This chapter contains major spoilers for season 4 episode 6 Witch Hunt. I kept everything the same, just added my own Zabby touch to it. Read at your own risk. I own absolutely nothing.

Thank you to Nat84 for providing a wonderful list of episodes to chose from, they were all excellent episodes, but I just had to do this one. I just love Halloween and I love the idea of Abby's Marilyn Monroe costume. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed watching it over and over again and writing it.

Oh and to KyWolf24, Wolflover2323, AmyJay1234, and kam102991, I will be able to post your chapters after this one, I promise, I simply take this long because you have to constantly pause the episode, rewind frequently, write then repeat the process over and over again. Your chapters will be posted in the order of your names. Thanks for all of the support guys.

If you want me to do an episode under season 10, PM with the name of the episode or Review WITH a Request.

If you read, review?

Ziva was aware that Abby had left the bed long ago, but she was also aware that the reason for Abby's early rising was for Halloween. Ziva knew how much her girlfriend loved the holiday and had no plans to disturb whatever it was that Abby had been up to since three in the morning.

Ziva's musings were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a pair of feet, that belonged to a very excited goth, ran across the floor and into their bedroom before their weight left the floor. Ziva braced herself for the impact of her girlfriend's body on her own and let out an a small "Oof" when it finally did.

Ziva smiled and opened her eyes, resting her hands on Abby's now silk covered hips which were straddling Ziva's stomach.

"Good morning, Ziva." Abby said with a smile as she leaned down and kissed the woman beneath her.

Ziva smiled into the kiss. She never thought she'd see herself in this position in life, having a stable girlfriend, sharing and apartment with her and being so comfortable with life as it was.

"Good morning, Abigail. Is this for me?" Ziva asked as she held the silky white fabric of Abby's dress between her fingers.

Abby laughed and pushed Ziva's hand away.

"No, this is for my costume."

Ziva smiled and hummed.

"Is the costume for me?"

Abby laughed even harder and leaned down to kiss Ziva once more. Abby slowly kissed her before pulling back just enough so that her lips would brush Ziva's when she spoke.

"You wish."

With that Abby giggled and swung her legs off of Ziva and onto the floor of their bedroom.

"Get up!" Abby said lightly slapping Ziva's thigh making Ziva smile even brighter.

"It's time for you to get ready for work."

With that Abby left the room with Ziva calling out after her in amusement.

"I believe we've switched roles this morning, am I not supposed to be saying that to you?"

Abby's reply carried back to the room where Ziva still laid in the bed, wrapped up in silk black and white sheets, something they had both agreed on.

"Move it, David!"

Ziva laughed and started to get out of bed. Yes she had definitely fallen in to a comfortable life with Abby and she loved having something she had gotten used to, something that just might be permanent. Ziva quickly got dressed and went into the kitchen where she found Abby cleaning up the stove. On the table not far from the goth, was two plates full of breakfast foods.

Ziva smiled and quickly but quietly ran up behind Abby, grasping her hips in her hands and leaning around Abby's shoulder to kiss her lips that were slightly parted in a gasp. Ziva tried to deepen the kiss and Abby let out a noise of disapproval but smiled when she pulled back from the kiss.

"I just spent my free time making that wonderful breakfast for you, when I could have been in my warm bed. We are not wasting anymore time and letting it get cold."

Ziva laughed at Abby's antics and left her to go sit at the table and took a bite of one of the various foods on the plate and let out a hum.

"Delicious as always my love." Ziva said as Abby came over to the table and pecked Ziva's lips before sitting in the chair next to her.

"I'm glad you like it."

When the two women finished Ziva tried to pick up the dishes but Abby quickly took them from her.

"You are going to be late if you do that."

Ziva followed Abby to the sink.

"Well then so are you."

Abby shook her head.

"No I'm not, I don't have to come in today, I have a party tonight. Go!"

Abby tried to shoo her away and Ziva smiled.

"Why are you trying to get rid of me so badly Abigail?"

Abby didn't try to lie or make up a story for why she was doing so.

"Because I want to finish putting me costume on so I can surprise you." Abby's smiled turned to a mock pout. "Even though your not going to the party with me." Abby smiled again before turning around and starting on the dishes.

