Aaah done. I can't believe I wrote this within an hour i'm super pleased with myself wow? Wow

It was soon that the war was over, the light ridding the world of darkness. Although many were lost it was an incredible feeling for most, to be finally done with this. Hermione though, wasn't like most.

She had wandered the battlefield, looking, searching for a sign, any time she saw a body with light blonde hair her heart sank, only to rise again once she realized it wasn't him. She eventually came to rest on a fallen stone pillar, sitting down and looking around the dusty area, resting her head in her hands and letting out a shaky breath.

Draco promised, he promised that he would come find her. He had done his part, getting the Deatheaters to follow the wrong trail and giving them enough time to destroy the final Horcrux's. He had even helped her find Harry, but before she could thank him he had already apparated. She hadn't seen him since.

Hermione didn't even notice the tears streaming down her face as she stared at the ruble before her. She soon found herself sobbing softly, figuring that Draco had died in the war and she would be alone, never to see him again. Suddenly she heard a few rocks being moved aside, a pained groan escaping someones throat. She shot up, looking around the area. It was him, she knew it.

She saw a few rocks tumble off of a pile, a hand reaching out from under them. The Witch dashed over, soon beginning to pull the rocks off of the other, staring in shock as she was met with a familiar face. It was Draco. He looked up at her, relieved as a small smile went across his face, the girl leaning down to pull him from the rubble, tears streaming down her face. "D-Draco I thought i'd lost you."

He smiled faintly, wincing and leaning against her. "It's not that easy to get rid of me, Granger." Draco muttered out, smirking. She let out a relieved sigh, hugging him tightly and holding the bruised and battered man in her arms, never wanting to let him go again. "I-I've missed you, Hermione." Draco muttered out, coughing and brushing a few brown locks of hair away from her dirt and blood covered face.

She nuzzled into his shoulder, hugging him and inhaling his scent. "I-I never want you to leave me again." She said, hugging him possessively. He chuckled, hugging her tight to his chest, his eyes sparkling with tears. "I won't. You have my word." He said, kissing the top of her head. She leant up, pressing a kiss to his lips, soon finding that he was gladly kissing her back.

After a few moments they pulled away from one another, panting and smiling. Hermione slowly stood, helping the blonde up and walking him over to the others. Upon seeing the two both Harry and Ron immediately glared at the former Deatheater, hands on their wands. Hermione shook her head, standing in front of him. "S-stop!" She said, eyeing them desperately. "This man saved us, I told you i'd tell you who it was after the war was over, and it's over." She said, hesitantly moving out of the way.

They both stared at him in shock, hands slowly leaving their wands. "B-but he-" Harry spoke, only to be interrupted by Hermione. "Yes, I know what he's done in the past but please, he saved my life, our lives..." She said, staring at her two best friends, Draco hesitantly taking her hand. "I... I knew you said we'd be shocked when you told us who did that, but bloody Hell I never expected it to be Malfoy." Ron spoke in disbelief, shaking his head. After a while they all began talking, the two men hesitant with Draco, but soon warming up to him, talking just as they would with any other friend, and years later they were still the best of friends.

Now all that was left was to explain the shining ring on Hermiones finger to Harry and Ron.