Hey everybody! *ducks to avoid a knife being thrown*

Yeah, yeah, I know! I took too long to update. I'm sorry okay!

I just got so involved in my PJO fanfics.

I think this'll be the last chapter, since I practically deleted all my ideas from my brain. This has a twist though.

Thanks for the reviews and support. Share this with your friends LOL.

Anyways, to the story

Tris POV

I hold hands with Tobias as we walk out. Suddenly, the world decided to go in zigzags and I lost my footing. I stumble but Tobias catches me before I can kiss the floor.

"You're not okay yet" he says.

"No, I'm okay. A bit dizzy, but okay" I say.

He wraps his arms around my waist as we follow Johanna Reyes towards the interrogation room. As a faction that symbolizes happiness and peace, they sure are silent.

"What do you think will happen?" Uriah asks

"I don't know, man" Will answers. He and Christina were holding hands.

Johanna stops in front of a door and opens it. She gestures us to enter.

The room was air-conditioned, with a number of seats.

Zeke and the others were there there, talking. When we entered, Zeke goes over and gives his little brother a slap on the face.

"What was that for?" Uriah complains, rubbing his red cheek.

"That was for scaring the hell out of me. Do you know what mom would do if she found out you got executed or factionless? She'll hack me to pieces!" Zeke says.

"Settle down" Reyes says. We take a seat as she goes sit on a chair behind a desk.

After a moment of silence, she says, "First, explain to me why you were in the Amity fields?"

We look at each other, silently pushing one other forward to talk.

"We were being chased, but we never had a motive to arrive in the Amity" Tobias answers.

"Why were you being chased?" Reyes asks.

"We snuck out" Zeke says. We all stared daggers at him. What was he trying to do? Get us all factionless?

"What was your intention of sneaking out?" Reyes rises and eyebrow.

"The sea" Lauren says, "we only wanted to go to the beach"

Reyes was silent but she rubs the bridge of her nose.

"Well, I see no harm. I don't think that you have no bad intentions towards the Amity" Johanna says.

"What about Victor?" I say, "wouldn't he remove us from Dauntless?"

"As much as he wants to, my decision here is what matters. I'll tell Victor that you were sent here and the train malfunctioned so you had to take the shortcut, which was through the water. " Reyes says.

"Thank you" Marlene smiles.

A guy walks in and tells something to Johanna. She nods and the guy left.

"Well, you have to stay here for a while. To really make the story believable." Johanna says, "There will be an, um, escort to lead you towards where you want to go. Your things are outside. Goodbye"

We stand and head outside. A guy wearing a yellow shirt and jeans was waiting by the door. He looks so familiar.

"Robert?" I ask.

the guy looks at me and grins, "Beatrice!" he opens his arms and envelops me in a hug. I saw Tobias stiffen.

I release from the hug, "Why are you here?"

"I'm your escort " he smiles.

"Did you know she was here?" Tobias asks.

"No. Hey, weren't you Tris' teacher during initiation?" Rob asks.

"Yes, I am" Tobias answers.

"They're in a relationship now" Uriah grins and scoots away from a glaring Tobias.

"Wow, Beatrice. I never would've thought you'd be in a relationship earlier than I would" Rob smiles at me.

Lynn clears her throat, "Yeah, yeah, blah, blah. Can we get this over with?"

"Yeah, follow me"

"So, Tris. How did you guys end up here?" Rob asks.


"went to the beach, but we needed to sneak out" Shauna answers for me.

"Wait, you went all through that trouble just to go to the beach?" he asks. We all nod.

"We can visit the other factions, right?" Rob asks.

"Yeah, if we want to do something that it is only offered in that faction." Zeke says.

Rob sighs, "You do know that the Amity has a private beach, right? And it's open to all factions"

A/N: And i'm done