Ziva started parting Abby's long midnight black hair, the way she always did when she started on Abby's pigtails.

"Can I at least help you with your hair?"

Abby smiled at the question. She had learned very early on in their relationship that one of Ziva's favorite past times was playing with her hair. Abby turned around and grabbed Ziva's hands before leaning forward and kissing her tenderly. She smiled at Ziva and brushed a loose hair back behind Ziva's hair since the rest of Ziva's hair was in a ponytail.

"I love you, but you really need to go."

Ziva smiled and gave Abby one last kiss.


Tony opened a drawer in his desk, revealing a number of paper balls and an old banana peel. He started to throw each of them one by one into the trash bin at McGee's desk. Letting out a satisfied noise every time he made a shot. He continued to throw the paper balls as he glanced out of the corner of his eye at Ziva, who was currently tracing her eyebrows with a gentle finger tip while looking into a handheld mirror, looking for any imperfections.

"Not planning on leaving early, are you?"

Ziva didn't look up from the mirror as she spoke.

"And if I am?"

Tony stopped and smirked.

"Where are you going? Abby taking you to a party?"

Still Ziva didn't look away from the mirror.

"Why do you assume I am going somewhere?"

"The mirror, your actually checking your appearance, like a girl would, if she was going out."

Ziva looked up from the mirror for a moment and lifted her brows.

"Sometimes a woman just likes to look good for her girlfriend."

Tony turned back to his previous activity, choosing to leave that topic where it was.

"I wouldn't advise leaving early. Do you know what today is?"

Ziva closed the mirror and put it down.


"It's Halloween, Ziva. It's an american holiday."

"I know. The wearing of silly outfits and begging for treats. I imagine it would be a Dinozzo national holiday."

"Well, you imagined wrong. I don't do Halloween. I imagined you would be into it this year, what with Abby being in costume and all."

Ziva pouted a bit.

"Abigail did not allow me to see her costume."

Ziva quickly recovered to a sly smile.

"Why don't you like Halloween? Your father again, yes?"

"I don't do Halloween because ever since I became a cop, weird things always happen on October thirty-first."

Ziva spoke in a whisper shout.

"Define weird."

Tony stood to pick up some of the paper balls that had failed to make it into the basket, just as McGee was walking into the bullpen, buttoning up his shirt to hide the blue fuzz that hid beneath it.

"Grave robberies, beheadings, cattle mutilations." Tony suddenly caught site of McGee who failed to hid the blue fuzz before the senior agent spotted it. "And McGee turning fuzzy and blue."

McGee looked up as he buttoned the last button, dumbfounded by the sudden mention of his name.


"What's under your shirt?" Ziva called to him with a smirk.

McGee's face became blank and he was quiet for a few moments before he finally spoke.

"My t-shirt."

Ziva smiled.

"Okay he's lying."

"Oh yeah!" Tony laughed as he looked down at the red bag at his feet before repeating himself and grabbing the bag. McGee made a grab for the bag, but Tony was quicker.

Tony laughed as he pulled out more pieces of blue fuzz, throwing one to Ziva, who put it on her head with a gleeful smile at McGee's torture. Tony continued to pull more of the costume out of the bag.

"I knew you played a fairy on that online game, but dressing up as one?"

McGee tried to be as calm and adult-like as he could be while Tony continued to dig in the bag and Ziva pulled out her mirror again and studied her image.

"It's a snow elf, and I'm going to a costume party, okay?"

Tony looked up from the bag at McGee and pulled his hands out of the bag which were now covered in blue fuzz.

"It's far from okay, Probie. In fact, I'd say that this is taking geek one step beyond."

Ziva spoke up without looking away from the mirror.

"Oh, sadly I have to agree. I instantly felt all the respect leave my body as soon as I put this on."

Ziva laughed as McGee tried to explain himself.

"Well, normally you'd be right, but you haven't yet met my Ice Queen."

McGee beckoned Ziva over to his desk before he leaned over to his computer and started typing. Tony fiddled with the blue gloves while he spoke.

"You have to be kidding me."

