I rubbed my eyes. Why the hell was I responding so strongly to something that Castiel casually had said? Maybe… I really did like him, like Lynn had said. But wasn't love supposed to be sweet? This wasn't a sweet feeling at all, it was painfully bitter.

"A bittersweet first love." I muttered to myself. Recalling a sentence my mother once said.

"I see…" I sighed. "I really do like him." At that confession a terrible pain went through my heart. I collapsed on the floor and failed to suppress a scream of pain. My body hurt all over, just as it had hurt when I got hit by that car. Some students and a teacher came looking to see what happened. Rosalya, a nice girl who dated Lysander's brother, came to my aide.

"Cathy, are you all right?" she asked worried. I shook my head, unable to form words through the pain. Castiel and Nathaniel came out the infirmary.

"Cathy!" Castiel called my name worried and ran over to kneel next to me. "Is it your legs?" he asked. Again I shook my head.

"Rosa, go get the school doctor." Castiel ordered her. The white haired girl took off immediately. I regained some control over my breath and the pain turned over into a throbbing one, slowly it drained away.

"I'm fine again." I said, with my voice still lightly trembling.

"You should use the infirmary bed, you probably need it more than I do." Nathaniel said.


"It's all right, I should return to my duties anyway." He smiled, looking really tired with those shadows under his eyes.

"How heroic." Castiel muttered sarcastic. He helped me up and guided me to the infirmary. I sat down on the bed. "Do you want a drink?" he asked and I giggled. He shot me a dumfounded look.

"Since when did you become so caring?" I joked and Castiel blushed, crossing his arms.

"Do you want a drink or not?" he asked again, ignoring my comment.

I chuckled. "Some water please."

He disappeared and appeared again with a bottle of water in his hands.

"Thanks." I took over the bottle. Castiel watched me drink in silence. When an awkward tension filled the room, I felt the urge to say something. "There really didn't happen anything between me and Nathaniel." I said.

"Really?" he said indifferent.

"Say, Castiel…" I looked at my hands in my lap.


I started to fidget. "Um…"

Castiel grinned. "Are you finally going to confess to me?" he teased.

My face flushed deep red. "I-idiot, of course not!" I yelled and tried to kick him but he easily dodged.

"Ho, ho, no need to act aggressive!" he laughed but when he saw my blushing face, his ears turned red too. "D-don't get all sentimental, idiot." He muttered.

I cleared my throat. "Castiel… would you ever hurt Nathaniel in a serious way?" I asked, Castiel averted his eyes.

"What the hell, what kind of question is that?" he turned away to leave the room but I grabbed his sleeve. "Answer me, Castiel."

The redhead sighed. "What are you getting all serious about?" he asked and faced me but when he saw my eyes he sighed again. "Fine. No I wouldn't hurt Nathaniel for really, though I would want to, if I did I would be suspended and I don't want my parents to come back and meddle with my life." He said. "So, no, I wouldn't."

I let go off his sleeve. "Thanks." I said relieved. Castiel wouldn't lie to me right?

The only other candidate was Amber, it was going to be a lot more difficult to persuade Amber to answer my question but I could always try.

It was getting late when I finally found the blonde and her gang in classroom B. She noticed me and swept her hair behind her shoulder. "Looks who's there." She said to her friends. "The little attention-asker." She must be referring to my accident this midday.

"Amber, I'm not here to fight with you, I just want you to answer a question."

Amber narrowed her eyes in distrust. "What?

"Why do you actually hate your brother?" I asked and she snorted.

"That's none of your business." She replied.

I sighed inwardly. I should have seen that coming. "Then answer this: do you hate him enough to hurt him really badly?"

"Of course, I would." She said after a short hesitation. "I don't see him as a brother after all."

I felt some unease settle in my chest. That she could hurt Nathaniel doesn't mean she has to be the necromancer I was looking for. "Do you believe in ghosts, Amber?" I asked.

"Hah?" the blonde asked dumbfounded. "What's that kind of stupid question!?"

That was quite the spontaneous reaction. I opened my mouth to ask another question when Melody's voice echoed through the school. "Nathaniel!"

I and Amber ran out the classroom to see Nathaniel collapsed on the ground with Melody next to him. "Nath!" Amber called her brother and joined Melody at Nathaniel's side. Her face showed a worried expression. Like hell she doesn't see him as a brother.

With that worried face, Amber didn't look like she could actually hurt her brother. The necromancer must be someone else but who? Who else could hurt Nathaniel?

