Snape was lying on the floor, dying. His face was paler than usual. Harry was sitting nearby holding the flask containing the professor's memories. He didn't know what to think, he was horrified by the way he was killed.

-Come on, Harry, we have to go-.

It was Ron who didn't have the courage to get closer to the teacher's body. Harry nodded and, with his friends, he left Snape and the Shrieking Shack. They were crossing the field when Hermione tripped over a stone.

-Hei, Hermione. Are you all right?- asked Harry worried.

-Yes, yes, don't worry- lied Hermione. How cold she be all right after seeing her favourite professor die? She had been able to hold back her tears while in the Shack, but if they had stayed there a little longer she would have broken down. No, he couldn't be dead, he was such a strong man. When she would have got to Hogwarts, she would have told Madam Pomfrey.

When they reached the castle, Harry left Ron and Hermione, and he headed towards the Headmaster's office. His friends gathered in the Great Hall, where the dead were laid and the injured were healed. Ron went towards his family, who was around Fred's dead body. Hermione ran to Madam Pomfrey.

-Madam, Madam... Professor Snape... blood... in the Shrieking Shack- she said panting.

-Miss Granger, calm down. Now, tell me everything- said the mediwitch.

-Voldemort attacked Professor Snape in the Shrieking Shack. He lost a lot of blood-

Madam Pomfrey looked at the young witch dumbfounded.

-Take me to him- she said. - Longbottom! Find someone to help you heal the injured-

Neville nodded, a little scared by the importance of the task given to him.

-Let's go, Madam, we have to hurry-said Hermione and left for the Shrieking Shack followed by the older witch. Once inside they immediately found the poor Professor's body. The mediwitch let out a shout of terror. Snape was lying in a pool of his own blood.

-Oh, no, Severus- said Madam Pomfrey while checking his pulse.

-Is he alive?- asked Hermione.

-Yes, but you were right. He lost a lot of blood. Hold his head while I give him these potions- said the mediwitch.

Hermione immediately recognized one of them: it was a Blood-Replenishing Potion, while the other must have been an antidote. She was a little embarrassed of holding her Professor in her arms. He had always appeared as a strong man, and now he was there, in her arms, just like an unprotected child. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't hear what Madam Pomfrey had said. you understand what you have to do? Miss Granger... are you listening to me?-

-Oh, sorry. I was thinking- admitted the girl shyly.

-There's no time to think about anything else, Miss Granger. We have to take Professor Snape to Hogwarts, so I can cure him with more attention- said the mediwitch while conjuring a stretcher.

-Alright Madam. And if you need help, remember I'm available-