So guys, this is the finale for Good Cop, Violent Bystander. I thought I would just let you know ahead of time. Enjoy…(:
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint or any of it's characters, but Good Cop, Violent Bystander and it's writings
are my work and should not be used without my permission.

Review of Last Chapter:
Sam then, used his free arm to hike up her skirt and sneak his hands between her legs, and he could have sworn she'd stopped breathing.
"Oh God." She whispered as he teased her. This was going to be a long night.

Sam lay, staring at the ceiling in the morning. Jules was laying against his side, her head on his chest, her soft hair tickling him.
He pushed the sheet back to her hips, and ran his finger-tips up and down her bare back.
"I know you're awake." He said gently.
She sighed,
"No…No, I'm not." She murmured, curling in closer to him. He chuckled, and played with her loose hair.
"I'm never going to get used to this." She whispered.
"Oh, so you plan on me sticking around?" He asked, and she slapped him across his abs.
She was silent for a few seconds,
"Hey…" He said, he wrapped his arm around her waist, and she let out a startled gasp as he pulled her up suddenly, so that her face was resting on the same pillow as his. "Did I upset you?"
She smiled, but there was something hiding behind her eyes,
"No, I'm not that fragile, but I do want you to stay around…" She seemed to be about to say something, then switched at the last second, "I just don't know what we're supposed to do about our jobs."
Sam sighed, "Actually I was talking to Sarge about that last night."
She propped herself up on her elbow,
"Easy…" He replied smiling, "We were just talking. Talking about options."
She relaxed and lay back down.
"He reamed me the same you did when I talked about nearly taking the position back in Kandahar."
Jules smiled victoriously, "Good. Smart guy."
Sam rolled out of bed, pulling her with him.
"I don't wanna get up." She whined, not being able to keep a straight face. He picked her up instead, and she squealed in protest as he carried her towards the bathroom.

Jules sat on a bar stool in front of the bar in Sam's kitchen. Sam sat a glass of orange juice in front of her.
"Eggs?" He asked, smiling.
She smirked at the memory of Sarge finding Sam in her home.
"That was terrifying." She said, referring to the memory, and he laughed.

"Hey…when did you talk to Sarge, anyways?" She asked after a few seconds.
Sam shrugged guiltily, "At about 12, after you'd fallen asleep, you've been sleeping really well latterly, and he was awake…"
Jules nodded, "What did he say?"
"Well…Donna…just uh, fired her T.L."
Jules was shocked for a second, "Why?"
Sam cocked his head to the side and tried to contain his smile, "He slept with the rookie."
Jules choked on her orange juice, her eyes wide, and Sam nodded,
"Damn…that's ironic... I slept with our rookie."

He was smiling, mischievously, and he turned back to the eggs,
"Julianna Callaghan, slept with the rookie." She picked off one of her grapes and threw it at him, and put her hands to her lips laughing when it landed in the pan.
"I have a feeling that was on purpose." He smiled, picking the grape out.

He put the eggs on plates, and walked back over to her. He sat the plate in front of her, and she jumped up as he picked an ice-cube out of his water,
"No!" She exclaimed. She turned but he caught her around her waist.
"Sam!" She squealed and threw her hand back to cover the hem of the back of her shirt, and he caught her by surprise, by slipping it into the front of her shirt.
"Agh!" She cried, and he sat back down as she squirmed, righting herself.
"Jerk!" She accused after a few seconds.
She walked over to him, and he grabbed her by the front waistband of her jeans, pulling her in between his legs.
He pressed his lips to hers, and she smiled,
Suddenly there was a loud Crack, and Jules spun, Sam stood, taking her hand and pulling her behind him.