The picture that showed up on McGee's compute was one of a pretty bleach-blond girl with light eyes and an over sized jacket wrapped around her. Both Tony and Ziva looked a little shocked at the photo before them. McGee smiled feeling impressed with himself as he began to explain who she was.

"Dale Samechi. She is a Redskin's cheerleader."

Ziva clicked to the next picture and turned her head.

"Oh, very impressive."

Ziva opened her mouth to say more but Tony held his hand up to stop her.

"You have a girlfriend, trust me, anything you could say right now, can and probably would be held against you in the future. Let me handle the questions."

Ziva stayed quiet as Tony turned to McGee.

"That's a very hot woman. How did you find her?"

"I met her at the Armani store. Found out we played on the same gaming server together."

Tony grabbed at McGee's jacket with the fuzzy glove.

"Since when can you afford Armani?"

Suddenly, Gibbs came striding into the bullpen.

"Gear up!"

Tony hid the blue gloves and at first Gibbs didn't notice Ziva's new head piece until he looked, having to do a double take at the Israeli. He stopped in front of his team, all of them having a little bit of blue fuzz poke out a bit at one place or another.

Ziva suddenly remembered what she was wearing and ripped of the hat and smoothing her hair back.

"Oh, god. They're McGee's."

McGee looked quickly to the costume pieces then back to Gibbs.

"Well, I'm going to a costume party later tonight."

Gibbs turned his back to the three members of his team.

"Not anymore, Elf Lord. General Custer has been shot, and he's got a dead skeleton in his living room."

Tony quickly whispered to Ziva.

"What'd I tell you? Halloween."

"I'll put out a BOLO."

With that Ziva went to walk away.


Ziva turned back to Gibbs and waited.

"That's not all you need to do, call Abby, let her know she needs to come in."

Ziva nodded.

"Will do, Gibbs."

Ziva hadn't expected it to be so hard to get a hold of Abby. She called her cell numerous times, when Abby finally answered, Tony, McGee, Ducky and Palmer had all already gone back to NCIS.

The music on the other side of the phone was so loud it made Ziva jump, then she held the phone slightly away from her head.

"Ziva, just a minute!" Abby shouted into the phone.

Ziva waited patiently, the noises she heard through the phone made her regret not going to the party with Abby. A symphony of cat calls and whistles told Ziva that Abby was walking along, trying to find somewhere quieter. Eventually, the music became a small back ground noise and Ziva was finally able to put the phone back to her ear.


"Yeah, what's up?"

Abby had gone back to talking at a tolerant level.

For a just a small moment Ziva let her protective side come out.

"Where have you been? Do you know how many times I have called you? What's worse, do you know how nervous I got every time you did not answer my calls? I was was starting to think something bad might have happened! And who were those men I heard in the back ground, I want each and every one of their names and addresses!"

The whole while Abby had been quietly saying Ziva's name, getting louder every time Ziva ignored her and continued on her parade of questions, until finally, she had to shout.


Ziva stopped, startled by Abby's sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry, you just weren't giving me a chance to say anything."

Ziva stayed quiet, slightly hurt by Abby's screaming, Abby seemed to be the only person that could affect her like that.

"You still there?"

Ziva let out a quiet "yes" and Abby could tell she would have to apologize later.

"Good. I'm at the party, I couldn't hear my phone over the music, that's why I didn't answer. I'm sorry I made you nervous, I didn't mean to ignore your calls."

Ziva noticed that Abby hadn't answered the last question she had asked.

"The men?"

Abby sighed.

"I don't know who they were, there are lot of people here, some I know others I don't."

Ziva decided to settle for the answer and quickly moved on.

"We have got a case, you need to come in."

When Abby spoke her voice had suddenly changed to one of amusement.

"That means you get to see my costume."

Ziva ran her tongue along the bottom of her top row of teeth with a smile.

"I look forward to it."

Abby chuckled.

"Alright, I can't drive and talk on the phone, I love you."

Ziva let out a little chuckle before speaking slowly, every word she spoke dripped with a promise, a promise that she would make sure Abby still got to have fun tonight, even if she couldn't go back to the part.

"I love you too, Abigail."

Ziva smiled when she heard a shaky inhale and exhale of breath.

