Hey everyone! It's me, YukinaMizuki again! Now this is something that my brother came up with, and we decided to just send it. Ok, BEFORE YOU READ, YOU NEED TO KNOW A FEW THINGS. One is that Mikhail is married to Lillian. Another is that Philip is in love with Lillian, but Philip is Lillian's brother… ok, I think that's about it… I don't own Harvest Moon, or this idea. (My brother made this.)






Philip: Hey, what's your story? You look like a jerk!

How can you take care of a wife when you don't even work?

I brought the two towns together, in case you didn't hear

I make more in 1 day, than you make in a year!

I won awards, trophies and you don't have squat!

You want to rap with me? Let's see what you got?!

Mikhail: Oh, hello? What do we have here? Some little kid running for farmer of the year?

Haha, that's cute, but we all know who's gonna win

I'll play your ass like I play the violin!

Winner of the music festival 10 years in a row...

It's time to give up, game over bro.

Because i think what you're doing is one hell of a lost cause

I already married Lillian, so I guess you just lost.

Philip: ha! That's it? That was your all?

So much for the hobo that lives in town hall!

You think that you'll win, but you're probably dreaming again

Lillian only married you because she likes taking care of old men

Look at that white hair and glasses, it's a miracle you're still alive!

I think Taro still remembers you from the class of '65,

Lillian should leave you, and she should get with me.

I'm the guy all the girls want and all the boys want to be!

Mikhail: "Special bachelor" is in my name so read it and weep!

All the girls "want" you, cause they don't know you're a creep

I mean, nothing in the world is creepier than you!

A sicko perv with a sister complex, now tell me that isn't true?

Now you say all the boys want to be you? Are you sure mister?

Cause I for one, don't want to be a guy, who dreams of F**** his sister...



Epic rap battles of Harvest Moon!

So…do you like it? Who do YOU think won? Ok…. So my brother and I were talking about HM pairings, and I said how much I love MikhailxLillian, but then, I told him that I love PhilipxLillian too, So I didn't know which pairing to choose. Then my bro said that Philip and Lillian look like they can be siblings. After this conversation, we thought about what would happen if there was some weird love triangle between them, and if Philip and Mikhail hate each other. Thus, the story was born! Yes, they battle through rap.

Oh, and yeah… it may say complete, but me and my bro will actually keep adding more epic rap battles soon. It depends on how many people like this story.

Anyways, This has been YukinaMizuki, with another story for Harvest Moon!