I, Melody, Amber and a teacher helped Nathaniel to the infirmary. I felt bad for stealing his bed at midday. The teacher sent Amber and Melody away but I was able to persuade him to let me stay a little longer and wait until Nathaniel woke up. As I watched the president sleep, I watched the shadows crawl over his body. Nathaniel growled in pain.

"Nathaniel" I called him. "What wrong?" I sat by his side and he opened his eyes.

"C-Cathy?" he murmured and gasped in pain and grabbed his chest, where a deep black shadow was lying.

"Nathaniel, try to calm down." I said worried as I tried to chase the shadow away, it flew away when I tried to push it. Nathaniel seemed to breathe more easily as if a pressure was lifted from his chest.

"I'll get you some water." I said and went to get him a drink. I returned to see Nathaniel sit up.

"Thank you." He said as he took the glass of water. I stayed with him until he stated to be better. I helped him to the council room but when I tried to open the door I tripped and Nathaniel caught me by my waist to prevent me from falling.

"Are you all right? He asked worried.

I laughed. "We're kind of a pathetic duo, aren't we, both collapsing in the corridors."

He laughed too. "I can't argue that." He said. "It would be bad if Castiel saw us now." He smiled.


"You like him, don't you?"

I turned bright red. "N-no, I don't." I lied, not really convincing so Nathaniel smiled knowingly, his hands still on my waist when Castiel stepped out the classroom. He noticed us standing like this and he narrowed his eyes. I saw him clench his hands into fists but he didn't start yelling as I thought he would. Instead he smiled to us.

"Quite daring of you two." He teased us, leaving us dumbfounded. "I'm leaving so don't hold back." He said and left the building.

"Shit." I muttered. "That definitely gave the wrong impression."

Nathaniel took his hands off my waist. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's not your fault but I'm going to go home too, will you be all right?"

He nodded and I took of too chase Castiel. He wasn't far yet so I was quickly by his side.

"Are you sure you should be here and not be kissing mister president?" he spat.

"It's not like that, Castiel, I slipped and he caught me that's all." I said.

"Yeah, your tongue slipped and he caught it with his mouth."

"Don't twist my words!" I yelled in anger. "We didn't kiss!"

"It didn't look like you didn't kiss!" he yelled back.

"Why the hell are you being jealous?!" I said and he blushed slightly, probably in anger.

"I'm not jealous! No one would want to kiss a girl like you!"

"Like I said, Nathaniel and I didn't kiss!" I repeated.

"I don't care who you kiss, it has nothing to do with me, now leave me alone." He yelled and his words hit me really hard. I stopped walking. Totally frozen. I felt tears sting behind my eyes but didn't want to let them go .

Castiel turned around and when he saw my face it looked like he wanted to say something but in the end he turned around again and walked away, leaving me behind.

Love, really hurts… The following day, Castiel and I ignored each other, except for a few angry glares. Each time I crossed him with Lysander at his side, I felt pain sting in my chest. Nathaniel noticed and shot an apologetic smile, I smiled back and signed that I was doing fine.

At the end of the day I felt even more depressed. I was heading to my locker when I heard two angry voices coming from the staircase.

"We didn't do anything. Don't get all suspicious just because you like her." I heard Nathaniel's angry voice say, but he didn't yell.

"I don't like her, even if I did, what's not the case, it's an even better reason for you to keep your hands off her." Castiel answered, he sounded just as angry as Nathaniel.

"Then should I have let her fall?" Nathaniel asked mockingly. Castiel didn't answer. I saw, I was peeking from behind the wall, how he grabbed Nathaniel's collar.

"Just don't touch her anymore." He groaned.

"And you say you don't like her, you big liar."

I wonder who they are talking about.. I saw Nathaniel lose his balance as the some shadows, that lingered around his body, suddenly grew and darkened as if corrupting him even more. Nathaniel lost conscious and Castiel caught him just in time. "Hey! Nathani – " The redhead froze in midair, so did Nathaniel and the other students who had been passing by.

"W-wha…" I muttered dumbfounded. Lynn appeared next to me.

"I stopped time." She explained.

"Y-you stopped time…" I repeated. "… cool."

"Catherine… Right now, Nathaniel is dying, he –"

"Eh! What?!" I yelled in panic. She lifted her hand to stop me from speaking.

"If you are able to tell me who the necromancer is, I might save him." She continued, her voice sounded somehow different, more distant than usual.

"Wha…" she signed me to shut my mouth.

"So who is it, Catherine? Castiel or Amber?"

"Wha… What if I don't know yet?"

