SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for SWTCW: The Wrong Jedi story arc - Season Five Finale

"Amara, look out!"

She dodged the laser bullet by an inch. She turned, and saw Amber run up to her. "That was a close one." She flashed her friend a smile. "But I've seen closer calls."

Amara returned the smile, but it quickly disappeared. Another round of shots were fired in their direction. "Get down!" Both girls dropped to the ground as red lasers chipped off pieces of the rock they were behind. Amara glanced up. There were snipers all along the rooftop of the building they were in front of. "This is definitely the Dragon's hideout," she remarked.

Amber looked worried. She tugged at her brown pigtails, a habit when she was nervous. "Then what are we going to do? Lux and Ker told us not to engage the enemy. And we just have…"

"It wasn't our fault." She scouted the area, her senses tingling. She gripped the twin pistols in her hands so tight her fingertips turned pale. She wiped the sweat from her forehead. Unlike her human friend, she was Togruta. Her lekku were braided behind her – at age eighteen, they were long enough to do so – but unlike normal Togrutas, her face didn't have a single painted mark. She had hidden them – just as she hid the constant pain in her heart. "We should try getting back to HQ."

Amber bit her lip. "Not going to be easy. They've seen us!" Suddenly, she spotted a shadow move along the side of the hill. "Someone's over there!"

Amara jumped to her feet and fired wildly at the stealth Dragon Rebel. He was shot down instantly, by the first laser. Her shot was that good. "We can't stay here! Follow me!" They began running across the field, leaving the crumbling warehouse building behind them. They heard footsteps pursuing. "They're going to catch us!" Amber cried.

Her friend was more confident. She twisted backwards, and shot two of the Dragon Rebels down. Amber got another. They entered the forest. Leaves, twigs, and dirt crunched underneath them as they fled down a worn out path. Behind them, they could their pursuers gaining on them.

"We'll never make it," Amber panted. They looked around. All around them were trees and D.R.s…there was no escape. But they kept on running.

As she ran, it seemed as if a millions memories flashed through Amara's mind. A young man only a little older than herself. A battle among the dunes of Tatooine. Herself trapped underneath a mountain of rubble. Survival against a bunch of lizard hunters. Races, challenges…laughing. Then came even more painful memories. Images of planted evidence. Teamwork with the enemy. Being on the run. Then, the trial. The crowd of accusing, cold-hearted faces. The betrayal of her best friend. His words, "I believed in you. I stood by you...you can't just walk away!" So much pain in his tone – in his eyes. He had been like her brother. Her own short response, "I know." The last memory of him was as she walked off into the sunset, him watching her leave with tears in his blue eyes.

Why had she given that all up? Why had she walked away?

Her mind was clogged with these thoughts. She mechanical dodged lasers and grenades as she and Amber ran deeper into the forest. She fired off more shots, knocking down three more men. She choked back more tears, but kept on running. It was two and a half years since she had walked away from that past life, yet she was still haunted by that decision.

A laser ripped open a tree almost a centimeter from her head. Amber grabbed her arm. "Come on!" Also at age eighteen, her big green eyes were frantic with worry. "If we don't get to the meeting place, Lux and Ker won't be able to pick us up!"


Amara followed, but not as focused as before. Lux. True…if she hadn't left and become part of this new life she never would've found him – never would've been free to fall in love as she was now. She loved her fiancé more than anything…but they could never be together until she passed this emotional barrier that still kept her apart from everyone she knew.

Suddenly, she stumbled over a root. She crashed down onto the mossy ground. Amber stopped running, and came back to help her. "Come on! Get up!" She tugged her friend to her feet. Suddenly, a D.R. jumped in front of them. It drew back it's crossbow. "You're dead, scums!"


A flaming fire ball crashed in front of them, knocking the Rebel off his feet. The girls looked up. There was a hover craft above them – with Lux peering down at them. He tossed down two cables. "Climb on!"

They scramble for the ropes and struggled to safety. The Rebels began firing their rifles. Ker was at the controls. He began piloting the ship away. Soon, they were gliding peacefully over the treetops of Orderon, the Rebels and their hideaway far behind them.

