Gia and Emma giggled as they put the finishing touches on, their dates to the prom should be showing up in minute now and they wanted to be ready for when they got here. Gia had spent the night so that they could get up and start to get ready early in the morning and now they were glad that she did. It had taken them most of the day to get ready and prom was now four hours away and Jake and Troy were going to show up so they could get some pictures before they head out for dinner.

"I wonder what they'll be wearing," Emma questioned looking at the clock to see how much longer they had.

"Suits with their ranger color as their undershirt," Gia responded with a chuckle, "I just hope that they have a good idea for where they're taking us for dinner."

"Oh I'm sure they'll do fine," Emma said laughing with her friend.

Troy and Jake soon showed up and, sure enough, they were wearing their suits with their ranger color as their dress shirts. After taking a multitude of pictures the group of four finally made their way out of Emma's house and into the limo that they had rented for the night and watched as they passed by other groups going to the prom. For dinner the boys took them to a nice restaurant down the main street of their town and the four entertained themselves with conversations about different things. Finally they had arrived at the school and walked into the gym to see all of the decorations that were set up. Looking around they managed to spot Noah, who was helping with the music, and waved at him before finding a table to set their stuff at before heading to the dance floor.

"Come on Jake, why don't you show me if those soccer moves help you on the dance floor," Gia said pulling him out into the crowd.

"Well it looks like Jake is going to have his hands full tonight," Emma said with a laugh.

"Yep, so what about you, do you want to hit the dance floor?" Troy asked with a smile.

Emma smiled back and nodded, taking his hand in her's as he led her to the middle of the gym and turned to face her. At the moment a fast song was playing so the two started to dance with the upbeat tempo when a slow song started to play making them look around. Seeing Noah at the DJ table, Troy raised an eyebrow at him when he noticed the blue ranger wave before turning back to Emma. Pulling her closer, he smiled as she laid her head against his chest and started to sway to the beat, just enjoying being close to the red ranger.

"So Emma," Troy said catching her attention, "I was wondering, there's this new romantic comedy movie coming out and I was wondering if you would like to go see it."

"A romantic comedy? Troy I didn't think you were one to watch romantic comedy," Emma said smiling.

"Not normally, but I figured I'd give it a try if you went with me," the red ranger replied.

Leaning up a kissing his cheek, Emma smiled and gave him a nod before returning back to resting her head on his chest. Smiling at both the thought that he just got a kiss from Emma and that they had an upcoming date, Troy rested his chin on top of Emma's head and closed his eyes, allowing the music to guide his movement. Not far away from the two, Jake and Gia were dancing to the slow song, the yellow ranger smiling as the black ranger wrapped his arms around her waist. Jake smiled as he danced with her, he was having a good time and Gia said that she was too but still he couldn't help but ask.

"So you enjoying yourself?" Jake asked smiling at her.

"Yes Jake I'm enjoying myself," Gia responded smirking, "now stop asking that okay I promise you that I'm having the time of my life."

"But we've only been here for about half an hour," Jake said confused.

"But I'm with you Jake, not some fake who's only trying to get lucky tonight," she pointed out, "and I know you aren't going to try anything so I don't have to worry about that."

Jake didn't say anything else and held her closer as she rest her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She wasn't lying, she was having a good time and without the threat of an attack or of a boy trying to get laid she was just happy that she could enjoy herself, and her companion was bad either. Sure she gave him a hard time and she always ignored or rejected his advances but she did like him, and now that she had gotten to know him better since they were now part of a team, she could easily say she would enjoy dating him.

Noah smirked as he watched his friends dance and enjoy the night. True he didn't have a date but that didn't bother him, he was happy that his friends were happy and at the moment that's all that mattered to him. Turning his attention back to the sound board, he was about to go to the next song when he felt someone tap on his shoulder and turned to see who it was. The girl standing there, someone he did really recognize, was wearing a simple blue dress that complemented her eyes and made them seem darker and her brown hair flowed down to just below her shoulders.

"Hi, you're Noah right?" she asked with a smile.

"Uh yeah what song to you want to play?" Noah asked pulling out a playlist, "I have some Nickelback, AC/DC, someā€¦"

"Actually, I was wondering when you were going to take a break," she said biting her lower lip, "I would really like to dance with you."

Noah stood there, slack jawed, as he looked at the girl in front of him before giving his head a quick shake and smiled at her.

"Sure, the next guy takes over in two songs," the blue ranger said.

"Great! I'll be waiting," she said as she turned around, "oh and by the way my name is Hailey."

Watching her as she walked away, Noah smiled and turned his attention back to the laptop in front of him as he quickly worked up a playlist for the next guy. A small smile on his face, as he looked back at Hailey and waved back as she waved at him.

'Okay maybe tonight won't be so boring.'