Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait and everything… this is going to be one of the last chapters for this story. I honestly don't think I'm going to right the sequel because honestly I lost motivation to write. And to add to that my free time is dwindling down. I start school in less than a month and every weekend I have something going on so im sorry for the lovers of this story

Anyways enough of the sadness who's excited for the new Austin and Ally? When does that premiere? And I'm talking about Austin and Ally's PROM! Please let me know when that premieres because I really want to see that, and I hope Ally realizes Gavin isn't the guy for her! Oh well

I don't own Austin and Ally

I kissed her…

When I broke the kiss I looked down expecting to see her beautiful eyes staring back at me with a ghost of a smile on her lips, but instead her eyes were closed and her lips in a straight line. She hadn't responded to the kiss like I thought she would've. In fact she hadn't even responded to it. She was still unconscious with blood pouring out her cuts and her hair soaked from her tears and blood. I couldn't stand to see her this way, so bruised and broken. So…dead. I looked up at Robert who was chuckling and smirking at me with this crazed look in his eye, and that's when I lost it. I couldn't hear anything or see anything, everything was happening so fast as I got up quickly while being careful of Robin. I rushed forward intended on killing the guy who hurt my girl. I lunged at Robert and tackled him and punching and kicking him as much as I could, hoping I'd end up killing him, but that wasn't the case. Little did I know that Ratliff was still on Robert when I tackled him and he was having a hard time breathing due to Robert putting all his weight on to him. That's when I came back to reality, and realized what I was doing. I was hurting Ratliff more than Robert.

I looked back at robin and saw her laying there so lifeless and knew I had to do something. I couldn't let her lay there almost dead… I had to end all of this, for her, Rydel, and Laura. I then started feeling this power ruin through me. Giving the confidence and power I needed. Looking back at Robert I quickly gave him one last punch into the face with as much strength as I could to knock him out. And once I saw his eyes roll back and his eyes close I pushed him of off Ratliff who was barely conscious. I quickly checked him over to make sure he was alright and turned back to my brothers who were trying to catch their breaths. I walked over to rocky and asked him where the rest of Robert's men were.

"Hey Rocky, where's the rest of his employees?"

"At the bottom of the ocean." He said while giving me one of his famous goofy smiles.

"You didn't actually think we were going to let you have all the fun now did you Riker, now did you?" Ryland asked me walking over laughing

" No, I guess not" I said laughing, but that quickly subsided as I realized our situation. I looked around and noticed Ross and Ratliff were both gone.

Rocky saw where I was looking and explained

"Ratliff is over there." he said pointing at the far side of the ship where Rydel was laying still unconscious and Ratliff silently crying. "And Ross is below looking for Laura."

I then Remembered Robin and quickly hurried back over to her and I carefully picked her and held her in my arms.

"Ryland, quickly find a phone or radio and call for some help" I called as he started away "and Rocky, watch Robert and if he wakes up, knock him out again please." I said as Rocky nodded.

And as I waited for help, I prayed that everything will be fine. I prayed that Rydel, Laura, and Robin would be able to forget all this and go on. To be able to live a normal life, and not live in fear forever. And that they'll learn not to be so trusting and realize that looks can be deceiving. That not everyone can and should be trusted. And as I was thinking this I looked down at Robin and then over to Rydel who was still unconscious and Ratliff, who stopped crying and was looking at me giving me a small smile that said that everything will be fine. While holding Rydel in his arms and trying to cover as much as he could trying to keep her warm from and from getting Hypothermia. And then I carried Robin over to where Rydel and Ratliff were and sat there with robin still in my arms.

"Ratliff, please tell me Rydel is fine!" I pleaded knowing I should've been over here a long time ago, but it all just hit me that were still in a dangerous situation.

"Yes Riker, she's fine for now. She has a faint pulse, but she's still here." Ratliff said looking at Robin.

"Same with robin, ok Ratliff, everything will be fine." I said still trying to convince myself.

Just then Ross came aboard from the stairs that led to that dark place with Laura in his arms looking battered and Bruised. In fact she almost looked worse. Her clothing was torn (I think you all get the idea of what, am I right?) her face had many cuts and she had several chunks of bald spots from her hair being yanked out, I'm guessing and more injuries that I couldn't stand to see anymore.

" Hey" Ross said coming over almost out of breath. " I had knocked out the other two guys that had originally been torturing Rydel and Laura." HE said while collapsing with a pained expression on his face, " I found in the room Laura was in, they were so so close to… r-r-" by then he was full on crying, but we all knew what he was going to say.

As I was about to say something, I was interrupted by Ryland yelling that help will be here any second. Then a second later there was a spotlight that was shining over us saying that,

"Everyone don't move, we'll be down there in a minute to help you to safety." Then the spotlight was gone and a rope with a basket was on its way down.

That's all everyone, there will be one more chapter and then an epilogue. See you next time! Love you all!
