Disclaimer: (monotonous tone) I don't own LoK or its characters. Why do I have to do this? _________________________________________________

[LAST TIME ON KAIN PRESENTS: BLOOD OMEN 1:] (then Zephon came out eating pudding)

Zephon: No one will find my pudding here. (sees Melchiah and Seer making out)

Seer: Uh-oh. I'm out of excuses.

Dumah: Don't worry, he's an idiot.

Zephon: (looking at them, then his pudding, then them, then pudding) I love banana


[AND...] Dumah: Banana pudding sucks. (actually Dumah loved banana pudding, but he was

just saying this to piss off Zephon)

Zephon: Banana pudding DOES NOT SUCK! (then Zephon attacked Dumah)

Kain: (sighs) Raziel, now look what you've done!

Raziel: Me!?

[ALSO...] (then everyone started taking pictures of everyone and an interviewer stepped up to

Kain and asked him an important question)

Interviewer: Kain, will there be a sequel?

Kain: Well...my answer is-


*The scene is the opening*

Interviewer: Kain, will there be a sequel?

Kain: Well...my answer is...no.

Interviewer: No!?

Lieutenants: No!?

Vorador's voice: NO!!! IT BURNS!

Interviewer: But this was extremely successful, why wouldn't you make a sequel!

Raziel: Yeah, what's up with that!

Kain: Well, with all this money I plan to build an amusement park!

Zephon: Yippee! Will it be one of those water parks, I love those! Well, except for the

fact that they burn.

Kain: No. But if I make a sequel, I'd have no money left over for my amusement park.

So if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get going.

Raziel: (to Interviewer) Don't worry. I'll make him change his mind.

(then all the lieutenants huddle and discuss a plan)

Kain: (looking behind him and seeing the lieutenants huddle) What're they doing?

Zephon: (to Raziel) ...and that's what we'll do?

Raziel: Yep. Any questions?

Dumah: It'll be just like that commercial with the pan smashing everything. I love

smashing stuff. And breaking stuff. And killing stuff. And-

Raziel: I don't care. Okay, one, two, three let's go!!!

(then the lieutenants circle Kain)

Kain: What're you up to?

(then they start beating up Kain)

Kain: Ow! That's my pancreas!

Raziel: Say uncle! Say uncle!

Dumah: Screw that! Say sire! Say sire!

Rahab: So, are you gonna do a sequel?

Kain: No!

Zephon: Then I'm afraid we'll have to kick your ass.

(then Janos walks in)

Janos: Have I missed the opening?

Raziel: Where have you been? I thought you got out of the limo with us!?

Janos: As soon as I saw the Seer and Dumah making out, I decided to go to a strip


Melchiah: WHAT!?

Janos: A strip club. A club of stripping.

Zephon: You hippy bastard. You forgot us.

Melchiah: What!?

Zephon: I said "Y-o-u h-i-p-p-y b-a-s-t-a-r-d."

Melchiah: I'm talking about Dumah and Seer!

Interviewer: I know this is a bad time to ask, but is there gonna be a sequel?

Raziel: (takes this opportunity since everyone's vulnerable) Yes there will be!

Turel: Oh hoorah for that!

Melchiah: Come on Dumah! You and me!

Dumah: Why?

Melchiah: Cause now you've hurt my feelings.

Dumah: You sound like a little girl.

Melchiah: Damn, he's right. I sound like a wimp!

Zephon: Hey, hey, hey. I support women everywhere. Girls aren't wimps!

Ariel: You tell him! (Ariel just appeared out of nowhere cause she's a ghost)

Zephon: I believe we are equel!

Dumah: Who cares!?

Zephon: Good point.

Melchiah: You and me Dumah!

Seer: Wow, I'm being fought over! I must me pretty.

(so then Dumah punches Melchiah, sending Melchiah's arm flying)

Melchiah: Haha! No matter!

(then Dumah punches off the other arm)

Melchiah: Oh damn.

(then Melchiah runs up and kicks Dumah in the head)

Dumah: You've ruined my nose job, dammit!