"Oh, your evil, David."

Once more Ziva spoke, keeping the same tone.

"I will see you soon."

With that, Ziva ended the call.

Abby held her hands out for the camera and waited for McGee to place it in her hands. She frowned when he didn't. Both he and Tony had been acting strange since they had entered her lab.

"Give me."

McGee just stared at her, his eyes slowly traveling up her body until they came to rest on her cleavage. Tony noticed where his eyes were and smacked the back of his head.

"The camera, McGeek!"

McGee started fumbling with the said camera right away.

"Oh, the camera. Sorry."

He handed it to her and Abby quickly took it before turning back to her computers. She took the memory card out of the camera and inserted it into the computer. Her back to both men, she could still feel Tony move closer and McGee move around to her other side. Tony spoke first, he was less drunk by desire than McGee was, due to the fact that he kept reminding himself that Abby was his best friend and that she had a girlfriend, one whom was very committed and protective of her.

"We need to put out a BOLO. See if anyone recognizes our guy."

McGee kept his elevator eyes on Abby and she could feel every small movement they made on her. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

"McGee, what is wrong with you? You look three cans short of a six-pack."

McGee gave her a nervous smile, one that you would expect to come from a thirteen year old, squeaky voiced boy who was trying to flirt with his crush for the first time.

"Nothing, it's just… you look different."

Tony decided it was time to let Abby in on their little game of sneak a peak at Abby's tattoo on her back.

"He means the Halloween costume, Marilyn."

Abby looked down at her dress and her eyes lit up with amusement.

"Oh, right! Sweet, huh?"

Both men let out a dreamy "yeah" before Tony got a call on his cell.

Tony briefed Gibbs on everything that Abby had found while Abby and McGee waited patiently. Finally, Tony got off the phone and put it away.

"Let's find out what he wanted with the girl."

Abby and McGee nodded, McGee moved around Abby to reach the other computer. Abby walked past Tony, giving a small tug at the bottom of his sleeve, it was a signal for him to follow, one that they had long ago developed, long before they met Ziva or McGee or Kate or even Gibbs. They had come up with it long ago, when they were just two runaway kids that had met in a rundown side of a city. The signal was now almost undetectable to the outside eyes, even if you looked for it, it would be hard to spot them as they did it.

Tony flashed back to that moment when he met Abby as he walked behind her, toward her office. Abby had been scraggly little thing of fourteen years when they had met, although he hadn't been much better. The moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she was different from the rest of the runaways that ran around the city. She had an air of kindness about her and she seemed so fragile and timid, now she was strong and mostly independent.

Tony came back to reality when Abby stopped in front of him and turned around. She brows were furrowed slightly and her hand tangled in the silk of her dress as she swung it back and forth slightly.

"Abs, what's wrong?"

Abby was quiet for a moment.

"Do you think she'll like it?"

Tony smiled with amusement and reassurance.

"Did you not see, McGee's face? I'm sure she won't know what to do with herself, Abs."

He laughed and Abby smiled before throwing her arms around his neck. He hugged her back until Abby pulled back with a bright smile.

"Let's work on finding that little girl."

"She recognize him yet?" Gibbs asked referring to the woman sobbing in the other room and the suspects picture.

"I haven't showed it to her yet. Apparently everything I say makes her cry!"

Ziva was frustrated, she wasn't good at consulting people, especially crying women.

"Ziva, her husband is in critical condition. Her daughter's been kidnapped."

"I know! I'm just not very good with the crying and the women and the-"

"What about with Abby?"

Gibbs had a glint of danger and protectiveness in his eyes. Ziva quickly assured him that he need not worry.

"That's different! I know what to do when Abigail is upset, even if I am the one that caused her to be upset! Other women are different! I am not good with other women crying."

"That makes two of us."

Ziva watched as Laura's sister finally left the room. Ziva got up from her chair and moved to the the one closer to the sniffling Laura, she had an idea.

"I don't have a child..." Ziva paused as she dug in her pocket for her wallet.

She finally pulled it out, she opened it and fiddled with it until she pulled her picture of Abby safely out of it. She placed it on the table in front of Laura.