Amara sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the hovercraft, watching a flock of birds fly by. Lux came over and sat down next to her. He tried rubbing a blob of dirt off her face, but only succeeded in smearing it across her face. She laughed, and looked at him. "Thanks for saving our skin."

He shrugged, his eyes twinkling. "Always in time to save your life."

The quote sent a searing pain through her heart. 'That's what I used to tell him…'

She quickly shook the memory away. Her face betrayed her thoughts. Lux looked at her, concerned. "What's wrong, Amara? Were you hurt?" He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No. I wasn't hurt." She looked at him, and he was surprised to see a tear roll down her face. "I can't do this anymore," she whispered. She quickly glanced behind them. Ker and Amber were deep in conversation. She turned back to her fiancé. "I love you. I've always loved you. And I know in a week, you're supposed to be mine…" Her voice trailed off.

His eyes grew wide with worry. "You're not…you don't want to…you don't want to break it off, do you?" His voice was filled with pain.

She quickly shook her head. "No! Never, Lux. Just…maybe just hold it off. A few more weeks. I can't do this now…not until I've sorted out what's going on in my head."

He nodded. He understood. She looked at him, filled with so much care. He would wait for her. He would wait an eternity if necessary. And she was grateful. "Thank you so much, Lux." She leaned over, and pecked him a kiss on the cheek. She saw him blush.

Suddenly, Amber's head popped in between them. "Break it off, love birds. We're almost at HQ." Up ahead, a tall building loomed above the trees, plated with protective armor. HQ. Home of the OUSO (Orderon Undercover Spy Organization). Amber, Amara, Lux, and Ker were just a few of the youths in a huge security force. Ever since the rebellion had begun, there had been so many battles and deaths on the once peaceful planet.

They landed the hovercraft, and hopped off. Dasq was waiting for them. "Well – well – if the little runaways haven't returned." He sneered. "Remember when Commander sent you off with the orders not to attack? We had to send Lux and Ker out to rescue you when you didn't report back." He brushed back his long black hair, his face stone cold. 'As always,' Amara thought angrily.

"It's fine, Dasq," Lux spoke calmly. "Where's Commander now? Inside?"

"No. He had to go into Randset for some reason. He's gonna be back tomorrow. For now, he wants you all to stay put." He gave a mocking grin at Amara. "Do you think you can handle that, Mar?"

She crossed her arms and smirked. "Just about as much as you can act like a human being, Dasquie."

She saw him tense. "Just get inside twerps." He turned around abruptly and walked off. Amber shivered. "Ugh…he gives me the creeps. I just hate him so much!"

"He's Commander's son, so he gets away with everything," Ker added. He shrugged. "But let's not worry about him. Come on. I'm tired out."

The friends walked inside the large building known as HQ, home for the OUSO. Amara and Amber entered the quarters they lived in. While Amber plopped onto the bed, Amara stepped into the refresher, letting the hot water glide over her filthy skin. She got dressed, and re-braided her lekku. When she finally stepped out dressed in her usual black pants and dark red sleeveless shirt, Amber was waiting for her. She had a puzzled look on her face.

Amara walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of juice. "What's wrong, Amber?" she asked casually. Amber walked over, and plopped a small piece of paper onto the counter. "It's for you."

Amara picked up the note. She studied it. It was typed, probably on a processor…

Meet me at the Caldus Inn, Orderon.

Come alone.

Urgent. Life or death situation.

Fate is in your hands now.

Amara placed the note down. "We get notes like these all the time. Usually, we just send troops out to deal with it. They're usually traps." She turned away, and cracked open her juice. "Just send it to the main office."

Amber nodded. "I usually would. But these notes are usually addressed to us, because everyone knows us."

Amara shrugged. "And?"

Amber handed her a small envelope. "Well, it has your address on it, and your security code. But your name's not on it. Whoever sent this to you doesn't know who you are, yet it's sent to your exact coordinates. Maybe it's random, I don't know. But this isn't your name." She pointed to the small text in the center of the envelope.

Amara put her bottle down and took the envelope. Her heart jumped into her throat. It wasn't her name on the address. It was a name from the past. A name she had left behind two and a half years ago. A name that had no longer held any meaning to her…until now.

Amber stared at her. "Well?! What does it mean? And who is this…Ahsoka Tano?"

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