Dean Earwicker: Let's mob!

(then everyone formed a mob and everyone was beating each other up. Raziel had

decided he'd had enough and got on a box)

Raziel: EVERYONE! (then everyone looked at Raziel) Don't you see what is happening?

We are getting torn part for no good reason! Everyone's fighting and killing each other!

This would NEVER happen on an Old Navy commercial! Why can't we all be loving and

caring like the people in Old Navy commercials are? They get along all cheery and they

never piss about and argue and look how cheerful they are! They enjoy their life! And if

we can't be like those Old Navy people, then there's no point unliving. I know I

wouldn't want to unlive if we couldn't be like the people on Old Navy commercials. So

please, for the love of Old Navy, stop arguing and let's have a good time! Old Navy


(then everyone starts clapping)

Sarafan Lord: (crying) That was beautiful.

Morlock: Old Navy and Razzyboy are right. (to Sarafan Lord) Let's do like they'd do on

an Old Navy commercial and forgive one another. Sarafan Lord, I forgive you for telling

me to sit on my thumb!

Sarafan Lord: And I forgive you for being an irresponsible ass!

(then they hugged)

Dumah: (crying then getting burned) Razzyboy's right. Melchiah, I forgive the Seer for

being a cheap whore!

Melchiah: I forgive you for being a butthole and knocking off my arms!

(then they hugged)

Moebius: Dean Earwicker, I forgive me for toasting you.

Dean Earwicker: I like toast.

(then they hug)

Turel: Rahab, I don't forgive you for anything.

Rahab: I don't forgive you for anything either.

(then they both go slaughtering people together)

Zephon: (to his strawberry pudding) Strawberry pudding, I forgive me for liking banana

pudding better.

(then Zephon ate both puddings)

Raziel: DON'T CALL ME RAZZYBOY! (to Kain) Well Kain, are you sorry for blaming all

the bad stuff on me?

Kain: No.

Raziel: Bitch.

Kain: Honestly, that Old Navy speech was the stupidest speech ever.

Raziel: Yeah, it was. But it worked.

Interviewer: Let's raise a toast to the sequel!

Everyone except Kain: To the sequel!

Kain: Aw crap.


(the scene is the Pillars and it's 3 months later)

Interviewer: Kain, Kain, can you tell us anything about the sequel?

Kain: Yes. The budget is an amazing $10.

Interview: $10?

Kain: Yes.

Interviewer: Why so low?

Kain: So that I can still afford my own amusement park! You see, Raziel really wants

me to be his friend, so I'll say to him that if he makes and pays for the park for me, I'll

let him in! But of course I'll kick him out and laugh at him!

Interviewer: Isn't that a bit mean?

Kain: Who cares!

(then Kain walked over to Raziel)

Kain: Hey, Raziel, if you help build my amusement park, I'll let you in for free, then we

can bond like father and son!

Raziel: (excited) Really! Yippee!

Kain: So, what do you say?

Raziel: (excited voice) Oh, yay! I'll say...no! You're an asshole!

Kain: (confused) What!? What about us being friends?

Raziel: I've thought it over and you're a complete ass!

(then Raziel leaves to work on the sequel)

Kain: (dumbfounded)

Dumah: Ooh, that's a burn.

Kain: Shut up! (to Interviewer) I won't give up. Anyway, I've had lots of auditions for

parts for the movie.

Nupraptor: I think I should be Melchiah because we're both charming. With my glowing

head, I'll blind my enemies and kill them. Just like Melchiah would!

Kain: But Melchiah never did that.

Nupraptor: Crap.

Fuastus: I think I should be Melchiah because I LOVED his taste for clothes! That

rotting skin clothing could make me look like a professional model! I could make rotting

skin a new fashion icon!

Kain: Damn, your ego is too big!

Faustus: Thank you, I try.

Kain: I'm also looking for people to play as Zephon, but I don't think I can find anyone

dumb enough!

Moebius: (excited voice) Ooh, I wanna play Zephon!

Kain: Yep, Moebius' dumb enough.