"But, I do have a girlfriend. She means the world to me and if someone took her from me," Ziva paused for a minute to truly think about what she would do. "I-I do not know what I would do. She's been kidnapped before and I almost went out of my mind, if it hadn't been for Gibbs, I probably would have."

Ziva was quiet for a bit, recalling when Abby had been kidnapped after being repeatedly stalked by Mikel Mauher.

"I can not say that I know exactly what your going through, but I can say, that Gibbs will find your little girl."

Laura's teary eyes left Ziva for the first time since she started speaking about Abby. She looked to the picture that Ziva had set on the table. In the picture Abby's hair was down and Ziva was holding her in her arms, making Abby giggle by kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"She's pretty."

Ziva let out a little laugh. "She is and she doesn't even realize how beautiful she is."

Just then Laura's sister came around the corner with Laura's mug filled up with tea again. Ziva quickly picked the picture up and moved back to her chair before she fiddled with her wallet again, making sure the picture was secure before putting her wallet back in her pocket. The cute little moment of reassurance was now gone as if it had never happened in the first place.

"You're being to hard on yourself." Ducky said as he cupped his mug of tea in both of his hands.

Ziva set her mug down.

"I let Laurie Niles and her sister climb out of a bedroom window in the middle of our investigation. Perhaps they should throw me a parade, yes?"

"The question we should be asking ourselves is why, Ziva. Two thirds of all child abductions are by a biological relative."

"She kidnapped her own child." Ziva's voice and eyes were distant as she started putting her thoughts together.

"You know what they say about a mother bear and her cubs."

"They eat them when the food runs out. I saw it in a documentary Tony forced me to watch – Grizzly Man."

Ducky looked down at his cup before he looked back at Ziva.

"I was referring to a mother bear's protective nature when her cubs are threatened. There's no deadlier creature on the planet."

Ziva took a deep breath.

"I agree. They also ate the man who shot the footage and his girlfriend."

Ducky quickly tried to get her back onto the original train of thought.

"Yeah, well that's perfectly dreadful."

"That's what I said to Tony!"

Ducky continued to try to bring Ziva back to the original topic.

"My point is, Laurie Niles may have been trying to protect her daughter. The husband filed for separation. Another man was claiming to be the child's father."

"She didn't want to lose or share custody of Sarah."

Ducky's eyebrows lifted.

"That's one possibility. What does Gibbs think?"

Ducky took a sip of his tea while Ziva's face became one of shame.

"Hard to tell. He's currently not talking to me."

Ziva took a sip of her own tea when Ducky spoke.

"Well, chin up, dear. It could be worse."

Ziva made a noise before she swallowed.


Ziva made the mistake of taking another drink of her tea as Ducky spoke again, this time with an amused smirk on his face.

"He could be a bear."

Ziva made another noise as she fought not to spit out her drink, jerking forward slightly and covering her mouth to try and stop the laughter from coming out. Ducky chuckled and took a drink of his own tea and Ziva swallowed hers before laughing along with him.

For a moment after that, the two sat in comfortable silence for a little bit before Palmer came back into the autopsy room.

"Ziva, have you seen Abby since you've been back."

Ziva looked at him in confusion.

"No, why?"

Palmer smiled at her with amusement clear on his face.

"Trust me your going to want to."

Ziva's confusion grew along with a sudden suspicion that Palmer had seen something that she had been waiting patiently to see.

"What do you mean?"

"She came into work with her costume on."

Ziva's face suddenly cleared of confusion, she hurriedly set her cup down.

"I'm sorry, Ducky, but I-"

Ducky's chuckle cut her off.

"No need to make excuses dear, your young and in love, go, see her, your in for a treat."

Ziva smiled at him before leaving the autopsy room and out into the hallway before she headed for the elevator. When the door opened, Ziva was slightly shocked to see Gibbs, Tony and McGee standing there. Ziva quickly tried to explain herself.

"I was just-"

Gibbs cut her off with a curt nod. He moved over slightly to allow Ziva to stand next to him.

"Get in."

