A/N: Hello!

First of all, I'm really sorry. I was meaning to update all holiday, but I kept on putting off and putting off, and then I went on holiday, and then the same thing happened again when I got back. I was going to try and get this fic finished by the end of the holdiays, because this next school year is really important, but that's most likely not going to happen. I'll talk more about it at the end, but I apologise that this chapter is short and bad.

Anyway, thank you all for all your kind reviews! Each and every one makes me really happy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Hetalia.

Chapter 32

If you'd have asked him if he was fine, England would have answered yes. However, it wasn't exactly true. He was fine mentally, per say, however physically, not so much. (Wait, I just hadc a thought. Is it really physical pain or is the pain all mental? We just don't know.)

The current situation in the magical world was taking it's toll on him. It was wearing him down, keeping him awake at night with strange dreams and random flashes of pain.

But England was totally fine. It would take more than that to get the former British empire down!

At least, until he almost died.

It was just another meeting for MRADAHET, which was also known as complete and utter chaos. Arguments were taking place left and right, plant pots were getting thrown across the room, people were singing or getting hit over the head with fire-guards (or, in America's case, both at the same time).

That's why no one noticed when England fell to the ground, clutching his chest.

He couldn't cry out for help, he could barely even breathe. At most, he could make this little wheezing sound that sounded like a squirrel trying to cry out or something. Wow, that was a bad simile.

The last thing England saw before blacking out was a cat dressed up as superman flying across his field of vision.

If England had the energy to speak, think, or do anything apart from black out, he would have said 'What the fuck.' But he couldn't do that, because a second later, he was completely out of it.

The first time England woke up, it was to a smiling American's face uncomfortably close to his.

"Yes!" Alfred screeched. "He's awake!"

With that, England promptly blacked out again. He didn't have to put up with this right now.

The second time he woke up was, thankfully, a lot better on his hearing and without America screaming in his face. He blinked a few times, trying to focus blurred shapes into actual objects. It didn't work.

"England?" A voice (he wasn't sure whose it was) said. "You awake?"

All he could do was nod. He wasn't sure he was up to much else at the moment.

"What happened?" Another voice asked.

"Give him some space." The first voice snapped. "He's probably exhausted." The tone turned much gentler as he said, "Take as long as you need."

England nodded again, feeling himself already beginning to drift off into the blackness again.

He drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like an eternity. How long had it been? A day? A week? A Year? He didn't know. Would he ever wake up, or was he bound to stay like this forever? No, he couldn't stay here. He had to tell them.

If he didn't tell them, everything they had worked towards would be for nothing.

After what felt like countless times, he finally properly woke up. His eyes blinked open, and he rubbed at them, trying to chase sleep away for real.

"Are you awake?" Someone asked.


"Shut up." He recognised the voice now – it was France. England grimaced.

"What happened Artie?" America interrupted, and England almost groaned out loud.

"I fainted."

"No shit."

"How long was I out for?" England asked, sitting up and propping himself up on some pillows.

There was a short silence where France and America shared looks.

"Almost a week." America admitted sheepishly.

It took a minute.

"What?!" England tried to get out of bed (the key word being tried), but was stopped by America pushing him back.

"You gotta stay in bed." The American said, unusually sombre.

"But it's going to happen!" He cried. "I have to-"

"You're not doing anything." France interrupted. "You're staying here. Now, what's going to happen?"

England took a deep breath. The two watched intently as he closed his eyes, before slowly opening them again.

"There's going to be a battle."

It took the two a few seconds of looking like fish for the information to sink in.

"What?!" They both exclaimed.






"Stop listing interrogative words and listen." England huffed.

America sighed and slumped back into the chair he'd stood up from. "Fine."

England paused, trying to find the right words. The two others stared at him.

"When... I don't know for sure. Why, well, I think you know why. Erm, it's going to be at Hogwarts, and-"

He would have continued if he hadn't been hit by a wave of pain.

"England!" America and France cried, rushing towards the man who'd fallen back onto his pillows and had began to scream.

"It's happening-!" He forced out. "Don't worry about me, just go!"

They didn't need telling twice.

When MRADAHET had assembled like avengers together in one room, America immediately took charge.

Unfortunately for everyone else.
"Listen to the hero everyone!" He cried. "Before we do this we gotta have super cool secret agent names! I'll be Eagle One because I'm the hero, duh!"

Belarus sighed loudly. "Don't we have more pressing matters?"

"Hells naw this is important! Anyway, because of that comment, you can be Crazy!"

"I can kill you with one move."

"Shut up Crazy! Russia, you can be Red Rolling Thunder!"

America's speech was stopped in its tracks when Russia hit him with his pipe.

"Shut up, lets go."

With that, the fourteen nations (minus America because he was out cold, peacefully sleeping in Russia's arms) walked out the door. There was a mini explosion behind them, and ACDC's Back in Black could be heard.

"We probably look so badass right now." Prussia commented, putting on his 'lets fuck shit up' shades. Germany sighed.

"I wanted a nickname." Liechtenstein muttered under her breath. The surrounding nations stared at her. "What? I can be angry too."

Switzerland patted her head. "Whatever Lilli. Just don't get hurt, okay?"

The small girl nodded excitedly.

"Let's go."

With that, the fourteen vanished, ready to go into battle.

A/N: Thank you for reading!

So, continuing on from the first A/N, I don't know how often I'll be able to update. This next year is really important, so I need to concentrate on my school work, and that will come before anything else. I'm going to try and get as much written as I can in the ten days I have before I go back to school, however, knowing me, it probably won't be that much. So, I'm going to put this fic on semi-hiatus, something I should have probably done a long, long time ago.

That doesn't mean this is the end. There's not far to go, so I'm going to try really hard to update! Although, I wouldn't be that optimistic about an update in the next month.

I'm really sorry I had to do this. I never really wanted this to happen, and I 'll definitely never thought that I'd get this far when I started this fic. I want to thank you all for your continued support throughout this, and I hope that you'll continue to stick with me despite all this! This fic isn't dead, I promise.

Anyway, thank you for reading this long note! And if you could drop a review, that would be great, and would definitely mean a lot.

I'll see you next time!