Umah: I could always play as Zephon.

Kain: Why?

Umah: I could make him look like a complete idiot! Hahahahahahahahaha!

(then Zephon walks on-screen. He was eating pudding then he saw the camera)

Zephon: Hey! It's a memory recorder! (then Zephon starts making faces at the camera)

I must look so weird! Well, I gotta go eat my banana pudding. Bye. (then Zephon walks


Umah: Crap. It's not as much fun making a total idiot look like a total idiot.

Kain: And then there's Rahab...

Dejoule: I think me and my husband should play the part.

Bane: But dear, I think it will not work. I'm planning on cooking muffins that day, it just

wouldn't work out!

Dejoule: Oh dear, maybe not that day. I really like muffins.

Kain: Though they probably won't be Rehab because they're too suburban.


Kain: If anyone's Rehab, it would be you because I dropped you into the water dozens

of times and you, being the crazy bastard that you are, always came back.

Magnus: I WANTED MY MEAT! MEAT IS MY FRIEND! (then Magnus sees Zephon's


Zephon: (holding his pudding) Get away from my pudding!

Magnus: PUDDING!

(then Magnus starts eating Zephon, who's futilely struggling to keep his pudding)

Zephon: I won't let you win my pudding!

Kain: (to Zephon) Let the Magnus win.

(then Zephon hands over his pudding to Magnus to Magnus wouldn't eat him)


(then those two left)

Kain: And now I need to find who'll be Dumah.

(Sebastion and Hash'something'something comes in)

Kain: Hash, no! I can't even pronounce your name!

Hash'ak'git: Oh come on! I promise I won't hurt anybody. And I'm damn good at

making the most delicious tea!

Kain: All-powerful or all-sissy?

Sebastion: (holding his broken voice box) And you know why you should choose me for

Dumah, right?

Kain: No.

Sebastion: Dumah was Raziel's most devastating adversary! And I am YOUR most

devastating adversary! Hahahaha!

Kain: (annoyed) A washing machine is a more dangerous adversary than you! A toenail

clipper is more dangerous than you! Zephon's banana pudding is more dangerous than


Sebastion: You're just jealous! (then him and Hash leave)

Interviewer: So that just leaves Raziel and you.

(then Raziel comes up)

Raziel: And, of course, Raziel shall be played by...

Raziel and Kain: ME!



Kain: I'm the lord of Nosgoth, so what I say goes. I say I'll play as Raziel since I'm the

one presenting it! So too bad Razzyboy.


Kain: Okay, I won't call you Razzyboy any more. From now on, I'll call you Razzygirl.


Kain: But alas, that means Raziel will play Kain.



(then Raziel goes running off yelling and screaming with joy)

Kain: I've got a feeling that what I did was a serious mistake.

Interviewer: This is awesome! Well, that about does it with behind the scenes, and I'll

see you at the movies!

Kain: This will be the best movie ever!

Interviewer: Oh, and there's also gonna be a sequel to "Can't Catch Me" and the

sequel's gonna be titled "Still Can't Catch Me" by the genius Marcus.

Kain: Dammit! Marcus has gone too far! I'm gonna call my really good friend Lestat and

we're gonna kill Marcus! Mwahahahahaha! (then Kain got out the only phone in


(then some invisible person runs up, snatches the phone, then runs away)

Invisible Person: Can't catch me! Hahahahaha!

Kain: Damn you Marcus!


Well, you've seen the preview of "Kain Presents: Soul Reaver 1" but it unfortunately won't be my next fic I make because I don't have my PS1 and my PS2 is broken and I'm having to get the money to buy a new one, so in the mean time, till I can lay Soul Reaver 1 again, I'm gonna start my own original fic, and I know it probably won't be as good as my parody, but I'm doing it anyway. But, you can expect "Kain Presents: Soul Reaver 1", "Kain Presents: Soul Reaver 2", and "Kain Presents: Blood Omen 2" in the future. I'll even do "Kain Presents: Soul Reaver 3" when it comes out. Hope you've liked this fic and don't forget to review.