Ziva did and watched anxiously as Gibbs pressed the button that would lead them down to the floor that held Abby's lab. This meant that if Abby's costume was everything everyone was making it out to be, Ziva would have to use every ounce of control she had to make sure she didn't react romantically toward the goth. Gibbs was okay with their relationship, he knew about it, but he didn't like it. Abby was like his daughter and he honestly thought that in a relationship, Ziva would be trouble for Abby. It would also be terribly rude to try to stick your tongue down your girlfriends throat in front of her father and her closest friends.

The elevator doors opened and all three of the men stepped out. Ziva closed her eyes and swallowed hard, preparing herself for what she might see. Then she stepped out of the elevator after them.

When Ziva saw the white silk dress that hugged Abby's body in all the right ways, but was till loose enough to make the dress twirl about and lift when she turned, so that Abby had to put her hands down, stopping the dress from revealing anything that the boys didn't usually see, her heart almost stopped. Unfortunately, both McGee and Tony seemed to have also taken an interest in the backside of Abby. Her pale back revealed almost all the way down to her butt, showing of the cross and flower tattoo as well as the two angel stick figures on her shoulders. Ziva wanted nothing more than to run forward and sweep Abby away from the hungry eyes that raked up and down her body.

Abby smirked at her, but didn't say anything when Ziva stood behind the metal table, farther back then Gibbs and her two admirers. Ziva zoned out when Abby spoke, something she didn't usually do, she couldn't help in now, fantasizing about lurching forward and covering Abby's exposed skin so that McGee and Tony could no longer see it, or about beating both men until they never even thought about looking at Abby like that again. Eventually Gibbs got tired of it to, he said something before smacking the back of their heads, breaking them from their trance and forcing them to do as he had ordered.

They left and Ziva suddenly tuned back into what they were saying as Gibbs stepped closer to the now blond woman.

"Not bad for a blonde."

He started to walk away and Ziva thought she would finally have her chance to have Abby alone, but the goth just wouldn't have as she spoke out.

"You know, there's no statistical evidence that say blondes have lower I. Q. s than any other hair color."

"I'll take your word for it, Abs."

He turned around once more to try to leave, but once more Abby stopped him.

"There's more, if your interested."

Gibbs poked his head around the corner to look at her. Abby smirked at him.

"Mr. President."

Abby moved over to the table where Ziva stood a steps away form on the other side. Gibbs came in and stood beside her.

"I ran some tests on the piece of burnt paper found inside the kidnapper's car. There were no finger prints, but I did find traces of chemicals."


"Yes, when I applied my own special and unique brand of chemical, ran it through the laser scanner a few times, we get-" Abby stopped and walked back over to her computer, typing on the keyboard so that the burnt piece of paper in the stolen car appeared on her screen. "This." Abby started fiddling with the image to help Gibbs see what it was. "The miracle that separates us from all other primates. Really bad penmanship." The burnt paper suddenly had writing on it.

Ziva finally spoke walking over to wear the two of them were standing.

"Miller's home address. Probably given to the kidnapper by the Staff Sergeant's wife."

Gibbs looked from Abby to Ziva, he was quiet when he spoke.

"She didn't kidnap her daughter."

"Then where is Laurie Niles, Gibbs?"

"Last time I saw her, with you."

He started to walk away and Ziva protested.

"Okay, I admit I screwed that one up. But why did she run?"

Gibbs turned to face her.

"She was hiding something."

"So you do agree with me?"

"Oh, yeah. You definitely screwed up."

With that he walked out of the lab leaving Abby standing next to Ziva.

"Is there something I should know?"

Ziva huffed in defeat.

"I think he's planning on devouring me." she said refereeing to the bear conversation she had with Ducky earlier, though Abby had no way of knowing about that.

Abby reached over and grabbed both sides of Ziva's shirt so that both hands were just above her breast. She pulled Ziva in and pressed her lips against Ziva's almost instantly pushing her tongue into the other woman's mouth. Ziva was shocked for a moment before she started returning the kiss with just as much passion. She wrapped her hands in the silky fabric at Abby's hips, pulling the goth closer while Abby moved her hands up from Ziva's shirt to cup her face, holding Ziva in place so that she could seek out all the hidden treasures that were offered to her. Ziva pulled back slightly her face still cupped in Abby's hands.

