Edited, 17.10.14

I just wanted to test this pairing out a bit, particularly the character of Shisui who seems often- and, in my opinion, unfairly- overlooked in favour of Itachi. Therefore, I thought it was appropriate to pay a little homage to a character needing some love

Disclaimer; I do not own any of the character's, setting etc in this story and I am not making any profit off of it. This is applicable to all following chapters of this fanfiction.

Chapter 1

Something and Nothing

There is nothing quite like the fulfilment of carefully planned revenge, mused Haruno Sakura as she prepared to leave her apartment. Grabbing an apple from the bench, she quickly walked towards the Hokage tower to meet her much loved, though often inebriated, Shishou.

The young women moved towards the centre of the village munching on her apple and lost in her thoughts, absentmindedly remembering just what would, she hoped, make this day so special.


Unfortunately, it would forever be the word that both defined, and then, redefined her actions. It was the reason why her unique pink hair remained cropped short, barely brushing her shoulders. She changed the rather bleak outlook of her ninja career when she approached the Sannin Tsunade, and almost demanded to be her apprentice.

Now nineteen, the once immature and weak girl had grown into a widely respected kunoichi and medic nin. Sakura was easily on a par with her shishou in medical skills, almost in pure combat and definitely in her somewhat temperamental disposition.

A jonin, the young konuichi had risen through the ranks to be counted among the upper echelon of Konoha's shinobi.

However, despite these achievements, Sakura knew that the only way to unquestionably prove herself was to join ANBU. The elite forces were just that, and it was through obtaining this status that she could finally show her worth as not just a civilian wannabe ninja. Her admittance into the elite would prove her unwavering commitment to Konoha and to improving herself as a ninja. Sakura understood that she was a fine kunoichi without striving for more, but she wanted to be great. She needed to be great.

The clans of Konoha- notably the prominent Hyuuga and Uchiha- were known for dismissing civilian children aspiring to be ninja. Sakura had this experienced personally; the head of the Uchiha clan had quickly tried to remove her from his son's genin team. When this failed he quickly warned his son not to get attached to "pathetic civilians who do not understand there place". The worst part Sakura knew was that at the time his statement, though hurtful and rude, was true. She was then a burden to her team, and when Naruto left with the Sannin Jiraiya and Sasuke was forced to retreat into his own clan for further training, Sakura sought to prove herself.

She still remained close to her teammates and they were still best of friends- though outwardly reluctantly on Sasuke's part- and reformed Team Kakashi again when they were sixteen.

Now nineteen, the group had formed a formidable team combining their complimentary skills and somewhat unconventional ways to form one of Konoha's leading cells. Whilst Sakura's time largely revolved around the hospital the team still regularly met up despite their own work constraints.

Sasuke, Naruto and Sai were largely preoccupied with training or solo and two man missions. Kakashi managed to be as elusive as ever, presumably spitting his days between S-class missions, reading his much loved novels and escaping the hospital when needs must.

Sakura loved her boys but they all seemed to show an unwavering aversion of the hospital that led them to dropping into her place to be patched up at all hours of the night.

Naruto and Sasuke were also vying for entrance into an ANBU cell; however, they were not likely to be admitted into the elite corps for at least six months to a year. Whilst, Sakura secretly found this very gratifying, it came down to a question of need within the organisation.

At the moment, skilled medic nins were greatly needed and with Sakura's added combat abilities she presented a very good addition to ANBU. Accordingly, Tsunade had all but confirmed her promotion into the ranks last week, with Sakura to be officially assigned a team today.

Sakura reached Tsunade's office and knocked on the door, to be admitted by a frazzled looking Shizune.

"Sakura, I am glad you are here." She smiled tiredly.

"Has Shishou finally discovered that you removed her last store of sake, the one she was sure no one would ever discover?" Sakura replied with a grin.

Tsunade had become a great Hokage, having influenced much of the village's recent developments including pioneering new techniques in healing and management in the hospital. Quickly Konoha's medical program had advanced, with it recognised as the best amongst the hidden villages.

However, the legendary slug princess was equally well known for her fondness of sake. Something Sakura can easily attest to having successfully tried to reduce the impact of this on visiting dignitaries, and occasionally, failing spectacularly to do so. It was a well known and accepted part of their Hokage within Konoha but could be an unwelcome surprise for political visitors.

"No," Shizune signed dejectedly, "Hokage-sama has completely restructured the ANBU team ranks to make room for the few new recruits; she has been at it for hours... I think we are all wishing she could find her alcohol."

Sakura laughed. "Is the desk still intact?"