"Sam…you don't need to protect me." She said in despite of the moment.
"Open the door, Braddock!" Came a fierce voice. Sam tensed,
"From these guys, I do." He said, "Hide behind the counter."
"Jules. Do as I say…just this once. Please." He said, his voice pleading.
She nodded, and walked around the corner of the counter, crouching down, just in time for the door to hit the ground loudly.
"Why are you here?" She heard Sam ask calmly.
"Your father sent us." The voice replied. "He said to bring you back."
"I'm not going." Sam replied.
"Even if we had to use force."
She heard the cock of a gun.
"No!" She gasped, and stood, the gun that had been armed a second ago, swung towards her.
Sam moved forward quickly and disarmed the still shocked man.
"Who is this?" One of the men asked fake-sweetly, walking around the corner towards her. She stood her ground, as he approached her, he grabbed her arm and yanked her towards him,
"Let. Me. Go." She said.
The man reached towards her cheek,
"I wouldn't do that." Sam said, but the beef of a man didn't listen.
Sam took a step forward, and another man grabbed his arm, but Jules didn't need the help.
She twisted out of the man's grip, but the man did have military training, and his grasp only faltered for a second, before he shoved her into the edge of the counter making her gasp in pain, but only for a second.
She kneed him in the groin hard enough to make him go down long enough for her to grab his arm and twist it upside down, take his fingers and twist them back towards his body, taking the grown man to his toes.
Sam smiled, proudly and pointed the gun he'd obtained towards the other man,
"Now, why are you here?"
"The General sent us. He gave us orders."
"Who are you?" The man, Jules was restraining wheezed, she smiled,
"Jules Callaghan, Team One of the SRU."
The man seemed shocked, "A girl." Jules pressed harder on his fingers, and he gasped,
"Okay, okay."
"Now, get out of my apartment, and tell the General that if he has the balls to send more guys out here, that I'll have them along with him arrested." Sam said in a cold voice.
The men nodded, and the man in front of Sam backed up, then out the door.
Sam walked around the counter to where Jules was still pinning her attacker.
He reached his arms around her,
"Jules. Let him go…" He said in her ear, she slowly released her grip and the man stepped back, actually looking a little afraid, before he turned and walked out the door.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine." She replied, "I would have loved to break his fingers though."
Sam smiled, "I know." Then he looked towards his door, "I'm gonna have to get that fixed."
"You're staying with me until then." She sighed, her voice still tight.

Jules sat on her couch later that night, Sam beside her. She was still tense, and Sam could see it easily, almost…nervous like. He wrapped his arm around her waist, she resisted him at first, and he simply pulled on her harder until she gave in. He pulled her into a laying position, so that her head was resting in his lap. She took a deep breath and looked up at him.
"I'm sorry." She said quietly.
"Why?" He asked, perplexed.
"Because I've been uptight all day." She replied, "Then I got sick this afternoon…It's just been kind of a shitty day….Except for waking up with you this morning." She said to try and distract him.
"Why?" He asked again, "It's not like you lost the fight to that man. Although he was like twice, maybe three times your size."
She smiled, "I know."
He was more confused now, than ever.
"What're you talking about?"
She sat up, and looked him in the eyes,
"Sam…there's something I was going to tell you this morning…"
He didn't say a word and simply kept her gaze,
"You're not leaving Team One." His eye brows furrowed in confusion,
"Sarge and Donna are talking about me taking-"
"I'm leaving Team One Sam…I've already put in my papers."
His eyes widened, "Jules, you-"
"It's only temporary Sam."
He ran his hands over his face, "I don't understand."
"I'm taking maternity leave, Sam."
He froze, "W-what?"
"I'm pregnant, Sam…" She whispered.
He didn't reply at first, and simply stared at her for a few seconds,
"See, I knew you would be upset…I should have- and we-"
"Jules…" He said,
"-used protection, and-"
He put his hand over her mouth, "Jules." He smiled, and she could have sworn there were tears in his eyes,
"Do you want it? The baby…?"
She smiled, "Yes." She answered immediately, "Do…do you?"
He nodded, and she pressed her hands to her lips and tears ran down her cheeks,
"I hate being over-emotional." She whispered, and he laughed, and pulled her to his chest.
"So…" He said mischievously after a few seconds, and she looked up at him,
"Want to sleep with the rookie?"
She took on a thoughtful look, "Well…I guess. Raf isn't that bad looking."
Sam's eyes took on a possessive look, and he pushed her down onto the couch,
"I'm not willing to share."

So guys, that's the end of Good Cop, Violent Bystander. (:

But, I just had to say: Thank you so much for reading, and supporting my story. It was only supposed to be a one-shot, and thanks to you guys, it became one of my longest stories! Hope you guys enjoyed, please R&R and let me know what you think! And again, thank you!