"I like the costume."

Abby smirked and her eyes were filled with a slight cockiness when she spoke.

"It is a pretty dress, and it allows for easy access to certain areas if one needed to."

With that Abby leaned forward moved her hands lower as well as her kiss, her lips opened as she met the sensitive skin of Ziva's neck. Ziva groaned and wrapped her arms around her arms around the taller woman, her hands finally touching the smooth skin of her back. Abby's hands moved over all the right spots, running over every curve and leaving no part of her body untouched. It was when Abby's hand moved between her legs and started traveling up her thigh that Ziva finally stepped back. Leaving Abby looking at her with confusion and a slight bit of hurt.

"We can not do this here. Not right now."

The hurt and confusion were immediately replaced with amusement. She put on a mock pout.

"And they say blondes have all the fun."

Ziva laughed and stepped forward, pecking Abby's lips before leaving the lab.

Ziva watched in amusement as Abby stood beside the little girl who was dressed like a princess in a pink dress. She held the little girls pumpkin basket in her hands as the came up to Ducky for Candy. Ducky smiled down at her.

"The sky is blue, the grass is green. May we have our Halloween! That's how we used to say trick-or-treat in Scotland."

The little girl smiled sweetly up at him as he placed a piece of candy into her basket.

"Thank you."

Ducky bowed and spoke in a Scottish accent.

"You're most welcome, your highness."

The little girl curtsied and turned to Abby who smiled down at her. Abby held her hand out for the little girl to take.

"We have a lot of desks to get to."

The little girl took Abby's hand and let her lead her away. Sarah's mom watched as Abby led her from desk to desk with Ducky right behind them.

"You didn't have to do this." Laura said to Tony.

"Well, every kid deserves a happy Halloween."

In the back Sarah could be heard cheerily say "Trick or treat," whenever she came to a desk.

Ziva decided that now that Sarah was out of ears reach she would tell her about her husband. Ziva walked up with McGee in tail.

"Your husband is awake and asking for you and his daughter."

McGee followed up her statement with one of his own.

"There's a car waiting for you when you're ready."

Laura smiled at them both.

"Please let Agent Gibbs know how much I appreciate him keeping his word. And that I'm sorry I lied to him. I was… I was just trying to protect-"

Tony cut her off.

"Trust me, he knows."

In the back Sarah could be heard, talking excitedly to both Abby and Ducky about her newest candy bar. Ziva smiled at the sound and turned her head to see Abby smiling and talking with the small child.

"If you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go see how the trick or treating is going."

Laura smiled.

"I think I'll go with you."

The two women walked over to the current desk where Sarah was showing off another new piece of candy.

Ziva walked around and stood next to Abby, wrapping her arm around her waist. Abby smiled down at her, before she quickly kissed her cheek, making Ziva laugh.

"So this must be your girlfriend you told me about." Laura said with a smile.

Abby smiled and held out the hand that wasn't wrapped around Ziva's shoulders.


Laura shook her hand.

"Laura. I can't thank you enough for setting this up for her."

Abby smiled.

"She deserved to get some candy after the night she's just had."

"Well, I can see why Ziva likes you. Your very kind, Abby."

Abby smiled and blushed slightly making Ziva's smile widen.

"Well, I think I'll go catch up wiht Sarah and Dr. Mallard, it was nice to meet you, Abby."

"Nice to meet you too, Laura."

With that, Laura walked away and Ziva grabbed Abby's hand before leading her away, over to her own desk where another chair was added for Sarah previously.

The two women took a seat, but they didn't let go of each other's hands.

"So, what do you think about Halloween now?"

Ziva smiled.

"If every Halloween ends like this one, I think it could quickly become my new favorite holiday."

Abby smiled widely.

"Ziva, that's so sweet."

Ziva smiled, she could live off of Abby's praise alone. The two women were quiet for a bit longer as they simply studied each other, eager to learn more about the other, though it seemed there was little left to learn.

Ziva finally spoke after a bit.

"I love you, Abigail."

Abby smiled and placed her now free hand on Ziva's knee in a comforting and loving gesture.

"I love you too, Ziver."

Next chapter - The Missionary Position