Shizune smiled grimly. "Yes, but it won't be for long".

"Sakura! Quit laughing and get in here!" Tsunade's voice boomed throughout the small hallway.

Sakura spared Shizune a startled glance before scurrying into the room.

As Sakura entered Tsunde's office she bowed her greeting then proceeded to stand near the entry. The large circular room was looking rather dishevelled, compared to its neat state Shizune's recent cleaning. Stacks of papers that were once neatly stacked were now hanging precariously off the desk, whist various reports and books scattered the floors.

But what interested Sakura the most was the team- or from what she gathered from the glaring and yelling- the now disbanded team in the centre of the room.

ANBU's Alpha team was renown across different villages both for its incredible success rate and the poorly concealed anonymity of its members. Currently these members were occupied the room with varying degrees of interest.

Shiranui Genma lounged against the back wall fiddling with his ever-present senbon. Uchiha Itachi stood the epitome of aristocratic manners directly before the Hokage. His older, and much less serious cousin Shisui, was leaning against the Hokage's desk seemingly unaware of the anger that was practically radiating off Tsunade. To complete the picture Aburame Shino stood stoic behind Itachi.

"The team must be split- it is foolish to have both of Konoha's preeminent Sharinghan users on the same team, a team that is so well known across the hidden villages that its ANBU status almost redundant." Tsunade continued after briefly acknowledging Sakura's entrance.

"To address this matter I am splitting this team into two separate cells- now Alpha and Beta- each to be bolstered by new members. The captains of these will be Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui".

After this unexpected announcement, the room was silent, followed by varying degrees of poorly concealed shock.

Itachi's cool facade was betrayed by a raised eyebrow, a reaction surprising in itself, Genma's senbon fell from his mouth to be quickly recovered before it fell to the floor and Shino remained as unreadable as ever. To complete the picture, Shisui promptly fell off of the desk, upturning several stacks of paper.

This particular round of antics seemed to be all Tsunade could take. "Oh for the love of, it's not that unbelievable."

Frowning, Genma mumbled to Sakura. "I don't know, even the new captain seems stunned." She laughed, and unfortunately caught the attention of the irate Hokage.

"Sakura! I wouldn't laugh too soon, nor you Shiranui, you are both members of this new team."

"This seems like a punishment." Genma muttered morosely.

"Damn." Sakura cursed, unaware just how well her voice carried across the room.

She had expected to be initiated in ANBU but was hoping to be a part of Itachi's team. He was renowned as one of the best ninja across the Five Nations and she was eager to learn from him. Also, he was gorgeous, no one could deny that and although Sakura had well and truly moved on from her fan girl days a good-looking captain couldn't hurt.

The glint in Tsunade's eyes told Sakura that her mentor knew just what she had been thinking, "Don't be so sad Sakura."

All the while Shisui seemed to have recovered long enough to indignantly reply. "Sakura-chan, how could you be so mean?"

Another thing thought Sakura, Shisui was so like Naruto that she almost wept. She loved Naruto but his unrelenting exuberance was enough for her to deal with, adding Shisui's similar personality could be the death of her. Also, he was one of the few people to insist calling her Sakura-chan.

"This is a little unconventional Hokage-sama." The Uchiha heir politely interjected, "Shisui and I have been on a team since we were genin and a work well together, maybe an alternate captain can be found?".

"That's it! I have had enough of you brats, everyone leave now. ANBU Alpha will comprise of Uchiha Itachi, Aburame Shino, Nara Shikamaru and Hyuuga Neji whilst ANBU Beta will be made up of Uchiha Shisui, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidō and Haruno Sakura. This is the last I will hear of this, everyone out. Except Sakura, you stay, I need you to find me that sake you hid, and don't deny it".

"Damn" Sakura repeated despondently, this time ensuring her voice would not carry. As everyone filed out of the room leaving Sakura with an angry Tsunade she received a few sympathetic looks.

As the door shut behind the last person Tsunade turned to Sakura. "I know you are not excited about the arrangement but give it time. Some people might surprise you, and everyone deserves that chance. You of all people should know this. Now, find my sake and get out of here".

Sakura left the building pondering her Shisou's advice, knowing her mentor was right. She would give the Uchiha a chance; after all, his laidback nature might be a little more relaxing than that of his more intimidating cousin.

Sakura wandered towards her modest apartment, aware that tomorrow's training session- ANBU team beta's first- would be interesting. She resolved to focus on her own improvements. After all, the Alpha squad may soon need a medical ninja. With that thought, she began to look forward to tomorrow's session.