta said, blushing.

Roderich smiled and leaned forward until his nose was touching hers. "I must say that you, my dear Eliza, have to be the best kisser that I know. Alas my memory isn't so good now, all those romantic evenings in the garden have faded away. Would you be so kind as to remind me?"

I bit my lip, and the two moved even closer. The fussy Austrian, once so prim and proper, ran his hands over the Hungarian's chest as she pressed her lips against his. I dug around in my pockets. Nothing. I tried not to panic, my word will still be enough to efficiently blackmail Roderich, who now had his fingers on the laces of Elizabeta's thin gown.

Right as Roderich had untied the knot, Antonio timidly opened the opposite door. "Hola amigos! Can I use some of your sugar?" He asked, not looking in.

Elizabeta yelped and pulled the bodice of her dress up. "No you can't! Please leave!"

Antonio innocently walked in. His green eyes went wide when he saw Elizabeta on Roderich's lap, hair wild and gown halfway off. "I'll leave you two alone," he said with a wink before departing.