AN: So, I got to poking around online and found a generator for Hetalia. Pairings and prompts were given, but in some cases, I believe I'll choose my own pairing. This one was both.

The prompt was: Most vulnerable.

The quiet sobs were what France came home to. It wasn't normal. Even since Canada and America had left the house, there were almost never tears shed. As such, this worried him. He set his jacket on the back of a chair before going into the living room to see England on the couch, crying into his hands.

He didn't know what was wrong, only that he was currently seeing a more vulnerable side of England than he ever had before.

France moved to sit next to England, gently pulling him to him in silence.

England didn't fight him, just let himself be pulled into a comforting hug.

"Shh.. it's okay, I promise, it's okay."France whispered, rubbing soothing circles on the brit's back.

It's's going to be okay. England repeated in his mind. But it wasn't enough to stop the tears, to stop the hurt.

After a while, England calmed, sniffling slightly and mumbling a faint apology before he fell asleep.

France sighed. The poor guy'd cried himself to sleep.

He was careful, but he shifted, picking England up from the couch and carrying him to their room, tucking him into the bed before heading back downstairs to tidy up to give himself something else to focus on.

Once England got back up, France decided to approach the subject. "So, why were you crying earlier?"he asked.

England shrugged. He didn't want to talk about it. France got that.

Still, it wasn't as if England couldn't trust him.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

England nodded and let France pull him into a hug. For a change, France didn't let his hands wander down. They stayed firmly on his waist, holding him close and providing comfort.

England spoke once, his voice strained slightly from the crying he'd done earlier. "Love you,"he mumbled.

France half smiled. "I love you too."he responded, stealing a soft kiss before he pulled back and gave a soft smile. "That's the most vulnerable I've ever seen you, you know that? While, sure, I don't like to see you was nice that you didn't push me away earlier."

And it was nice.

Just a short little drabble to distract me from some argument. Hope you enjoyed.