Thank you to everyone that has reviewed so far! c:

Mello's POV

I left the apartment and headed down to the stairs, in an incredibly good mood now that I had gotten some of what I wanted. "You coming? The door should lock behind you if you close it." I called over my shoulder, continuing to walk towards the car.

"I'm coming! Don't leave me.. Jeez." I heard Matt answer, and I smirked faintly. As if I would ever leave him behind. He was much too good looking to be left alone, especially in a place like this. He nudged me to get my attention, and I looked over at him with surprise. That was the first time he had voluntarily touched me.

"How long will it take us to get to my apartment from here?" He asked curiously, and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I wasn't paying attention when we were getting here, nor when I was getting there." I answered, a smirk making its way onto my face when he groaned. I got into the car, searching for a block of chocolate. I normally had a few in random places, but it seemed there was only one left, and it was rather melted. It amused me that he sat in the front with me, mostly because I wasn't planning on letting such a good opportunity to touch him get away from me. I heard him grumble something about sitting through a long car ride, and then he slouched into the car seat as the engine roared to life.

"How long have you been smoking?" I asked in an attempt to start a conversation. If there was a conversation, it meant I would have to focus on that rather than the dirty thoughts flickering through my mind. I attempted to eat the chocolate as I waited for an answer, but the gooeyness of it was putting me off. I glanced over at him to see he was staring out the window, then I put my attention on the road instead, wanting to at least attempt to drive safely.

"For a long time," He mumbled, "Ever since I was a kid, pretty much. Why do you ask?"

"I can smell it off you." I answered after a moment of thought, not wanting to admit that I just wanted to know something else about Matt. When I finished the chocolate, I threw the wrapper out the window and ruffled his hair with a smirk. "What's on your mind?" I asked as I tapped my fingers lightly against Matt's neck. I wished I had worn the gloves – they made me look so much more bad ass, but it would've meant I couldn't have felt the hacker's skin. I enjoyed Matt's attention, even though he annoyed me sometimes. Especially when he rejected my advances.

I heard him sigh before he answered, "Well, how much I want to shower, eat something, smoke and play Halo." He shifted around slightly before he added, "Do you have to keep touching me?" He inched his neck away from my fingers, which was annoying. I liked having a grip on the hacker.

"I don't like staying still. Besides, it's not like you mind." I answered with a smirk, successfully hiding my annoyance. It seemed Matt was determined to act like he was uninterested, but I knew he was. I had seen it in his eyes, and it had been obvious when he had cuddled up to me in the morning. He was such a terrible actor.

"After breakfast I want you to do some hacking for me." I commanded, my mood changing. The joy I had felt when I had woken up was gone, and it was replaced with annoyance and faint anger. A glance at him told me he had a blush on his face, and it made me smirk.

"Sure. What do I have to hack?" He asked, a soft sigh escaping his lips afterwards.

"Some FBI stuff. If you had listened during the five or so times I told you, you'd know." I answered in an annoyed tone, not bothering to hide it. I parked in front of the place he lived, getting out of the car without another word. I waited for him to get out so I could lock it, a frown on my face as I thought. I was really yearning for something chocolate related for breakfast, and I hoped Matt wouldn't take too long in the shower. If he did, I would join him.

I watched him get out of the car and head towards his apartment, locking the car and following after him with a frown on my face. I wasn't used to having to convince people to like me, especially not people I was interested in. I knew Matt would have trouble trusting me – I had abandoned him after all – but it had happened so long ago! Why was he taking so long to get over it?

My feelings were a mixture of annoyance, lust and loneliness as I watched Matt enter the apartment. I saw him look over it, seemingly checking to see if anything had gone missing. "Umm.. Give me a few minutes or so to shower and I'll be right out.." Matt quietly said, rubbing the back of his neck and bringing me out of my musings.

I made myself at home, throwing everything off the couch and laying down on it. "Be quick." I grumbled, putting my hands on my stomach as I waited. I disliked the fact Matt wasn't paying me as much attention as I wanted, and the red head had succeeded in making me feel uncomfortable in my skin, which rarely happened. I felt almost guilty for being horny. God, that was a first. I heard clothes hitting the bed, then a door closing and running water.

I hated not being able to do anything to relieve myself of my feelings – especially the one making my pants tighter then I liked. I stood up and started pacing around the room, my mood fairly low. I knocked on the bathroom door, not sure exactly what I was aiming for – perhaps just to get a reaction of sorts from the red head that was driving me insane.