"Then I will take as well as Nathaniel's as your life." She answered.

"Can you give me some more time?" I asked.

"I can't, I have received my orders." She said.

"Orders?" I repeated. "You are working for someone?"

"Your last wish, falling in love, has been fulfilled, so God asked me to get you."

I looked at Castiel who held Nathaniel. Should I gamble? Should I tell her it was Amber or Castiel and save Nathaniel and myself? But what will happen to them if I tell?

"It's not Castiel nor Amber."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I believe in Castiel, he wouldn't do something like this to Nathaniel nor would Amber."

"I see…" Lynn closed her eyes. "Since you weren't able to answer I shall give you a second chance to save Nathaniel's life." She said.

Again I opened my mouth but she glared at me so I closed it again.

"I'm able to give you a new life. You will be able to marry Castiel, have children and grow old with him but then Nathaniel has to die or…" she said. "I'll take your life now and will use it to save Nathaniel. He will wake up healthy again, as if nothing happened. So…" she looked at me without any feelings. "…what will you choose?"

"A life together with Castiel?" I repeated. To be honest I hadn't thought of what would happen when I fulfilled my last wish, but I guess it's logic that I would die again. I looked at the two boys. Now I had found Castiel, I really didn't want to let go off him but it would be cruel to take Nathaniel's life because of my selfishness. I struggled inwardly for a while until I heaved a sigh and smiled.

"Castiel doesn't even love me and he would never love a girl who would take someone else's life…" I said to Lynn. "Moreover, I'm already supposed to be death so it's all right to take my life." Lynn listened indifferently to my words. Her attitude towards me was totally different from her usual self.

"But could you allow me 1 minute to say goodbye?" I asked.

"Sure." She sighed. I looked at her, a small smile making its way to my lips.

"It was you who casted those shadows on Nathaniel, wasn't it?" I asked, surprising her. She didn't answer and started time again. Castiel laid Nathaniel carefully on the ground.

"Castiel…" I called him and approached him.

"What?" he asked, anger still lingered in his voice but he was too occupied with Nathaniel to be fully angry at me. He stood up to look me in the eyes and I walked closer. I stood on the tops of my toes and planted a kiss on his lips. Castiel turned deep red.

"W-wha…!" he stuttered and I smiled at him.

"I fell in love with you." I said. "Thank you for fulfilling my last wish…" I paused and felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Cathy?" Castiel called me worried. I really didn't want to die. I wanted to stay with Castiel forever, I don't want to go. I will miss him, I will miss school, my family… even Amber maybe. I don't want to die yet… but I'll have to…

"…I'm sorry." And other tears followed the first one. I let the minute pass by. "Goodbye."

My last minute of life had ended… I closed my eyes, totally prepared to die. To be swallowed by darkness or whatever that happens when you die. I felt my body shake while I waited to see the tunnel of light. But nothing happened so I opened my eyes again and turned surprised to Lynn, who was smiling at me.

"You made the right choice, Cathy. I'll grant you this life, use it well since dead is everywhere." She said. "Live a happy life, Cathy." She added and faded away. Though she had disappeared, I knew she was still there, it was me who had lost the ability to see ghosts.

"Thank you." I whispered to the air.

"Who are you talking to?" Castiel asked. I turned to face him and turned bright red.

"C-castiel…c-could you please forget what just happened?" I stuttered, blushing eve harder and I tried to wipe my tears away.

"Why?" Castiel teased. "Though you still need some lessons, it wasn't that awful." He leaned in closer, I felt his breath on my lips. "I don't mind teaching you."

I shivered. This was too good to be true. "Then… Please do so."

He smiled and kissed me, a long, passionate kiss. And it totally seemed real. Nathaniel made some noise and woke up, Castiel and I quickly pulled away, both turning red and we both putted our hands for our mouths. "What happened?" Nathaniel asked confused. "What are you two doing here?"

Castiel grinned. "I'm helping Cathy with some lessons."

Nathaniel frowned. "If you want someone to teach you, you shouldn't ask Castiel but me."

"No way she would ask you!" Castiel groaned and Nathaniel looked even more confused. I started laughing and Castiel shot me a glare.

I shrugged. "You shouldn't have teased him!" I said laughing and Castiel soon joined me as Nathaniel looked at us in confusion.

Whoa, this is probably the longest chapter I've written up until now... Well, this was the end of Last Wish, I hope you enjoyed the story and for the people who are interested: I have another My Candy Love fanfic, it's called Burning Bites

Thank you for all the reviews and reading till the end

~Belelle ^^